
Libra Ingress 2022; UK

Libra Ingress 2022; UK

Since the Aries Ingress 2022 had mutable Virgo rising, it is thus necessary to verify and investigate the Libra Ingress 2022 as well.

Leo rising indicates UK had made up their mind surrounding the theme of peace, Venus is term ruler of the Ascendant. Yet, generally and again, not a good year from the UK clime’s perspective. Sun makes an opposition to the great benefic of the planets and won’t see Venus by aspect, it conjunct Mercury which lord is also Venus where in the chart she is at fall.

Umbral Eclipse

Partial Lunar Eclipse

At – Clime

01h03m31’ – London; UK


September 23rd; 2022


[click to enlarge]


Almudebit of the Chart: Leo rises in this chart when the Sun Ingresses into Libra. The Sun is ruler of the chart but Jupiter is the Victorious because of its greater accidental dignity, if not, then Saturn. I will have to pick Saturn as victorious of this chart because of its angularity and powerful domicile.

A Continuation but more Powerful: Jupiter is retrograde, thus opposite the Sun. In this chart this is almost exact with a tide orb of 4 degrees. This is very important. In the Cancer Ingress 2022 Jupiter and the Sun will be in an exact 0 degree Square. It’s a continuation which will escalate quickly and end up abruptly. The thing is that with the Square it leaves room for a continuation, but not for an opposition, it is or it isn’t.

Jupiter in Aries: However, this Sun-Jupiter opposition seems to moderate things, as Libra needs the Aries to complete its lack of fire in its cardinality. However, it is still an opposition, which leaves us room to discuss and fight for justice. With the Sun in Libra, it gives Jupiter in impulsive Aries something to ponder before its whole journey though Aries, because we as society will be more impulsive but this time with certain moderation instead?

My Last Experience: My last Jupiter in Aries 2010, I suddenly decided to go international and why not Mexico to visit a friend, and I did. This friend of mine has Jupiter in Aries, it was as if she had pulled me magnetically over her lol. Aries likes the front seat guys, especially if he is the one driving.

A Rebellion or Occupation? Mars conjunct Rigel: A rebellion or something alike shall happen? By Profection, if such theme happens it may slightly begin on October-November 2022 presenting itself as something good and prolific then culminating around the end of July 2023 with bloodshed?

This Mars is important, because it represents the power of UK, once Aries culminates as the Libra Ingresses occurs. Mars is trouble, is out of Sect and square peaceful Venus. The trine to Saturn suggests perhaps a “successful” mission? I think the theme surrounding peace will be evidently in danger from the dates I just told you above.