Solar Return

When the Sun in the Solar Return is in the 8th house (Personal Experience)

When the Sun in the Solar Return is in the 8th house (Personal Experience)

When I saw that last year my Solar Return would have the Sun conjunct Mercury in the cusp of the 8th house, I knew some sort of death or separation would take place among me and my brothers or sister. I got a bit anxious, but as an investigator astrologer for about 15 years now, I’ve learned to manage the uneasiness some obvious and quite literal predictions may bring.

Place/Location in the Solar Return Chart: Although I live in another continent from my home country, I always utilize my home town when I was birthed while setting up my Solar Return every year. I never use the location of the present, because I think we can’t simple ‘change’ the place where we were delivered, the impossible. What about you?

Still to Go: My Solar Return with this Sun exact Mercury conjunction in the 8th house of death and rebirth is still not over, I have a few more months to go (as from now – January2023), and by profection it still hasn’t reached out for the planets in the 8th house.

However, things are already in effect.

The Story & Facts: I was living with my brother since my first day in Liverpool. On August 2022 the landlord told us they were to sell it and said we have from there on December 12th 2022. On August, rising Pluto was activated thus activating messenger and brother Mercury and Sun (myself) by their opposition to it. Me and my brother had a horrible argument/verbal fight on August that still nowadays we haven’t spoken to. Evidently, a separation of a kind had happened already – not just by the arguments alone, but literally and physically moving away from each other.

On December 2022 at the day of the moving, it was still a Aries profection of the returning ascendant, thus activating Jupiter in Aries. I have natal Aries on the cusp of the 4th house of home.

February 2023: I am now curious to see know what will happen to me when Sun-Mercury in the cusp of the 8th house is activated. if something major happens, I will keep the readers updated.

But good things have happened as well.

On end of July 2022 I got a job proposal way better than the place I was. Jupiter, the planet of opportunities was still activated by the profection of the Ascendant. Jupiter was in terms with Venus.  

This month I also got a new job proposal, the period where Venus is being activated by profection of the Ascendant. On the 16th February, Venus will be exactly activated as the Ascendant will be profected exactly at its degrees on the chart of the returning Sun.

My natal Sun is in terms with Jupiter. Thus, not only the planet ruler of the sign of the Sun is in is important (Moon in my case), but also Jupiter in every revolution of the Sun. What is yours?