That it is also Beneficial [According to Egyptian Ptolemy]

last updated: 24/Oct/2021


These 3 first chapters of Book I – seem to be addressed to the students and professionals of the art to learn how to rapidly defend themselves whenever astrology is attacked for silly and ignorant arguments from skepticism, sometimes even to/from themselves. Although this is someway true, I feel that no matter the field that a human can master, we should always remain critical and judges of what lies in front of us, be it from an specialized position to an amateur that is just beginning. 

Ptolemy beings the Chapter III adressing to the usefulness of Trigonometry + Philosophy, which ends up being Astrology, and how that can be disengaged because the astronomy points the same thing for all people at once, but people forget that when philosophy is applied, it “changes” to something else. I hope you understand this statement in the text below and my view on the subject. There’s a part in the text where he also talks about that what is material from that what is “spiritual” very very briefly. This is about the usefulnes of prognostications through astronomical observation & techinical data. Under certain “adaptation”, astronomy and the trigonometry of the skies can forecast how the enviorment of the nativities will be like, beginnig from one’s own birth.

– All bracelets attached to the quotes are mine observations and info which otherwise would be harder to read/grasp in contemporary times.


III. That it is also Beneficial [According to Egyptian Ptolemy]

Until the Limit: This theme is talked a lot in Book II of Tetrabiblos: “In somewhat summary fashion it has been shown [Introduction and Chapter I & II of Book I] how prognostication [prediction] by astronomical means is possible, and that it can go no further than what happens in the ambient and the consequences to man from such causes.

Topics & Gifts Of Nature: …– that is, it concerns the original endowments of faculties and activities of soul and body [which Ptolemy explains more on Chapter 12 an 13 addressing more specifically to the Moon and Mercury; Book III], their occasional diseases [Chapter 15; Book III], their endurance for a long [and chronic] or a short time, and, besides, all external circumstances that have a directive and natural connection with the original gifts of nature, such as property [4th place] and marriage [7th place] in the case of the body [1st place] and honour [10th place] and dignities in that of the soul [more specifically, Mercury], and finally what befalls [materialize/crystallize] them from time to time.” [in this paragraph Ptolemy actually separated the things that happens to one’s body to what occurs to the native’s “soul”]

Usefulness: …The remaining part of our project would be to inquire briefly as to its usefulness; first distinguishing how and with what end in view we shall take the meaning of the word usefulness.

3D View: …For if we look to the goods of the soul [Mercury], what could be more conducive to well being [Sun], pleasure [Venus], and in general satisfaction [Mars] than this kind of forecast, by which we gain full [“3D”] view of things human and divine?

I have a sense that Ptolemy simple just described the process of all the houses of the Zodiac, but not with the Signs’ order, but their modalities and power in the wheel; thus far he talked about the native’s actions and intentions, properties of the 4th place, marriage of the 7th house and honor of the 10th place; then he went further to the materialization of things [succedent places], and finally the houses withdrawing from the Helm, the signs of human culture and knowledge [mutable] – while explaining in an astrological format how much astrology can be beneficial in all others areas of live, because it does corresponds to everything down to us, known or unknown.

The Joy of Observing Ahead of Time: …And if we look to bodily goods, such knowledge, better than anything else, would perceive what is fitting [correspondent] and expedient [judicious] for the capabilities of each temperament.

Material or Spiritual/Beyond? I think Ptolemy worried about Astrology being discredited because, how come 2 charts shows promises of financial success but one keeps being poor? The “success” may be applying to others specifics of that particular area of the radix and not an actual materialization, but perhaps something more “spiritual”, mindful, character & moral etc. Read it: “…But if it does not aid in the acquisition of riches, fame, and the like, we shall be able to say the same of all philosophy, for it does not provide any of these things as far as its own powers are concerned. We should not, however, for that reason be justified in condemning either philosophy or this art, disregarding its greater advantages.” [astrology is one of the studies that can be applied to a variety of subjects in the human field/knowladge, and it is not because of it that one should deny its genuinity]

Not a Superfluous System: “To a general examination it would appear that those who find fault with the uselessness of prognostication have no regard for the most important matters, but only for this – that foreknowledge of events that will happen in any case is superfluous; this, too, quite unreservedly and without due discrimination [judgment]. [many who attacks astrology think things/events are inevitable and thus forecasting is unecessary and dubious/coinscidence – however, astrology does not base itself in a superflous system and thus forecasting weather is as much necessary as doing prognostications for nativities that know better]

1st – The Future is Fearful or/& Joyful: …For, in the first place. we should consider that even with events that will necessarily take place their unexpectedness is very apt to cause excessive panic and delirious joy

Prepare Ahead of Time & Tranquility of the Future: …while foreknowledge accustoms and calms the soul by experience of distant events as though they were present, and prepares it to greet with calms and steadiness whatever comes [also because astrology  shows what can be done instead].

2nd – A System for All: …A second reason is that we should not believe that separate events attend mankind as the result of the heavenly cause as if they had been originally ordained for each person by some irrevocable divine command and destined – to take place by necessity without the possibility of any other cause whatever interfering [individual needs clahses with collective – in this part of the text, I think Ptolemy also meant he won’t buy people having “special” destinies ought to be fullfiled as part of individual growth, bur instead you will have your destiny molded by Mundane circunstances?]. Rather is it true that the movement of the heavenly bodies, to be sure is eternally performed in accordance with divine [spiritual?]Unchangeable destiny, [according to Ptolemy, the “divine agent” is then unchangeable and unique as opposed to a human’s destiny may vary] while the change of earthly things is subject to a natural and mutable [due to variety] rate, and in drawing its first causes from above it is governed by chance and natural sequence

The Mundane that Affects all Private Life: …Moreover, some things happen to mankind through more general circumstances and not as the result of an individual’s own natural propensities – for example, when men perish in multitudes by conflagration or pestilence or cataclysms, through monstrous and inescapable changes in the ambient, for the lesser cause always yields to the greater and stronger;[although the operation of the planets reach out for our individuals and particular lives, we are ought to participate on the Mundane matters as priority – our lives are like “minutes” and “weaker” before the great longevity and power of the universe itself – we can think of the dinosaurs, which had life extinct due to a Mundane impact on Earth, and therefore no longer living creatures and no longer partaking on celestial events as we are at this period in time]

Yet A Compatible System: …other occurrences, however, accord with the individual’s own natural temperament through miner and fortuitous antipathies of the ambient. For if these distinctions are thus made, it is dear that both in general and in particular whatever events depend upon a first cause, which is irresistible and more powerful than anything that opposes it, must by all means take place; [I think Ptolemy believed things only happen by “divine” intervention, or that something must be fullfiled because a greater agency wants this or that way, appearing to me such “agent” actually determines according to the native’s choices in life? – I would perhaps say, things happen because of a great cosmic intelligency acting as agents and astrology allows us to acutally study such agents and their destilled intentions, but not a religious “divine” as something supernatural, but the nature itself speaking its own language and all its aspects throughout the cosmos] 

A System of Advert & Deletation: …on the contrary, of events that are not of this character, those which are provided with resistant forces are easily averted [deleted; in this case], while those that are not follow the primary natural causes, to be sure, but this is due to ignorance and not to the necessity of almighty power. One might observe this same thing happening in all events whatsoever that have natural causes. For even of stones, plants, and animals, and also of wounds, mishaps, and sicknesses, some are of such a nature as to act of necessity, others only if no opposing thing interferes. [I think there is something intersting here, and from what I understood in this: Ptolemy seems to envison in/an “agent(s)” of change that is/are responsible for the Mundane “decisions” lets put it, but if someone tries to overcome such configurations with an opposite action from the genetlhiacal part, such action shall be eliminated, but if such action is according to some other “higher power” intentions, he/she may actually prevent from further extremes of nature – but, again, an “agent” must be in accord for such “prevention” to happen, otherwise, such man-made action shall be put into rest – for example, suppose you will wound in the near future, and this wound is suppose to happen by an “agent” of intervention, indicated by the timming of the solar system, and when it happens, you will try your best to stop the bleeding, the cleanse of the infected part, etc. all in order to assist, to prevent, etc. – but if it is in your chart, that such wound will grow and be more infected? What else could a human do but to participate the experience? – Since we are humans and we can’t change/dictate the immediate reality only with our mind & will , we put ourselves in the “shoes” of such “agents” and say we have intentions, which later become actions; these “agents” however, can/could change what happen to such minature creatures we are in an instant, turning the future of nativities destiny-less to a certain degree I suppose, and thus, a pre-determined system]

A Pre-Determined Astrology: …One should therefore believe that physical philosophers predict what is to befall men with foreknowledge of this character and do not approach their task under false impressions; for certain things, because their effective causes are numerous and powerful, are inevitable, but others for the opposite reason may be averted.” [greater power can’t be resisted or opposed, unless another “agent” may agree with man-made action; read more below:]

A System of Prevention but Still Mortal: “Similarly those physicians who can recognize ailments know beforehand those which are always fatal and those which admit of aid [and further cure if possible]. In the case of events that may be modified [shape with our will] we must give heed to the astrologer, when, for example, he says that to such and such a temperament, with such and such a character of the ambient, if the fundamental proportions increase or decrease, such and such an affection will result [basic of prediction]. Similarly we must believe the physician, when he says that this sore will spread or cause putrefaction, and the miner, for instance, that the lodestone attracts iron: just as each of these, if left to itself through ignorance of the opposing forces, will inevitably develop as its original nature compels, but neither will the sore cause spreading or putrefaction if it receives preventive treatment [the sore has been caused, but further problems with it can be avoided], nor will the lodestone attract the iron if it is rubbed with garlic [and thus prevented/avoided]and these very deterrent measures also have their resisting power naturally and by fate; so also in the other cases, if future happenings to men are not known, or if they are known and the remedies are not applied, they will by all means follow the course of primary nature [without the intervention of human]; but if they are recognized ahead of time and remedies are provided, again quite in accord with nature and fate, they either do not occur at all or are rendered less severe [suffering and pain minimized].

A doctor could tell if a certain desease is deadly or curable, or simple minimized but not entirely extinct, the same would happen to a studius mind reading someone’s radix. The original translation tells like this: “It is in this manner that experienced physicians, accustomed to the observation of diseases, foresee that some will be inevitably mortal, and that others are susceptible of Cure.” [page 15 of original translation by j. m. Ashman & paraphrase of Proclus]

As I could understand, Ptolemy really thought/saw the system as Pre-Determined but still conditioned to “divine” intervention? If one is aware of, such as “wound” or even a tragic event could be stopped from contamination and thus getting infected etc. its more about preventional astrology. However, I think there is a problem with pre-determined side of Astrology, where human actions’ can shape the final word, or, the result despite the chart says otherwise. But sometimes I wonder… was that a lack of a particular technique, which could point exactly this, that the native would find help to help minimize the cause? Therefore, isn’t is still determined in a temporal line that has many alternatives to choose? Hard to tell. I think we can’t/won’t ever be sure of that – if not by speculation. 

Moderation as Goal: …And in general, since such power is the same whether applied to things regarded universally [collectively] or particularly [individually], One would wonder why all believe in the efficacy of prediction in universal matters, and in its usefulness for guarding one’s interests (for most people admit that they have foreknowledge of the seasons, of the significance of the constellations, and of the phases of the Moon, and take great forethought for safeguarding themselves [using astrology as a map and forecasting tool, resulting some sort of a manual/guide], always contriving cooling agents against summer and the means of warmth against winter [so one can moderate/balance], and in general preparing their own natures with moderation [pleasant] as a goal [experience]; [for example, you will want to cool down the temperature of general food & drinks etc. during the summer, or light up a fire in the winter]

Inceptional Astrology: …furthermore, to ensure the safety of the seasons and of their sailings they watch the significance of the fixed stars [for dangerous, moderate or great weather], and, for the beginning of breeding and sowing, the aspects of the Moon’s light at its full, and no one ever condemns such practices either as impossible or useless);

Precautions Shall be Taken: …but, on the other hand, as regards particular matters and those depending upon the mixture of the other qualities – such as predictions of more or less, of cold or of heat, and of the individual temperament – some people believe neither that foreknowledge is still possible nor that precautions can be taken in most instances. And yet, since it is obvious that, if we happen to have cooled ourselves against heat in general, we shall suffer less from it, similar measures can prove effective against particular forces which increase this particular temperament to a disproportionate amount of heat. For the cause of this error is the difficulty and unfamiliarity of particular prognostication, a reason which in most other situations as well brings about disbelief [& discredit]

Could Events be Avoided? And since for the most part the resisting faculty is not coupled with the prognostic, because so perfect a disposition is rare, and since the force of nature takes its course without hindrance when the primary natures are concerned, an opinion has been produced that absolutely all future events are inevitable and unescapable

Astrology Spoils of Quality of Events Ahead: …But, I think, just as with prognostication, even if it be not entirely infallible, at least its possibilities have appeared worthy of the highest regard, so too in the case of defensive practice [astrology not only foretells but it can actually be practical, and thus a real phenomenon], even though it does not furnish a remedy for everything. its authority in some instances at least, however few or unimportant, should be welcomed and prized. And regarded as profitable in no ordinary sense [thus, astrology is very valuable for those who truly recognized it].

The Egyptians; Pre-Determinism, Medicine & Astrology: “Recognizing, apparently, that these things are so, those who have most advanced this faculty of the art, the Egyptians, have entirely united medicine with astronomical prediction. For they would never have devised certain means of averting or warding off or remedying the universal and particular conditions that come or are present by reason of the ambient, if they had had any idea that the future cannot be moved and changed. [which means Ptolemy and the Egyptians believed the future can be averted (with medicine, protection and preservatives etc.), but again, with some opposite disposition happening at the same time, be it genetlhiacal or from the radix itself]

Medical Astrology, Medicine, Cure & Prevention: …But as it is, they place the faculty of resisting by orderly natural means in second rank to the decrees of fate, and have yoked to the possibility of prognostication its useful and beneficial faculty, through what they call their iatromathematical systems [medical mathematics/astrology], in order that by means of astronomy they may succeed in learning the qualities of the underlying temperatures, the events that will occur in the future because of the ambient, and their special causes [operation], on the ground that without this knowledge any measures of aid ought for the most part to fail, because the same Ones are not fitted for all bodies or diseases; and, on the other band, by means of medicine, through their knowledge of what is properly sympathetic or antipathetic in each case, they proceed, as far as possible, to take precautionary measures against impending illness and to prescribe infallible treatment for existing disease.”

Well, now we are completely sure Ptolemy didn’t see astrology as fully deterministic, but a system that can sometimes be dodged, especially when knowing beforehand the temperament of such. But as I said, an astrological technique could simple indicate exactly this, the native preventing (more) damage by utilizing or consulting astrology. Yet, when the native is to have cancer or another diseases, or marriage once or twice, and have 3 kids – I think those then are mainly determined, but never knows… it is written and some things simple cannot be changed, like the absolute death – but then we think, can we acutally escape or deceive death? It is interesting nevertheless the Ptolemy’s attempt among with the Egyptians to reach to the conclusion that destiny can be molded. I think we perhaps have many multiple and alternative endings, which will depend most part of what you do with what is pre-determined right in front of you and the choices you make from there. I even think some thoughts and ideas come to our mind in the right time, which was then, determined for a reason, which you can’t escape.

What’s Ahead in Book I: “Let this be, to this point, our summarily stated preliminary sketch. We shall now conduct our discussion after the manuel of an introduction, beginning with the character of each of the heavenly bodies with respect to its active power, in agreement with the physical observations attached to them by the ancients, and in the first place the powers of the planets, Sun, and Moon.”

Ptolemy then begins the Book I with the doctrine of the planets, then the fixed stars, the Zodiac Signs, the aspects, the domiciles, trinities, others divisions such as terms, of powers and finnaly the aplication and separation of aspects and conjunctions.



I still think that astrology is primordially deterministic and fatalistic – but with “options”. Once we are determined alive/born, the only thing sure in life is actually death. It is already decided, rather you want it or not. I think those are quite determined before you were born. And those are things mainly displayed in the Primary Directions of the radix. As we go along, living and experiencing life as it is, astrology then is pre-determined, which is what Ptolemy talks so much, about prevention and protection against excess of this and that, which are more of a secondary nature. Then comes the transits, which are exactly this, transits! Pointing out the things and people we daily dance and sing along in the learning curve of the ecliptic, while experiencing accordingly to our radix, those which we can both interact or ignore, participate or individually take, etc. But because the transits are the future of our charts in motion, they also relate to the our fixed radix, setting up things and people before a primary change occurs by Mundane matters. However, that’s my view on Astrology Operation, what about yours?


Go back to Ptolemy’s Way and read the references