Zodiac Signs: Of Commanding and Obeying; Of Beholding & of Equal Power [According to Egyptian Ptolemy]

last updated:19/Nov/2021


These two chapters “Of Commanding and Obeying Signs” & “Of Commanding and Obeying Signs”, Ptolemy teaches us about the agreement of the Zodiac signs which are not aspect related, but harmoniously (that doesn’t mean the signs are harmonious) degree-to-degree approach comparing times’ ascension and parallels as well as the pairs of zodiac sharing the same hour of Day Light. 

The Egyptian author also divided the wheel by the 4 cardinal Zodiac signs, and because of that there is some sort of “harmony” among the degree-to-degree Grand Fixed Square [Taurus-Scorpio/Leo-Aquarius], and some pairs of signs in Aversion.

Read the Abü Ma’shar version here.


(14) Of Commanding and Obeying Signs

The division of the Commanding and those signs which Obey each other begins from the partition of the equinoctial Zodiac signs of Aries-Libra. 

This especific division is uniform and does not form an aliquot distance among the Zodiac signs like a classic Aspect would.

This is a degree-to-degree approach, like the beginning [0°] of Aries is the same Ascension [eastern] of the last degree [30°] of Pisces, or, the first degree of Aries has the same Ascension as the 29th degree of Pisces and so forth. 

In Ptolemy’s logic then, Aries commands and Pisces obeys, and vice-versa like a music beat. In such classification (although Ptolemy won’t point out), the Grand Fixed [Solid] Square [signs of different sexes] becomes then less harmful . Read it:


Commanding & Obeying (and vice-versa)





(far away) Aversion


(far away) Aversion






Hemisphere’s  Classification


1*From Cancer to Sagittarius 

they Command (western halve)


2*From Capricorn to Gemini 

(eastern halve) they Obey


1*Signs of Long Ascension

2*Signs of Short Ascension


*In the Northen Hemisphere

“Similarly the names ” commanding” and” obeying ” are applied to the divisions of the zodiac which are disposed at an equal distance from the same equinoctial sign, whichever it may be, because they ascend in equal period  of time and are on equal parallels. Of these the ones in the summer hemisphere are called ” commanding ” and those in the winter hemisphere ” obedient,” because the Sun makes the day longer than the night when he is in the summer hemisphere [Signs of Long Ascension], and shorter [Signs of Short Ascension], in the winter.”


(15) Of Signs which Behold each other and Signs of Equal Power

Ptolemy continues to the next chapter (15) talking about the signs beholding each other and those degrees’ pairs of equal power, or, those which agree with the same hours of sun light as well as the lack of it [night]. That is, 0° degree Aries beholds and is equal is power of the 30° degrees of Virgo, both degrees equal the same duration and/or lack of day light as well as they ascend and descend in the same region of the skies:


Beholding Each/Equal in Power





(far away) Aversion


(far away)Aversion






“Again they say that the parts which are equally removed from the same tropical sign, whichever it may be, are of equal power, because when the Sun comes into either of them the days are equal to the days, the nights to the nights, and the lengths of their own hours are the same. These also are said to “behold” One another both for the reasons stated and because each of the pair rises from the same part of the horizon and sets in the same part.”

Important Note: Proclus reminds that Whalley has/had a lenghty discussion on these two chapter and the fact that one should consider the planet’s latitude in order to assert their true parallels.



Observe that as a result, degrees are themselves mitigated but not the entirely sign to sign, although it can’t escape from that exclusive pair. Aries can mitigate its Aversion to the Virgo-Pisces Opposition, Taurus to the Square of Leo-Aquarius axis, Gemini to the Cancer-Capricorn Axis and so forth. And again, as noted before, the Grand Fixed Square is incredible alleviated in both agreements of the Zodiac’s signs. 

All signs are in Aversion to 4 signs in the Zodiac, and the Fixed Square is an Hard Aspect, but:

Aries is Aversion to 4 signs, but Command/Obey Pisces and is Equal in Power with Virgo


Taurus is Square to 2 signs, but Command/Obey Aquarius and is Equal in Power with Leo


Gemini is Aversion to 4 signs, but Command/Obey Capricorn and is Equal in Power with Cancer


Cancer is Aversion to 4 signs, but Command/Obey Sagittarius and is Equal in Power with Gemini


Leo is Square to 2 signs, but Command/Obey Scorpio and is Equal in Power with Taurus


Virgo is Aversion to 4 signs, but Command/Obey Libra and is Equal in Power with Aries


Libra is Aversion to 4 signs, but Command/Obey Virgo and is Equal in Power with Pisces


Scorpio is Square to 2 signs, but Command/Obey Leo and is Equal in Power with Aquarius


Sagittarius is Aversion to 4 signs, but Command/Obey Cancer and is Equal in Power with Capricorn


Capricorn is Aversion to 4 signs, but Command/Obey Gemini and is Equal in Power with Sagittarius


Aquarius is Square to 2 signs, but Command/Obey Taurus and is Equal in Power with Scorpio


Pisces is Aversion to 4 signs, but Command/Obey Aries and is Equal in Power with Libra

Altough Aries may be equal in Power to Virgo, the have nothing to do with each other in the wheel, yet of there something they may simple agree with such and thats it, they move on, alike all others Aversions etc. But the Grand Fixed Square becomes “special”.

Note: Worth to remember that in the Southern Hemisphere of planet Earth, humans witness and experience the opposite seasons; Cancer will become the first sign of short Ascension [winter], in such hemisphere, while in the north, it will be the first of sign of summer. For that reason, the signs that command are also the signs that obey those which they command and vice-versa.



Go back to Ptolemy’s Way and read the references