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Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus at 26° Degrees (July 15th; 2024) & Predictions

Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus at 26° Degrees (July 15th; 2024) & Predictions

Uranus upgrades, and combined with Mars in the same puzzlement piece, those boosts are fast and furious, and indeed quite different from the conjunctions coming from greater malefic Saturn which are rather resulted as slower but profound, less rudimental but “on the ground”. Uranus is the “technologic” planet that agrees with the New Era of Aquarius. The future is here, and when Mars meets Uranus in 2 in 2 years, it speeds up what is related to technology, and also to progress and transgress related to space, science and astrology. Abrupt accidents and wrecks are usually is in the forecasts, but also expect unexpected victories and forced rapid changes. Also, expect to see significant adjustments and disruptions in areas related to finance & economy once the sign Uranus transits is the Bull (Taurus). It brings changes to the upfront in order to actualize the source and thus altering the human behavior on warfare from “higher command”.

Uranus takes approximately 84 years to complete an orbit. The planet showcases the coup of the stars, representing that burning sensation of progress, new discoveries, advancements and breakthroughs’. Thus, when it transits a sign for about 7 years give it or take, it somehow actualizes the themes of that sign on planet Earth, a switch on command regarding the nature of the sign happens during these years. When impetuous Mars touches actualizer Uranus as a conjunction, it accelerates Uranus topical meanings on Earth and forces new ways of relating to technology, virtual shared content or virtual media communities and now artificial intelligence (AI).

For example:

When Mars Conjunct Uranus in Aquarius in the early 90′ to middle 00’s

Mars Conjunct Uranus in Aquarius

From April 1995 to November 2003 – total of 6 conjunctions

Aquarius and Uranus are rulers of the Internet, the invisible connection that conjoins everything in a single place, like a conjunction, a union or an alliance of forces. When Uranus entered Aquarius, social media “MySpace” was launched,, Craigslist and eBay go live; the first online dating site “” is premiered; Netflix is founded by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph as a company that sends users DVDs by mail; in 1998 the Google search engine is born, changing the way users engage with the internet; “WordPress” is launched, etc.

→2000s: The early 2000s saw the dot-com bubble burst, which had a significant impact on the internet industry. However, the growth of the internet continued, with the emergence of new technologies such as broadband internet and wireless networks.

With Uranus now in Taurus & AI beginning to infiltrate into our daily lives as an experimental and progressive tool, it is actually squaring off all the charts events generated from the Uranus in Aquarius configuration. AI is a human intervention created by human minds as new discoveries allow integration of pieces – the creators know the potent power it holds for the future, as investors estimates this will be the first trillionaire industry which is rapidly and furiously rising, and Mars will help with that from now on.

Mars Conjunct Uranus at 26 DegreesTaurus on July 15th; 2024

Uranus in Taurus

From May 2018 to December 2026

Now, we are experiencing Uranus in Taurus since 2018. When I remembered this fact, I was actually surprised by myself, because it feels like Uranus just entered Taurus “yesterday”. Mars is debilitated in Taurus, it is too slow and steady for the planet to take action and be proactive, thus, a challenging conjunction. Nevertheless, Uranus is there, forcing the change and the switch.

by JD using Bing AI

Medusa’s Head: The conjunction will happen exactly touching one of the most classic unfortunate fixed star, Algol, the Ptolemy’s “Gordon of Perseus”. It feels like it is almost certain that violence will indeed take place under this combination of the stars? Indeed, Algol is one of the prominent 15th Behenian Stars and is usually depicted as a decapitate head. It is a star where we can relate to extremism or terrorism activities, mob tragedy, or the “head” of a specific person of influence, etc.  I think this star has the power to paint or stain the status of a person even when “evil things” that person was not capable of. With Uranus, that is from digital source?

Now, I wonder what the ruler of this conjunction of Mars-Uranus in Taurus is doing in the chart. Well, Venus is all by herself in Leo while opposite Pluto already in Aquarius and she won’t look at the conjunction but by a long wide square by sign of the Zodiac. This won’t be a soft ride. Power struggles, things spinning out of control etc.

by JD using Bing AI

Poisonous Star: However, the conjunction of Mars-Uranus is sextile by the Sun, which will be conjunct fixed star Pollux, located at the head of the southern immortal twin, which has a Mars resemblance. The star is also said to be related to poison. An urgent new discovery regarding poison and thus a cure of a kind? The Sun supports Saturn by a trine, giving this configuration a good ground to stand still.


England; UK (July 15th; 2024 at 15:22)

In UK, the wrecking ball combination will be setting, sharing the same right ascension a bit south of the Ecliptic with Mars passing only 33’ south of Uranus. Mars will be closer to Earth (Appulse), and will be rising and visible before the Sun rises at 01:17am until dawn breaks about 03:51am.

The Crown is Rising: Now, at the exact moment of such relatively rare event, Scorpio will be rising with the Moon at fall conjunction the Ascendant while also conjunct fixed star Gemma/Alphecca. Nevertheless, this indicates possible success in trades, resources and commerce. It gives order and admiration from the people, putting them on “their knees” by will.


