Sun Opposite Uranus — November 2023
Sun Opposite Uranus — November 2023
Sun Opposite Uranus – Annually, the Sun will conjunct/join all planets in the system, except the Moon, she will perform the union and separation instead. Whenever the Sun moves more than 90° degrees away from the traditional superiors and modern planets, they begin their stations somewhere; this means that Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will always be retrograde whenever the Sun reaches their opposingly degrees (180° apart). Hence these planets which aren’t near the Sun as Mercury and Venus are, can also become quite personal or idiosyncratic as the Sun permits them to glow at their best (as they appear to be at their brightest & larger in the skies) once a year.

When the Sun meets the opposingly degrees of Uranus in the Zodiac, humans are looking at themselves in a detached form, where they realize how far they’ve went to search for their original self, how open-minded they’ve become and how open-minded they still could be, but at the same time things are clear regarding their position on uncommon topics, even if that is to shock. They are now seeing how important it is to be friendly, tolerant and unbiased if one wants to progress in the social sphere. Doing things opposite to this nature will only but induce frustrations, displeasure in social activities and conditional hate from those that are more liberal, broad-minded and humane. Humans know how much they progressed, or how much needs to be done in order to prove society has come forward and not backwards.
Sun in Scorpio Opposite Uranus in Taurus (Rx) | 2023, Nov 13th | 21°03’ degrees |

They look at themselves now as a group, each one with unique qualities, set of skills and natural abilities. There will be those though, who may think they are better than society and will say they are better off alone. This time around, humans are now instigated to creatively perform outside that box, they are being asked to be unedited – a version of themselves which is original and without censor. The Sun represent the present and the immediate future, it has this power of knowing beforehand certain basic things, so it can direct itself with confidence during the day, and when meeting the opposite degrees of future-oriented Uranus, such vision extends deeper, that confidence that next year or the next decade will be like this and like that no matter what is/are– they are making predictions about the self and where they will be in the next years of their lives.
Humanity sees clear the injustices occurring in the world, becoming proactive and an urgent replacement of a kind is required, an adjustment in the matrix is mandatory and the algorithm shall be changed. Humans now act on “prompts” and are ready to execute their jobs creatively but methodically. It is morally “right” or “wrong”, not in between, here they don’t see squarely or from a triangular standpoint. There is conflict between the self vs. the upgraded or virtual world, humans notice how far they are from social progress if not in touch with their political side of the story – they can become voiceless, thus they are kind of obliged to think about differences in society and shout it at some point.

The Sun represents things that belong to humans and their ego, while Uranus’ things belong to society, their political, scientific community and engineering ‘toys’. As Uranus is always retrograde when the Sun encounters its opposite degrees, humans are rather aware of the terrors that humans can go through in a society nulled of the matching of technological advancements & human health – they can experience first-hand. Here, humans point to technology to find answers regarding human body & vitality. Yet, they are also aware of technology and how far humans can use it to induce harm onto others. Many become intolerable of inhumane actions and decide to act upon. Others will make sure the unfairness is being recorded and showed to people the uncut version.
With the internet and virtual this and that everywhere, it is perhaps much easier to use Uranus on daily basis for basic predictions, thus here the Sun lights up the topics of social medias, telescopes, scientific progress, television, you name it. They would predict “it will be fast/sudden/abruptly” etc. Radical groups, or those with a cause, are calling attention everywhere. The LGBTQA+ community needs attention as they are less than majority. Society sees now who the cowards are and who the actual allies are.
The image I have in mind is…………..