A Discussion on The 4 Quarters & The 12th Houses of the Zodiac: Basic Topical Significations, The Joys, The 24 Hours of a Day & Lords of Days and Hours – [Part IV]

last updated: 14/May/2021


In the final part of this conversation, or discussion, I would like to direct our attention to details, and that would be dividing the day and night into hours and planetary Lords. I won’t elaborate now on elections but know such knowledge is a great introduction to Electional and Horary Astrology; nevertheless it is as important as for Predictive Astrology specifically.


The “Quarters” of the Diurnal Circle: The Lords of Days and Hours

If the person investigating the skies and the correlation down on Earth, have enough knowledge about the annual path of the Sun through the Zodiac signs, the diurnal circle that is “created” followed by its day and night phenomenon, it is a matter of time for the investigating mind to put in order, the Lords of the Days of a Week & Hours of a single day and night [12 diurnal and 12 nocturnal lords] “hours” for a human being  is important, we imagine time through numbers and by the quality of such we schedule things personally in the span of 24 hours while cities have commercial hours based on the Sun, whether they know it or not. I haven’t studied the trajectory of the calendar as we know, but the Babylonian 7 days a week apparently corresponds to the 7 days it takes the Moon from New to Waning Crescent phases. The mundane table [not shown] of the Lords of Days and Hours is fixed and never changes.

Apparently, at personal level we have plenty of time for everything on Earth as human beings, to think about everything and do whatever – and yet, an order and “quality” of an hour seems inevitable; one hour is very different from the hour that passed by, in one hour you are in the shower singing and imagine the day ahead [next hours of the day], just so next hour you will be around full of people at work “singing their own songs” – humans delight of routine and predicted scenarios so they won’t get too many things by surprise.

Now, because Helios/Apollo ascends somewhere in the east and the day is officially declared whilst by his set night is born, astrologers thought the Sun to rule and be the Lord of the earliest and first hour of the Sunday’s morning, the first day of the week. The morning is when the first appearance of the Sun’s disk rises, and although not many places will have Sun by 6 o’clock, the morning ends strictly at noon. The ancients then followed the Lord of the hours by administrating the following 6 classical astrological planets [order by geocentric means] in reverse order, when the Sun becomes Lord again until the night ends with Mercury as Lord of the last hour of Sunday. Monday’s first hour early morning is ruled by Lord Moon, where its body is closest to Earth but follows the sphere of the Mercury when the sequence is counted contra order [Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn] and so forth until Saturday, where Saturn is the Lord of the first hour of the day.

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Abù-Ma’shar – “The Great Introduction” translated by Benjamin N. Dykes, PhD [2020]

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