
Biden Vs. Trump – The Astrology of USA Election 2020

The Astrology of USA Election 2020

By Jenny Dusky

Read this in-depth astrological analyzes utilizing ancient techniques and acknowledge more the astrology of elections

In 2016, Hillary Clinton led in the polls and won nearly three million more votes than Donald Trump, but she still lost - that's because the US uses an electoral college system, so winning the most votes doesn't always win you the election. Is Astrology able to forecast such misleading fact as well? Lets see it ahead.

rectification - patterns - charts delineations & directions - results

RECTIFICATION NOTE ON BIDEN’S CHART: I rectified Biden’s chart [showned below on the image] for when his daughter of 1 year was killed in a car accident. Biden was having Mars distribution, ruler of 5th house of children. Natal violent Mars square brutal Pluto. The direction was that of cutter Saturn opposite Mars Direct in the Zodiac using True Solar equatorial arc = Death of Child; 18 December 1972 in Hockessin. From this rectified chart [based on child’s lenght of life] I will begin his presidential candidacy predictions against that of Trump. 


In the tropical Zodiac, the conjunction falls in the Air triplicity until 2199. The first beginning n 2000.

Biden Vs. Trump - Who will win?

“Throughout history it has been closely observed by astrologers and been linked to the rise and fall of royalty, leaders and great people. Some believe that the biblical “Star of Bethlehem” was the great conjunction of 7 B.C.” – Michael R. Molnar, 1999.

The upcoming Saturn-Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius [21st December 2020] favors world democracy and globalization

If the combo happened in the sign of Capricorn, totalitarianism and republic parties would be granted with such conjunction. This outer real time condition may already tell us something. We know Biden is a democrat and Trump a Republican. Is it enough? Saturn was already in Aquarius by April this year and with Mars, and so was already in some solar returns of some cities of countries and nations themselves worldwide. But this conjunction was not at USA solar revolution of 2020 which took places only in July. Now, the conjunction will at happen at the exact day the Sun moves into Capricorn, activating the Winter and Summer Solstices on the globe’s hemispheres. Saturn will be about 5 orbs applying square to Uranus in Taurus on the day of the exactness. Unexpected change of political figures worldwide? The thing is that Mars will be exact square Pluto in signs of confliction. It will depends all of a nation’s radix. More about it click here.




Biden's Radix
Trump's Radix


Biden's Radix
Trump's Radix
Analyzing Lord of Asc by Profection & Annual Asc

Biden still has 6th house and Taurus things to finish after the election, a cadent house, the house of Mars. Ok. But the lord of the year of 2019-2020 still is Venus. Rooted Venus is out of Sect but just for a few minutes, but still burned by the blazing Sun, while conjunct ruler of 10th and 7th houses Mercury. Venus is Biden’s Almudebit. She also trine Jupiter, which is pretty good indeed. Yet Jupiter falls in the 8th house where planets are hard to be seen. However, at Solar revolution [SR], Biden has Venus-Jupiter conjunction, increase of popularity, honor, preferment [rooted Venus ruler of 11th house]. Only Uranus is transiting the lord of the year Taurus. Unexpected events will lead him to change overnight schedules, agenda and routine as from what is expected from the daily usual things. Well, it already did with all the campaign etc. We are witnessing now the last days months and days before the terminal sign changes to the 7th house of open enemies, favoring more the other than himself. 

Biden’s next birthday is seventeen days ahead of the Election 2020. Its annual ruler Mars [Scorpio rising] trine MC in the solar return 2020. Yet, Venus, the planet bounded with the Asc, square all the Moon-Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn Stellium from the 12th house. Rooted 12th house is Annual Asc for SR2020.

Trump is already on his 2nd house/Virgo profection year since June this year. A fixed house concerning power of attraction, and although not in the same sign, greatest Jupiter is rooted in such house and trine the Moon [public affairs]. Jupiter is the Almudebit of Trump’s chart and is activated this year by profection. The lord of the year would be Mercury. Natal Mercury is quite neutral. But it does share the same sign of great benefic Venus and greater malefic and detriment Saturn, but Saturn is in a house of Aquarius. The 11th house if the house of preferment, the chosen one, or, the cool side of Saturn. No planets were transiting Virgo in SR2020. But transiting Mercury in Cancer was looking good to profected Virgo. Now, Cancer was annual Ascendant 2020 [SR], then natal 11th house becomes annual Asc. The ruler Moon as said, trine Jupiter South Node [the past, once again], although also nataly opposite Sun in 10th house of presidency.

Plus. Transiting Mercury is retrograde, and will station direct at the day of the Election. The planet is important for both of them at this moment. Something still from the past will string on people’s mind once more time but almost done but not complete yet? like the remaining energy that must be fully used in order to move change to a new one, other wise it is still blinking. Such transit will create another chart, which would be that of election day 2020 etc.

Analyzing Eclipses

Like Obama and Donald Trump during the finale and after first election, Biden is having both his 1st and 7th houses eclipsed. Eclipses to these houses seem to be important for future presidents around the election date, as if they could direct their lives for these triggers points for a certain windom of time. For example, the one coming up on December will hit Biden’s 1st house and will last for 2 years and a month. Trump will having 4th and 10th houses eclipsed.

Analyzing 10th House Conditions [Mercury Vs Venus]

Biden’s distributor of ASC is Mars [Aquarius; read more below], and at 21 degrees in a year after the distribution exact [around 2021/March-June] such distributor Mars will square natal position of Mercury, ruler of 10th house, this simple doesn’t sound good. If he is president by this period, this won’t help further his presidency, but challenge it. Virgo, annual sign of the Ascendant is natal 10th house of career and prestige. This means the native has very infuence in the direction of life in such period of a year, but the last month of the birth chart has always a 12th house vibe due to its fading in order to give space to a new birthday. The thing is that Mercury is both great in the root as in the SR2019, saving him from enemies for such year, but not blocking nevertheless, this is also true because such SR Mercury sextile Saturn. Also, great benefic Almudebit Venus is ruler of annual MC [SR2019], indicating prestige, popularity, etc.

Trump’s natal 10th house of career is Venus. Rooted Venus sextile 10th house [MC] cusp. Profected Uranus conjunct natal Asc/Regulus – overnight victory over enemy. (By this period, his profected Venus/Saturn conjunction will be domicile and exaltation respectively and almost conjunction natal Jupiter in the house of attraction). Progressed Venus still conjunction natal Jupiter and still in terms with Jupiter; popularity, more expansion, power of attraction (2nd house). 10th house is in terms with Saturn, and ruler of it Venus conjunct Saturn in the root. In the SR2020, his Venus is sextile Moon-Mars conjunction in the 9th house, and she is also ruler of 4th house of reset button.


Biden's Distributions
Trump's Distributions


Trump recently had promissor Moon conjunct Jupiter Direct in the Zodiac and thus still has its period that must be. Moon to Jupiter directions are time of popularity, and luck and benefit from the femenine public. Rooted Moon-Jupiter are good in Trump’s chart, as they look at each other by sextile.  Trump is already on Mars distribution. Rooted Moon trines Mars. When Trump won first election, rooted promissor Mars was directed significator notorious Sun. To read more about Trump’s astrology and the election day, click here. Mars is ruler of Annual MC [SR 2020].

Now. At primary directions level, Biden isn’t have any abvious ones that would tell right away that his destiny would change somehow but Saturn conjunct the IC or opposite MC, which will concern about death, retirement, finishing up big things, but it also concern start brand new things about career and status. Mars distribution as we have learned, fatal things or disapointement follows him when such is active by releasing Asc as distributor

The thing is that for Biden, Saturn to IC is very important and quite evocatory, because although it touches the bottom of the chart, such direction is opposite other side of the axis, the MC, the house of the president. 

Biden’s natal Saturn although setting in the chart, is in Sect. It conjuncts outer planet Uranus in the 7th house and trine Pluto still in the 8th house. Saturn in SR2019 is also good, it sextile Mercury, ruler of the Annual Ascendant. By Primary direction of the SR Ascendant, by reaching ruler of the chart Mercury [Virgo] to natal Sun, we can highly see notoriety and preferment again, around the election date. Biden’s Moon rises [public preferment for that year] also Venus [Almdebit] conjunct Jupiter in such Solar return. Pehaps by votes, Biden has already won. But… yes. A BUT…

This is beginning to look alike the last election, where astrologers predicted Hillary but Trump became president instead. But they were right at a specific point. In 2016, Hillary Clinton led in the polls and won nearly three million more votes than Donald Trump, but she still lost – that’s because the US uses an Electoral College system, so winning the most votes doesn’t always win you the election. Is USA going to see the same quality of event again? The 11th house of a native running for president is the 11th house where a group of specific people gather to vote by their own and decide the preffered one.







Jenny Dusky

More about the Author, books and general background.

Since 2008 – Western Astrology Applied / Placidus House System / Tropical Fixed Stars

Since 2017 – Primary Directions / Chronocractors 

Last Time Saturn was conjunct Pluto in the sign of Capricorn was in 1518. Watch the video to see what happened that year and how mass hysteria took place.