Jupiter Conjunct Uranus
Jupiter Conjunct Uranus 2024
[Click Here to Read the Jupiter Conjunct Uranus Forecast for the WORLD & History]
[Jupiter Conjunct Uranus Forecast for the WORLD/MUNDANE – PART II]
[Go to thezodiacus’ YouTube and watch me talking about Jupiter in Taurus!]
Be Sure to Read the Above Articles
They include many astrological forecasts and history to learn from !
April 21st; 2024 at 02:27am (GMT): The Conjunction will happen only 1x time, soon after the Sun ingresses Taurus, and two days before a full moon in Scorpio. The conjunction will happen in terms with Jupiter himself, providing humans with confidence, over the top convictions and crazy/wild beliefs. The Conjunction is Sextile by Mars and lightly by Saturn – prepare to hit the “roof” of the skies, meaning that our actions around this time provided by such Conjunction will be big, enormous, gigantic, fast expanding and quicker than usual where Taurus in human’s charts is located, and will stick for super long time like a super glue and hard to remove. The Moon will be void and at critical final degrees, pay attention to irrational attitudes – they may be crucial in defining the results.
≡ Why are we already experiencing? I write this post in December 2023 and Jupiter is already in the Taurus since May 2023, and Uranus as we know is transiting Taurus for years now.
The Conjunction will be rising in Iran, Ashgabat (Turkmenistan) and West of Russia including Moscow.
Jupiter Conjunct Uranus – After the last Sextile back in 2022, now (in 2024) it’s time for Jupiter to meet up Uranus face-to-face and deal with the situation left by the inconjunction when Jupiter was in Aries 2022-2023. “All the power of Manon” comes down to the sign in question when Jupiter encounters Uranus in the Zodiac “circle”.

All the known astronomical planets in our solar system are named after Roman gods and goddesses – but not Uranus, no, he is the different one, it is an exception to this naming convention, being named after an ancient Greek king of the gods Ouranos. When Jupiter Conjunct Uranus, people are giving new social labels and social attributions while challenging the status-quo. Society wants to expand their cumulative thoughts and include in the social sphere but putting it as a symbol of necessary progress, and it’s not even a “deep change”, but simply an introduction of a fresher evolved concept that urgently needs to be updated. People are innovating the area of that chart where Taurus is, and now with Jupiter in it, the innovation is evolving rapidly, expanding, being ampliated and multiplicated.
Jupiter Conjunct Uranus in Taurus | 2024, Apr 21st | 21°49’ degrees |

Humans are ready to make wild and unpredictable moves on the chess board, that will surprise many around them, they will forgive old discordances and will make peace with old enemies, for the sake of saving the future of unwanted destruction from both parties – they include, as if for now they no longer have difficulties with immediate oppositions, they get along with the reversal side of what they think other times could be bloody, although many may feel obligated to be against such decisions taken. It’s about being human despite ideological & political differences, although many won’t understand that and will prefer to stick to tradition and that’s it. Society, the public, the civilians now want to know, they want to have the higher information as possible, from the highest places, so they can be prepared. Many will rejoin universities in a heartbeat without much previous thoughts on it, to study higher, to complement their career already in motion, or simply to restart from the ground. Many of you will suddenly disappear unannounced from the immediate view for the next decade to come, you will follow dreams that people closer would/could never understand – some people shall abruptly abandon their habitual places for good.
Uranus is said to have the coldest temperature (even than Neptune!) from all the planets in the system. Jupiter has a “protective role” in the system, affecting the path of comets and asteroids that could otherwise hit Earth. When Jupiter travels the Zodiac and “encounters” Uranus on the way forming a joint about each 14 years – world’ rules are updated by people’s demand screaming for a big reconstruction, they cause upheavals and turmoil so progress can be inserted and the “cause” can be protected – they now demand amendments in the justice system. The core of society is shaken, agitated and a disorder of a kind is put into place, humanity will rebel against old kind of bullying and may converse attitudes towards the injustice. Society witness opportunities being opened for the general public, they seize it and revolutionize the world in specific areas. Many will partake on the same revolution and may leave a mark in the books of world stories. Humanity is about to be shocked and suddenly change their perspective on specific things in mass. Humans will notice new laws regarding technology but also the internet and what is within its reach, freely giving humans the ability to use them but with a certain censor that is supposed to “protect” instead of just limiting malefic entrances.

A tremendous multiplication of groups of people of the same mindset begins to show up in mass, giving humans a conscious reverse of previous social standards, or the updating of one totally opposite of what nowadays is considered. The Conjunction stimulates a society that is no longer afraid of higher commands and will do whatever it takes to get their voices across. Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system is more than twice as massive as all the known planets combined – Astrological Jupiter multiplies and makes it a multitude. The Jupiter-Uranus alliance may benefit specific groups of people with the same mind-frame & final thoughts on subjects – Jupiter then popularises, augments and raises Uranus’ operation, making its topics look twice as big and important. Society asks for a social reconstruction and new regulations concerning the Zodiac sign in question, rearranging the order from the root and up and not the other way around – it is here where people make rules and demands the nation to follow up. Here humans find one of the greatest opportunities to update social structure from the streets. Humans will join brotherhoods, sisterhoods, gayhoods, queerhoods, transhoods whatever else in order to strengthen their ties with people sharing the same aspirations and dreams so together they can multiply and apply revolutions where it is needed, or simply to be around with people that only do by instigate their best. Groups & communities now matter more than it usually would, and people find in them an opportunity to expand one’s own ego, thus the feeling of superpower, that feeling of throwing thunders to burn those things that are far too dangerous to human species.
Great breakthroughs & discoveries may evolve around such special times. The impossible happens, and people are amused and somehow entertained. From now on, the hybrid(ation) of things & people begins with A.I. steps forward and make its appearance known while increasing popularity, especially in the Zodiac sign the Conjunction happens and its topics. They “cross” humans with Artificial Intelligence, and something new is born every conjunction. Humans have a partial taste of how is to be “god” with the enhancing of abilities through technological intelligence. “Luck” is in the air for many, and many will show up radically changed. People nowadays have the opportunity to become “nano-managers” of their own projects without the democratic steps when void of tech – For example, A.I. has fast-forwarded the way people are micro-managing their works – Thus, many will promptly become independent as the easiness of technology of nowadays can provide and will even more in the immediate future. With Jupiter in conjunction, it supports expansion of such endeavours, duplicating that what already is. It is also “believing that you can”, but this time with the aid of technology, friends, the group of the same-minded, human’s rights etc. Humans now are looking for extraordinary things in life, in people, in beliefs – and will go to wild extents to have their searches corresponded. They are starving for an immediate alteration in life’s adventure’s section – many will go abroad and from there a new chapter radically emerges, showering them with opportunities, multiple options, freedom, luck chances etc.
It was in 1928 when Jupiter was conjunct Uranus in Aries when Penicillin was discovered. However, it was only during the last time Jupiter was Conjunct Uranus in earthy Taurus (during second year of the WWII in 1941) when antibiotic penicillin is first used to treat humans, a breakthrough in medicine & inflectional treatment. Society gets to join the latest discoveries in medicine while being benefited from them in grand scale. If we keep following history, is it quite possible that when Jupiter Conjunct Uranus, humans witness the relaxation of unfair or hard to knock down laws and regulations that were there far too long. They call for immediate and overnight actualizations. In such meeting of the stars, humanity may witness humans going to the starts (important lunches of Space shuttles), actualizations on their GPS’s, updates on their social medias, updates on A.I., updates on nanotechnology, actualization on clean energy, the capture of religious leaders that cause terror, an act of rebellion in the name of change, protests & revolutions that stick for good, the eccentric and the different rising and thriving, actualization on civilian rights, a group of people with crazy ideas doing bizarre things that shocks the world, big earthquakes [read more here] etc.
The Image I have in mind is someone having the opportunity to ingress an exchange program abroad;
Or, someone deciding to go on a long journey overnight;
Or, someone changing course abruptly;
Or, the multiplication of technology and popularity;
Or, someone becoming wealthy out of sudden;
Or, someone becoming popular almost instantly;
Or, someone who has a bizarre and very different way to teach that works;
Or, passport laws changes overnight;
Or, the airport getting the most crowded ever;
Or, someone changing what one believes unexpectedly;