
Joss Whedon is Denounced Toxic and Abusive

Joss Whedon is Denouced as 'Toxic' and ' Abusive'

What is going on at astrological level with Joss Whedon and all the sudden eruption of Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s Cast showing their side of the story that took place 2 decades ago? Unfortunately we can’t discuss at deeper level because the lack of birth time. But we can still we can still wipe the glass in some parts of such radix.

A day ago, Charisma Carpenter pointed the finger to him on media. All the Aquarius transiting planets don’t feel good to Whedon. We don’t know what houses those are happening… no profections, no certain directions, no sect… Mostly of the cast member showed their words of support and affirmation including “Buffy” herself, Sarah Gellar. The New Moon taking place today is no good for Joss. Now HBO cut him for “The Nevers” Marketing, his own creation. He remains silent. The transiting Lunar South Node must had been sitting right on his Moon is his Moon around 13 or 15 degrees? Could we start to speculate his natal birth from there and on? I haven’t checked the transiting planets on Solar Return yet… Mars on natal Jupiter – values being destryed, big ones. I also think he may have a mutable air sign rising [Asc in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces]. Apparetenly, Joss Whedon is a great writer but of a dubious character. “Giles” actor Anthony said he is “gutted” to know such allegations once he considered the cast a whole family, as it felt like so, thinking where did he miss such events? Now, about the abortion part… this is an illusion industry, they could hide her pregancy etc. The days before birth, the birth and the time to recover since birth may have disturbed Joss and reacted as superior over her personal choices including the tatoos. Joss has that Amy Winehouse Pluto/Uranus conjunction in Virgo, a rebellious generation, and in his case, it also opposite natal Saturn, making it a very very bad Saturn when activated at certain points in his life, such as this. Transiting Saturn this month is square transiting Uranus, ouch!

It reminds me of something… the signning the contract with the devil [Saturn], no matter how painful the path is, success and fame must comes along. This is not a critic, but something as society we all do. We assign to jobs and sign contract before all, counsciously aware we will be managed while willing to submission [hours of work]. This is Aquarius Age, people are changing the way they sign contracts, to jobs, to submission, to micro-management, etc.  And specially, how the boss manages the scene. Age of righteousness which shall change the bosses of the world, starting from big corporations as model for future progress in industries.