Horoscopes for all rising signMundanePredictions 2024

Mars conjunct Saturn in Pisces at 14° Degrees (March 10th; 2024) & Predictions

Mars conjunct Saturn in Pisces at 14° Degrees (APRIL10th; 2024) & Predictions

by JD using Bing AI

The Classic Mars conjunction Saturn was always looked with suspicious eyes by our ancient professionals of the art & science. The two “malefics” in astrology combined is not something to forecast with easy, it is a complex and challenging task while many times connected to calamities and the destruction of things. People during such intense transit feel like taking risks as the pressure is on, and in Pisces they will not measure actions and not think clearly before it. The only option they have is to join forces and expect the better of the configuration, the ride is on and there is no way to storm off, but to be part of the storm.

Tsunamis & Cancer: The conjunctions of Mars & Saturn in Cancer for example, were usually seen as unfortunate periods of natural catastrophes such as tsunamis and things related from water and earth (earthquakes), where astrologers would perform Profections in order to know the exact month of such possible event, from the revolution of the specified year. Mars is detriment in Cancer and is Saturn’s fall, a very dangerous conjunction indeed.

Now, in Pisces could we expect perhaps huge storms/tornados? The conjunction will happen after 20 days the Sun ingresses into Aries in 2024, the revolution of the world. I will explain and explore more of such in the upcoming months (probably in 2024).

Stumbling Block that needs to be Put Down: This is a great period of obstacles, hard tests and limitations to earthlings, especially if in your chart this was meant to be. It is the interval of time where the world shows us we are mere humans but with also tremendous power to destroy, as it is in nature the corruption of things. However, when a good configuration happens like this one, it points to where we finally achieve certain important goals once and for all in a quite sayisfying way? In Pisces, expect an explosion of emotions and blind beliefs which will lead to further actions, and it may actually end up looking good!

An Attack & Terrorism? In the world, could we expect violence or some sort of action from or towards religious values or a person that full representation of a certain religious group? 

Jupiter the Greater Benefic: But the conjunction of the malefics at the exact moment of its meeting, as we said, will sextile its ruler Jupiter. This conjunction will be big news and suddenly, Uranus and the Moon (people/public) will be there with Jupiter as well. We shall also expect great news regarding initiation in starvation, homeless people and centers of rehabilitations (?), hospitals center, the destroying of abandoned places,

Bounded with Graciousness: The conjunction happens in terms with Jupiter too! It will perhaps concern universities or any kind of higher education, historical monumental and huge sites, unexplored parts of the ocean, big castle near the ocean, an island, the destroying of a particular religious law, etc.

England (UK) – APRIL 10th; 2024 at 21:21

Both of the planets will be quite closer to earth (appulse), but they will not be visible in the skies, because they are too close to the Sun and rise and set before the Sun. They will be only -1° degrees south of the ecliptic, with Mars passing 28′ to the north of Saturn.

Scorpio will be rising in such region of Earth at the time of the event. It will also be a nocturnal chart, and the ruler of the sect (Moon) is, again, sextile the conjunction, which will be very underground – UK will benefit from partners/allies countries under this picture, any action taken from them under this conjunction, will likely assist the nation. The effect, it tells it will be immediately as Mars is ruler of the Ascendant.

The conjunction happens exact conjuction the cusp of England’s (1801 chart) 6th house (Placidus). Call for action in the sectors of England’s heath department (NHS), nurses, physiotherapists, support staff, bin collectors, services that support the betterment (health) of a human being, and also the labor unions, social welfare, the job market, the armed forces and civil services.



