A Discussion on The 4 Quarters & The 12th Houses of the Zodiac: Basic Topical Significations, The Joys, The 24 Hours of a Day & Lords of Days and Hours – [Part II]

last updated: 10/May/2021


In Part I it was discussed the division of the wheel and its backbone followed by the massive strike that knocked Earth off-kilter in such assertive way that caused the axis to tilt, giving birth to the 4 seasons as we experience, thus in consequence was studied how Aries came to be the first sign of the Zodiac & the Sun’s ingresses into the 4 cardinal signs, followed by names of the 4 angles and the houses following up the quadrant, as well as the power level of each. By last I discussed the houses of the wheel and experimental ideas to sort the problems of house systems to some degree. Now be ready dear reader because I will gear up to the 12th.

Humans hunger for knowledge and awareness as they are, it was simply a matter of time to make distinctions among these 12 sections – I find it formidable that although many cultures had their own insight in astrology within its many branches and also had/have strong discordances on themes, they all used to agree to the majority of the basic significations; what we observe is a live intelligent organic system, is it all just a coincidence?

Right at our faces, archaic symbols are routinely roaming around the night’s sky, only attained to us to witness the phenomenon at night, where the Moon rules the nocturnal Sect and is the queen of the skies, events, animals and people’s behavior in the world seem to be less hasty but more emotional and perhaps even more unconscious [?]. The constellations could actually only be seem after the Sun had set down the west, better yet observing when it was already resting or in the dying moment in the 4th place [Ic]. The Sun nevertheless and its “hidden” powerful rays are the reason why night is possible in the first place.

Basic Houses Identification & Significations

The ancients like us, wanted to understand astrology through speaking and written so one could understand it in the human language, “only attainable” with the human & signs of culture of the Zodiac: the Air trinity [Gemini, Libra and Aquarius]. As a universal rule, sound won’t ever travel in a vacuum but through air, it is only by such mediation a sound can be achieved. Astrologers needed to identify here and there, from this to that. These places then must have “names”, some sort of a logo each, or monograms followed by a vast collection of things and people – a real dictionary inside the wheel that speaks by itself. Here is a brief list of the Zodiacal Houses and their most basic topical meaning based on our ancients’ applicable “dowsers”:



Basic Universal Collection

1st House

Ascendant – [the Native]

body, eyes, head, face, inception, intentions, interests, action, genesis, 

2nd House

House of Assets

income, money, collection, security, bank account & credit cards, resources,   

3rd House

House of Siblings

brother and sister, close cousin or aunt and uncle, introduction, women circle, neighborhood, journey, books, magazines, predicting/forecast, interpretation, 

4th House

Ic – [House of Father]

father, father figure, origins [roots], real state, water, death, rest, 

5th House

House of Children

pregnancy, child, charity, gifts, close friend, romance and dates, sex as sport, self-creativity, hair [?], heart, 

6th House

House of Illness

sickness, submission, illnesses, pets, inferior or average jobs, cleaning and hygene, 

7th House

Dsc – [House of Marriage]

partnership, legal documentation, open enemies, opposition, union or alliance, mediator, one-to-one, relational,  

8th House

House of Death

death, inheritances, debts, psychological value of money, killing, poison, grief, vengeance, sex organs, other’s people resources, well-hidden,  

9th House

House of Travel

travel, science of the stars, religion, master class, higher learning, prime insights, nirvana, long distance family, philosophy, library, prediction etc.

10th House

Mc – [House of Authority]

mother, mother figure, judge, profession, career, orientation, reputation, fame, acme or culmination, action [to direct],  the one responsible, retirement, 

11th House

House of Good Fortune

friends, good fortune & wealth, the preferred one, future,  hope & children, goals, scientist, huge bank account, 

12th House

House of Enemies

unexpected and hidden enemies, suffer & agony, trouble, thief, dream(s), fantasy, machiavellian, plot, 

As much as basic as it may seem, these simple sectional attributions are still in large discussion among investigating astrologers. Now, from there one begins to think and contemplate over the existing things in the world. “If the first house indicates the native, you can begin to surmise what would that could potentially means? What first comes to mind? The House where Mercury rejoices? I think therefore I am, isn’t it?” – Thusly, sight, the vision or the eyes seem quite an obvious basic universal signification. Aries rules the pupils of our very eyes, and many astrologers pointed out the fact some fixed stars [constellations] and nebulas would “made/make” the native blind for example or an injury of a kind as the “pouring” from the constellation of Aquarius often does, as Abú Ma’shar reminds us. If you want to go further and enter the character-reading realm, you could say the house represent’s the native’s intentions towards the immediate world, or “how the native sees the world” kind of thinking to one’s personality, or perhaps more astrological related, to the combination of the native’s most notable and unmistakable individual’s patterns: intentions, habits, traits, mannerisms, temper, complexions, addictions, tendencies, fixations, bias [due to unfairness] etc.

After the “head” of the Zodiac has been introduced to humankind, we could go on by saying that the 2nd house indicates the throat, the entranceway for food, liquid and air. The throat is connected to the oral cavity and to the lungs; astrologers then “knew” the sign of Gemini and the 3rd place of the wheel (Ma’shar points to Cancer[?]) would be great indicatives to whatever happen to such limb as well as the shoulders, arms and hands, and you can continue on and on until the 12th place, the last indicator of whatever is or happens to the feet, the “last” observable limb from head to toe – astrology indeed is somewhat an “intuitive” and quite visceral system, it literally grabs you by the guts. It seems to me a person will ever be the same like the fingerprint you have since birth, but the process of living corrupts, it grows out of and from it, but a “personality” [1st house] can be evolved from there because the Sun marks the genesis of the planets in the east, then a person’s behavior towards/in the directions the chart takes [primary or secondary motions and SR’s] after born are either suppressed or encouraged, for better or worse and sometimes median. You will have only one head for your entire life [one body obviously], but among the fascinating process of maturing and growing and enlargement [Sun rejoiced in the 9th house] of such head, one will go through scars in life [1st house], be it self-inflicted or accidental, be it physical [Mars and 1st house] or psychological [Mars and 8th house].

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Abù-Ma’shar – “The Great Introduction” translated by Benjamin N. Dykes, PhD [2020]

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