Mars & Venus: Of Diseases of the Soul; Curable vs. Incurable, Homosexuality, Bisexuality, Gender [According to Egyptian Ptolemy]

last updated: 26/May/2021

Ptolemy & Regiomontanus seated with an armillary sphere and the heavens above them

Note: For references, I utilized the version of the cosmopolitan Tetrabiblos from the anthologist Ptolemy’s four books of the influence of the stars [or the Quadripartite Mathematical Treatise] translated from the Greek paraphrase of Proclus by j. m. Ashmand – more specifically I will refer this article to the Book III; chapter 14, pages 93-95 [London, Davis and Dickson; 1822].


The Chapter 14. Of Diseases of the Soul [Book III], seems to be a continuation rather than a new chapter, but is a new chapter as he proposes and is the last chapter of book III. But you will notice he simple continue the subject of “soul”. In here, he will also go polemic and prejudice and talk about sexuality, gender and moral through the conditions of Mars and Venus compared that to the Sun and Moon. The values of his times were others, so he did quite a list [through a whole text] that encompasses femininity in men and lesbianism saying those are some sort of “diseases of a soul” or of “morbid” desires. I suggest the reader not to take it personal and not get offended, but learn that through planets we can also observe one’s impulses towards sex and gender, you could also simple ignore the term “diseases” as the author puts it. The polymath also talks about curable to incurable diseases according to Mercury and the Moon in a natal chart. I guess many people are now unrepentant and curious, while others become complete skeptical about this.

I created various tables in order for the reader to filter the information which in a text so you would’ve had to highlight or something. All the bracelets are mine observations and adding info which otherwise would be harder to read/grasp in contemporary times [whatever that may be].


Of Diseases of the Soul

Ptolemy opens chapter 14 of diseases of the soul by writing about [again] Mercury and the Moon agnate to each and how that may affect the character [soul] as diseases:

“Since the account of the principal diseases of the soul, in a sense, follows upon that of the soul’s characteristics [seen in chapter 13], it is in general needful to note and observe the positions of Mercury and the Moon relative to each other, to the angles, and to the planets whose nature it is to do injury; for if, while they themselves are unrelated to each other, or to the eastern horizon [Asc], they are overcome, or surrounded, or held in opposition by unfamiliar stars [I am in doubt if he means a special fixed star or a malefic planet] in injurious [opposition/square] aspect, they cause the incidence of various diseases which affect the soul’s character. Their interpretation again is to be calculated from the previously described qualities of the planets which are familiar to the places in the sky.”

I created the list (below) as I’d go along with his sometimes enigmatic texts, even when practical enough, I tried to resume the shortest I could:

Order of Investigation (Research)

Primarily Observe What Happens on…


Mercury + Moon in Aspect to Each?

Yes? – [May] Not overcome

No? – Shall overcome


Mercury + Moon in Aspect to the Asc?

Yes? – [May] Not overcome

No? – Shall overcome


Mercury + Moon in Aspect to Malefics?

Mercury + Moon Conjunct/Opposite a Fixed Star?

The Egyptian Ptolemy then continues to write in Greek:

“Indeed, most of the more moderate diseases have, in a way, already been distinguished in what has been said about the character of the soul [again, in the last Chapter (III) we studied], and their increase can be discerned from the excess of injurious influences; for one might now with propriety call “diseases” those extremes of character which either fall short of or exceed the mean. Those affections, however, which are utterly disproportionate and as it were pathological, which relate to the whole nature, and which concern both the intelligent part [Mercury] of the soul and its passive [Moon] part, are, in brief, to be discerned as follows.”

Read the list below as he “discerns”:


…In most cases those are epileptic in whose genitures the Moon and Mercury are, as we said above, unrelated to each other [ex. Let the Moon be in Aries and Mercury in Virgo] or to the eastern horizon [Aversion: the 2nd; 6th; 8th; 12th places], while Saturn by day or Mars by night is angular and in the aspect previously described

Violently Insane

1. …They are violently insane when, again under the same conditions, Saturn by night and Mars by day rules the position, particularly in Cancer, Virgo, or Pisces.


2. …They are afflicted by demons and have water on the brain [? – perhaps he meant madness] when the maleficent planets are in this position and control the Moon in phase, Saturn when she is at conjunction, Mars when she is full, and particularly in Sagittarius and Pisces


…When the maleficent planets are by themselves and rule the configuration in the manner stated, the diseases of the rational part [Mercury] of the soul which we have mentioned as being caused by them are, to be sure, incurable, but latent and obscure


…But if the beneficent planets Jupiter and Venus have some familiarity to them when they are themselves in the western parts [Mars or/and Saturn in the 7th] and the beneficent planets are angular in the east [Asc], they make the diseases curable, but noticeable; if it be Jupiter, curable by medical treatments, a diet, or drugs [medicine]; if Venus, by oracles and the aid of the gods

1. Incurable


2. Epilepsy


3. Madness;



4. Demonic [?]

1. …When the maleficent planets themselves are angular in the east and the beneficent planets are setting [the contrary of the above description on the benefic planets and curable diseases], the diseases which they cause are both incurable, the subject of talk, and conspicuous;


2. …in epilepsy they involve the victims in continuous attacks, notoriety, and deadly peril;


3. …in madness and seizures, they cause instability, alienation of friends, tearing off clothes, abusive language, and the like;


4. …in demonic seizures, or water on the brain, possession, confession, torments, and similar manifestations

Madness, Epilepsy and Seizures [again]

…In detail, of the places that possess the configuration, those of the Sun and Mars aid in causing madness, those of Jupiter and Mercury, epilepsy; those of Venus, divine possession and public confession; and those of Saturn and the Moon, gatherings of water and demonic seizures

From now on to the end of the Book III Ptolemy goes Freud (sexual) and deep into the astrology of Mars and Venus and its many facets, read it:

“The morbid perversion of the active part of the soul in its general nature, therefore, is produced in some such forms as these and is produced by these configurations of the planets. The corresponding perversion of the passive portion, as in the former instance viewed in its extreme cases, is most apparent in excesses and deficiencies in matters of sex, male and female, as compared with what is natural [he means “straight”], and in inquiry is apprehended in the same fashion as before, though the Sun is taken, together with the Moon, instead of Mercury, and the relation to them of Mars, together with Venus, is observed.”

Ptolemy tells us now to switch from Mercury to the Sun & Moon in relation to both Mars & Venus and vice versa. Forget Mercury for an instant now, but remember the order of investigation utilizing these planets as if they “were” Mercury instead. The scientist from at this moment begins to differentiate the positions of these planets in detail by masculine and feminine Signs of the Zodiac and when “unattended” to the other pair. The times of Ptolemy were very different from ours; they saw homosexuality as sickness or some kind of “morbid perversion”. Taking the prejudice and the criminal & hypocritical moral standards of his period aside, by this table alone, one could identify people that would have exclusively homosexual experiences to bisexuality intimacy; if those would be secret or outspoken, and even the bottom in sexual act [men “acting” as women in his understanding]. Here Ptolemy goes all moral behind animosity especially when he says “unnatural”. The word seems rather an affront to LGBTQA people, the investigation is based on “unrelated” conditions of Venus and Mars, which means they don’t share things the majority of people do, because indeed we are a minority. Now, when you live during his time, I imagine with all the monotheism propaganda to ascend such trend in people including astrologers of his time and their astrology.

Read the table below:

1. Natural Men


2. Masculinezed Women

1. …For when these thus fall under observation, if the luminaries [Sun  & Moon] are unattended [not related to neither Mars nor Venus] in masculine signs, males exceed in the natural, 


2. …and females exceed in the unnatural quality, so as merely to increase the virility and activity of the soul

1. Sex Addicted Men


2. Lesbianism


3. Wive of Women

1. …But if likewise Mars or Venus as well, either one or both of them, is made masculine, the males become addicted to natural sexual intercourse [he meant “straight”], and are adulterous, insatiate, and ready on every occasion for base and lawless acts of sexual passion


2. …while the females are lustful for unnatural congresses, east inviting glances of the eye, and are what we call tribades; for they deal with females and perform the functions of males [lesbianism and top]. If Venus alone is constituted in a masculine manner, they do these things secretly and not openly


3. …But if Mars likewise is so constituted, without reserve, so that sometimes they even designate the women with whom they are on such terms as their lawful “wives

1. Natural Women;

Effeminated Men


2. Lust; 

Sex Addicted Women


3. Bottom Men


4. Bisexuality; Masochism (?)


5. Virile [strong sex desire] & Notorious;

Soft Men [again]


6. Irresponsible


7. Good Manners


8. Versatility



1. …But on the other hand, when the luminaries in the aforesaid configuration are unattended [not related to neither Mars nor Venus] in feminine signs, the females exceed in the natural, and the males in unnatural practice [homosexuality] with the result that their souls become soft and effeminate


2. …If Venus too is made feminine, the women become depraved, adulterous, and lustful, with the result that they may be dealt with in the natural manner on any occasion and by any one soever, and so that they refuse absolutely no sexual act, though it be base or unlawful


3. … The men, on the contrary, become effeminate and unsound with respect to unnatural congresses and the functions of women, and are dealt with as pathics [bottom in sex act], though privately and secretly


4. …But if Mars also is constituted in a feminine manner, their shamelessness is outright and frank and they perform the aforesaid acts of either kind [bisexual?], assuming the guise of common bawds who submit to general abuse [Masochism] and to every baseness until they are stamped with the reproach and insult that attend such usages


5. …And the rising and morning positions of both Mars and Venus have a contributory effect, to make them more virile and notorious, while setting and evening positions increase femininity and sedateness


6.Similarly, if Saturn is present, his influence joins with each of the foregoing to produce more licentiousness, impurity, and disgrace


7. …while Jupiter aids in the direction of greater decorum, restraint, and modesty


8. …and Mercury tends to increase notoriety, instability of the emotions, versatility and foresight


Astrology is a forever state of inverstigation, one of the reason many become doubtful about the subject. Although is has a fixed model and that is our Solar System [which science deciphers litlle by litlle], with such loopy “program” one may feel “stuck” inside a sealed space in circles, is also verstile giving space to free will. But when that is suppose to happen when astrology can be quite deterministic? Philosophy is then needed, like in everything we do, the choices we make, in law, in medicine, even in architecture [what is considered harmonious and pleasing in patterns / geometry] which can be quite a solid kind of higher study. Astrology is no different.

The concerns of his times are the same as ours, but as society we chance, we go foward or retrogade depending on the “conditions outside”. May we learn, may fail again, may we move foward once more by experience, maturity and knowladge, that is life dear ones. To put words such as “diseases of the soul” together with gay men and lesbianism [etc.] is a retrograde vision of sexuality and gender. Nevertheless, taking lessons from is important. 


Tetrabiblos Ptolemy’s four books of the influence of the stars [or the Quadripartite Mathematical Treatise] translated from the Greek paraphrase of Proclus by j. m. Ashmand – [London, Davis and Dickson; 1822]