Of Males and Females [According to Egyptian Ptolemy]

last updated: 12/Dec/2021

Of Males and Females

Modern society of astrologer would say it is impossible to determine the sex or the genre of a person. Ancient astrologers knew better and weren’t hypocrites. If you can determine through the Ecliptic the regions which climes accords with the Zodiac Signs, you can as well predict one’s genre in the root.

Boy/Men or Girl/Women? – After finishing with the Brethrens overall conditions and configurations, Ptolemy now discusses the subjects of Post-Natal matters: “… the next step would be to begin the discussion of matters directly concerned with the birth, and first to treat of the reckoning of males and females.” – I realized this part is could also concern about transsexual people, because the result could not be right away physical, but psychological, when later in life one may decide to change outside what one feels inside. For example, one may find that the result is all feminine, when the native has a penis that blocks all this creative sexual and vaginal energy, then one day such native may take hormones to change such masculine physical traits etc.

The Sex/Genre of the Native


Male or Female? Trans?



Ascendant (Asc)

+ Planets + Stars Configured with/to Them


Conception and/or;



Sun/Moon & Asc and where to Start: “… This is determined by no simple theory based upon some one thing, but it depends upon the two luminaries, the horoscope [Asc], and the stars which bear some relation to them, particularly by their disposition at the time of conception [exact time when semen is shot into the egg], but more generally also by that at the time of the birth [exact time baby is being born and cries].”

Asc – Sun- Moon- Planets Involved


Mostly Male?


Mostly Female?


In Relation to the Universe


Mostly in the East Halve?


Mostly in the West Halve?


In Relation to the Sun


Rise in the Morning with the Sun’s Side?


Rise in the Evening Opposite the Sun’s Side?


 “… The whole situation must be observed, whether the aforesaid three places [Sun/Moon/Asc] and the planets which rule them are either all or the most of them masculine, to produce males, or feminine, to produce females, and to produce females, and on this basis the decision must be made: We must however distinguish the male and the female planets in the way set forth by us in the tabular series in the beginning of this compilation [Book I, Chapter 6], from the nature of the signs in which they are, and from the nature of the planets themselves [again?], and furthermore from their position with reference to the universe, since they become masculine when they are in the east [also if rising] and feminine in the west [also if setting]; and besides, from their relation to the Sun, for again when they rise in the morning they are made masculine, and feminine when they rise in the evening. By means of all these criteria one must conjecture what planet exercises preponderating control over the sex.”



Tetrabiblos Ptolemy’s four books of the influence of the stars [or the Quadripartite Mathematical Treatise] translated from the Greek paraphrase of Proclus by j. m. Ashmand – [London, Davis and Dickson; 1822]

Ptolemy. Tetrabiblos. Translated by F. E. Robbins. Loeb Classical Library 435. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1940.

Porphyry The Philosopher – Introduction To The Tetrabiblos & Serapio Of Alexandria; Astrological Definitions (Translated from the Greek by ] James Herschel Holden, M.A.)