The Astrology of a Queen: Bona Sforza
The Astrology of a Murdered Queen:
Bona Sforza

By Jenny Dusky
Bona Sforza was an Italian woman who became Queen of Poland though her marriage to Sigismund I. Since Sigismund I was also Grand Duke of Lithuania, Bona Sforza gained an extra title and became Grand Duchess of Lithuania. However, her way to the throne was long and she had to overcome many obstacles before she could enjoy wealth and power.
sun: aquarius
moon: capricorn
asc: cancer
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A Woman Who Ruled Like a King

bona painted by enemy
“Bona Sforza was known to be a typical Italian beauty but many of the paintings depicting her were usually by her enemies, so she was often portrayed as a fat and unattractive woman.”
“It was said that she had a nasty habit of interfering with everything. She was outspoken, full of energy, and hot-tempered. Bona Sforza has gone to the history books as an admired, but also criticized woman who was cunning, intelligent and there is no doubt that her strong personality gave her supporters as well as enemies.”
“Many Polish people hoped that she would be remembered as a negative character in the story of the two last kings of the Jagiellon Dynasty. Nonetheless, the achievements of the queen were too big for people to forget about her positive points.” [quotes by – Ellen Lloyd –]
An Underestimated Queen of Early modern Europe
Bona, much like many important women of her times, was accused by some people to have been a witch. Observe that all her personal planets (except Mars) are all in detrimental position. She had ruthless enemies that one ended up killing her. Her natal 7th house (open enemies) is ruled by Saturn (and 8th house of pay-back by the way) which cusp is term ruled by Jupiter (multiplies). Natal Saturn is opposite Jupiter (plenty). Saturn is also part of the Kite Aspect. See more ahead.
The Chart
Factors & Directions
Becoming a Queen (Direction of Marriage)
Under Transiting Saturn/Pluto Conjunct in Capricorn [1518]:
The 16th century was a period of vigorous economic expansion. This expansion in turn played a major role in the many other transformations—social, political, and cultural—of the early modern age. And that was the last century Saturn was conjunct Pluto in the sign of political reformer Capricorn. It was also the century of the beginning of capitalism as known nowadays. The poor and destitute in society became, if not more numerous, at least more visible.
Bona was a member of the powerful Milanese House of Sforza. In 1518, she became the second wife of Sigismund I the Old, the King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania, and became the Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania. Bona Sforza Was A Queen Who Had Many Opinions And Forced The Polish King To Do What She Wanted. Cancer rising women tend to be quite like such description, at worse they can be manipulative (specially with their partner) until their ‘cardinal’ energy is/are satisfied. Add Capricorn Moon, then you shall have the one of the most calculating and premeditating characters.
She also had an unexpected Venus (like Marilyn Monroe who also died from poisoning), and yet Venus was the Almudebit (victorious) of the radix. Venus in woman charts works similarly to Mars (how to get what one wants) in man’s charts.
Venus Directions are set when events are concerning marriages, finding ‘the one’, important encounters/meetings, women and beauty, ornamental plannings, etc. while the Moon as promissor, we direct it in matters of home, affection, nurturing, starting fresh, power of women (specially with Venus), etc. What happened when we direct her natal Moon to the sextile of promissor Venus converse? We get the exact day when she becomes Queen of Poland (through marriage, of course, on April 18th, 1518):

Ironically, Bona Sforza was not a Polish woman by birth, but she loved Poland and wanted the best for the country. One of her goals was to strengthen the royal dynasty’s position in Poland. Like Kim Kardashian, the ex queen of Poland Bona, also had the Sun unexpected (and at fall, while Kim has is at fall), and yet, had tremendous influence on people of her time, as a queen. I wrote in the article of Kim’s: “Kim’s natal Sun is at fall in the sign of Libra. Which makes an interesting statement, the planets in debility in charts of native can sometimes outstart what domiciles wouldn’t, provided the information they are reduced in potency, planets at fall demands the planet to express the best as it can otherwise it won’t even work as it normally should, thus the reinforcement/struggle behind”. – When Bona started to reform the country, allowing herself to be the richest landowner, criticism of her actions increased.
An Underestimated Queen of Early modern Europe
Personal tragedies seemed to follow in her footsteps. Her desire to gain power and wealth were the reasons her life ended in tragedy. Those she trusted, were also those who betrayed her. From the beginning, Bona became involved in various state affairs, which did not agree with the traditional ideal of a royal wife – obedient, devoted to husband and children. In foreign policy, she was a fierce opponent of the Habsburgs and a supporter of a closer alliance with Kingdom of France. Sforza’s natal Sun is there up in the 9th house of international politics, along with Mercury/Saturn. Bona also sought to maintain good relations with the Ottoman Empire and had contacts with Roxelana, chief consort and wife of Suleiman the Magnificent.
Observe that she natally held the Kite Aspect (Moira’s Finger), involving the Asc and then Jupiter, Pluto and Mercury/Saturn. When transiting Saturn/Pluto conjunction in the sign of Capricorn was active in the skies of her time, she married the King of Poland and become herself the Queen of Poland, and from this point, her enemies had grown and intensified. The conjunction was active on her 7th house of marriage. She was also on her Mars and Jupiter return, and the lucky planet was the apex of the kite aspect.
From this point and on (from marriage) Bona started to become richer and wealthier (Jupiter), earning many enemies as well as great alliances in consequence:
Bona believed that one of the most important things needed for strengthening royal authority was appropriate revenue. Therefore, she sought to increase royal revenue and assemble as much dynastic wealth as possible, which would give the Jagiello family financial independence. The family gained numerous estates in Lithuania, and finally in 1536-1546 they took over the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. This generated huge profits. Bona also reformed agriculture taxation in Lithuania (including uniform duties on the peasants and area measurements). She was also involved in the expansion of the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania in Vilnius. – Wikipedia
The Betrayal and the Homicide
The Betrayal and the Homicide
resemblance of a crime novel and Pluto Direction
Initially, the poison was served by physician, Gio Antonio di Matera, and the second time it was given by Bona’s cook, Paolo Matrillo. On November 17th Pappacoda brought a notary, Marco Vincenzo de Baldis, to Bona, who was unconscious and wasted by fever, delirious, and laying on her back in a large bed. Her maid Marina sat at the bedhead and imperceptibly slipped her hand under the pillow, and after each bequest that was read out, she raised Bona’s head to make it look as if the Queen was nodding in an act of approval.

The Pluto Direction of Death & Homicide [1557]
malefic to 4th house of death (end of matters)
Since we already knew Sforza was already dead the age of 63, as usual, it was a matter of finding the Hyleg then the killing planet, and here’s what I found. Pluto provoking an unfair/coward death by poisoning without her concern, bringing her the end of her life and all matters with her, since the direction have malefic promissor killing Pluto to its own anti-culmination (Ic) direct (as usual in radix):
Pluto represents betrayal and secret enemy’s strike – Pappacoda was acting on behalf of King Philip II of Spain, who wished to avoid repaying his sizable debts to the Polish-Lithuanian queen. The planet also rules debts from/to others.
Gian Lorenzo Pappacoda, was actually an agent of Philip II of Spain and his uncle, Ferdinand I.
This old technique amazes me, it chills me the precision of directions from the radix. Since she died not younger, we can ignore the Arc without the dynamic key.
8th house Capricorn

Bona’s 8th house cusp of death is in Capricorn. Foreseeing a death after imprudence of the native; it is in terms with Mars, suggesting a death by strike of enemy or of her own fault. Uranus is positioned in the 8th house of enemies strike, foreseeing unexpected enemies and even death, and the planet sextile Saturn by exact orb. Transiting Mars was conjunct Bona’s natal Uranus. If she was to consult an astrologer back that time, it should had then been advised not to accept anything from anyone during such transit:
After the poisoning, unconscious and wasted by fever and deliriousness (intoxicated; Pluto Direction), was “forced” to sign a testament that left her son (the original only beneficiary) with almost nothing.
Pappacoda made a fortune, having gotten the domains of Noia and Triggiano, as well as annual income from Rutigliano, additionally he got 13.000 ducats, horses from Bona’s fine stable, and her silver dinnerware.
Ironically I guess, her biographer, Maria Bogucka says: ‘…the one who in Poland had been so often accused of using poison to destroy her enemies, died poisoned herself, on November 19th 1557, at 4am.’
Solar Return - 1557 [year of death]
Ascendant Ruler Direction
Direction of death in SR's
direction from ruler of annual asc to its own culmination
The ruler of annual ascendant is Venus, and so is the 8th house cusp. Altough I couldnt find the exact day or month through the directions from Venus to the angles, I did find the exact day (well, a day more) when I directed the term ruler of annual ascendant (Saturn) to the opposition of Venus, having such Arc and further date of:
As usual in case of death, we direct the ruler of the annual Ascendant to an angle, specially to the 4th, 10th and 7th houses. But this wasn’t the exact case of queen Bona Sforza. And the direction is of direct motion, something also unusual in solar return of the year of death of the native. But since this was death caused by another human being, and not a ‘natural death’, it was wiser to direct the term-ruler of annual ascendant (body) to the ruler of 8th house cusp (and indeed, ruler of 1st house as well).
Last Time Saturn was conjunct Pluto in the sign of Capricorn was in 1518. Watch the video to see what happened that year and how mass hysteria took place.
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Bona Sforza – Ambitious Queen Of Poland Was Betrayed And Murdered
Jenny Dusky

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Since 2008 – Western Astrology Applied / Placidus House System / Tropical Fixed Stars
Since 2017 – Primary Directions / Chronocrators
Based on Ancient Predictive Technique