The Astrology of Kim Kardashian – Based on Primary Directions

Kim Kardashian's
Primary Direction Example
American socialite, model, actress and television celebrity, she is most known for her part in the reality program, “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” which aired on 2007 – astrodatabank


What you will read/see here
The Astrology of Kim Kardashian West interpreted by Rafael VR using the old method of Primary Directions and others techniques
⇒ Kim Kardashian’s steps into Popularity, Fame and Notoriety – Active Arc of Sun/Mc direct
Kim Kardashian’s Sun is not strong in her radix, yet when natal Sun reached Jupiter and Mc by Primary Directions, the women saw herself shinning out to the world like a strong bolt of presence illuminated by golden light that won’t stop sparkling any time sooner, but will keep up at high space and speed for decades to come
⇒ Kim Kardashian’s Father dies – Active Arc of Sun/Saturn direct
When Kim’s Sun moved to Saturn direct, she was to witnessed the father dying and the days counted on ‘clock when the Arc perfected a month later the actual date. By choosing 2 different options, we also obtained the month where the Father was diagnosed with cancer
⇒ Solar Return 2006/2007 – Kim Kardashian’ Scandal towards Debut on Television Reality Show
It is investigated the Arc of when Kim Kardashian and family debuted on reality TV show
⇒ Kim Kardashian Solar Return 2007 – Moira Activated
When the year of 2007 came to Kim Kardashian, she saw herself debuting in the world of Television and popularity; in her Solar Return of that year, was a game changer when a Grand Trine Kite aspect inaugurated her world’s reputation as the empire of the Kardashians
⇒ Kim Kardashian’ Sisters in Profection & Body Image
When a set of squares are profected to Kim’s natal chart, Kim sold her body image to Television company E! Know here, why when some important events happens to Kim’s natal Jupiter, it affects the whole family specially the sisters and mother
⇒ EXTRA – Clues: Transiting Venus-Saturn in Virgo
Know the powerful transits of planets at the show premier day, when the Kardashians were introduced in television, and from that point, fame and millions were now to be normal to the family

Kimberly Noel Kardashian West (born October 21, 1980)
“…is an American reality television personality, entrepreneur and socialite. Kardashian first gained media attention as a friend and stylist of Paris Hilton, but received wider notice after a 2003 sex tape with her former boyfriend Ray J was leaked in 2007. Later that year, she and her family began to appear in the E! reality television series Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Its success soon led to the creation of spin-offs including Kourtney and Kim Take New York and Kourtney and Khloé Take Miami. Kardashian’s personal life soon became subject to widespread media attention.” – wikipedia
Nowadays Kim has a sister richer than her, Kylie is now a billionaire. However, despite the sisters effort to keep up with such vibrant quality attached – Kim Kardashian is no doubt the person which made the family famous to the world and wealthier in consequence, while the others surfed in the wave, thus Kim served as a source of multiplication (Sagittarius Ascendant) of money & social media notoriety (pop culture). Or would that be Ray J? Until then, Kim was being hired by Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, etc. She basically made herself from behind the scenes to the scene itself
Kim Kardashian is a great source of interest when investigating astrologically. This still young women influenced the pop culture when the Instagram wasn’t even an idea, and now influences millions of women, including the sisters and her mother to step further into fame and take advantage of it for good, how to keep up prominent. Kim also helped breaking ordinary rules, that one of being too skinny or the ordinary stereotypes of “what should be beautiful in a women”. The shimmering bronze of her exotic skin in country that still struggles with people of color, is somewhat encouraging to her followers, even when that is unconscious
The Sun in Primary Directions - Notoriety, Popularity and Spotlight

The Sun in Primary Directions is something to masticate upon. The main body in western astrology, the powerful Sun is the planet that operates via our heart, literally. It powers up our being and tells us exactly who we are as human beings. The animal most qualified in the chain to assume to control all over others creatures. The Lion, the king of the forest
Even when one’s Sun is not prominent in a natal chart, benefic directions from and to it indicates great periods of time, where notoriety, popularity and being in the spotlight are all concerned; and which from situation, the future of the native may as well as being fruitful by the virtue of such – and here we find the notorious period when Kim Kardashian sparkled back to earth, even when Kim’s Sun is not particularly strong in her natal chart. An exact inconjunction to Midheaven, and Jupiter for the matter (it conjuncts Mc), and the Moon which conjuncts Ic. The weirdest is that the Sun is in 11th house of Aquarius, the sign the planet basically rejects while in transit. But the 11th house is the house of television and reality shows
Now it is where is get even more interesting. By directing her natal Sun to her natal midheaven, we are to obtain the Arc of Kim’s notorious moment in pop culture, which changed her destiny in every respect of her being and those around close to her heart
Let’s see how its done? But first, we’ll check out her natal chart and learn some things

The Chart & Some Features
Jupiter – The Greatest of All
Jupiter conjunct the 10th house is usually seen in charts of natives born in golden cradle. In Kim’s natal chart, Jupiter is not only conjunct Mc but is the ruler of the Ascendant in Sagittarius. The Ascendant in such sign suggests individuals with big and larger heads, once this point in the Zodiac wheel affects directly our head, and our first view of the world in “first person”. Kim has a very large head that is unmistakable, and it also rules the hips, once the featuring part of her body which is very wide and massive. Sagittarius Ascendant is in terms with Venus, suggesting a life around beauty, pleasure, amusement, and exploration of it once the ruler of the 2nd house (also in terms with Venus) of income (Saturn) conjunct Jupiter ruler of 1st house of body and appearance
Dodecatemorion of the Ascendant – Intentions that one never puts aside
The Ascendant’s dodecatemoria of Kim Kardashian is in Taurus at 14° degrees, thus conjunct lot of fortune in the 5th house. Kim can’t avoid but daily think about how she will self express herself in the day that comes next; quite aware of her own inteligencies and how to use them while on “stage”. Sex is something that perhaps can’t get of her mind, as well as being entertained all the time. Being unique is important to her, as well as putting herself/body in the spotlight. This is the house of the Sun! of Leo. This is also the house of children, play and our innocence before things in life that we usually don’t experience and don’t have to

Sun at Fall
Kim’s natal Sun is at fall in the sign of Libra. Which makes an interesting statement, the planets in debility in charts of native can sometimes outstart what domiciles wouldn’t, provided the information they are reduced in potency, planets at fall demands the planet to express the best as it can otherwise it won’t even work as it normally should, thus the reinforcement/struggle behind
Directing the Sun
2007–2009: Breakthrough with reality television
March 2007 – Sex tape leaked with Ray J
– 26 years; 3 months; 3 weeks; 3 days (or 9612 days after birth)
October 14, 2007 – Keeping Up with the Kardashians series debuted
– 26 years; 11 months; 3 weeks; 2 dias (or 9854 days after birth)

Utilizing the Semi-arc method under the Zodiacal position, when we direct the Kim’s Sun located in the house of reality television show to her own Midheaven (its own culmination), we are expected to witness a period where Kim started being notorious to the world and not only in North America, the Mc represents the status before the whole world; the Arc expressed is clear and loud in Kim’s life, a 27.89 Arc that took place 27 years and so after her birth. Also the year Kim Kardashian became a business women per se
The approximation would be the year of 2007 to 2008, but with the Key of Naibod, we can observe the Arc having influence until 2009, which were the years of Kim’s breakthrough with reality television (11th house)
Those years started with the sex tape leaked in 2007, and by the end of that year, on the cusp of Kim’s solar return (27th birthday), her family is shown on Keeping Up with the Kardashians which is an American reality television series that airs on the E! cable network
From 2007 until 2009 Kim Kardashian notorious moment was marked by debuting in a film and in famous TV series and in one music videoclip, also by lunching her own workout DVD series. After those years, she started fabricating her own brand in the material world and focusing on social media
After the Arc took place and ended, years later she was reported to be the highest-paid reality television personality of 2015, with her total earnings exceeding US$53 million. In July 2018, Kim is worth US$350 Million according to Wikipedia

Sun directed to Jupiter direct - The High Popularity
Primary Direction
Configuration: UnderPole & Zodiacal position of planets
Key – True Solar Eclipctical Arc
Promissor – Sun
Significator – Jupiter direct
Consideration – Jupiter in Sect; Jupiter detriment in Virgo (popularity through shame); Jupiter in terms with Saturn and conjunction natal Saturn; natal Jupiter opposite Moon at joy in the 3rd house of close relatives (popularity transferred/multiplicated to the sisters)
Important Obs. – Whatever touches the Mc and thus Kim’s natal Jupiter, will always affect Kim’s family, once the Moon is exactly opposite them. And the Moon is the only planet that rejoices in a house of Kim’s Zodiacal wheel

At the same time… natal Kim’s Jupiter is culminated – it is conjunction the 10th house cusp of Capricorn, in her case, the sign of Virgo, the perfectionist. Her natal Mc is in Virgo at 28°26′ while Jupiter is in Virgo at 28°52′, proving the information that when the Sun is culminated by Primary Direction, Jupiter will also be touched by its primary direct motion (not converse) before hiting the Mc – translating the idea of popularity before career launched in the reality TV show that debuted Kim Kardashian and family out to the world
Prior that, Kim Kardashian became popular and highly searched for once the sex tape was released out to the public, making the women famous and popular, but not yet a notorious step towards a pop career. Only when the Sun is directed to Mc is when the world is known about Kim’s persistent presence consequence when October came to them in 2007. The Arc of Sun/Jupiter is a bit off, but the date given by the special key is something to discuss; it is a month late but still correct – the corresponding period is obviously the Sun touching Mc by primary direction, as well as the Sun to Jupiter direct, corresponding a period of global popularity, once Jupiter is located in the 10th house of world status. The Arc and date of Sun directed to Jupiter is quite earlier than when directed to Mc. But if such Arc and native wouldn’t have natal Jupiter in the 10th house, perhaps such popularity wouldn’t be had been much global but for specific groups of people, which wasn’t the case
Primary Directions in Solar Returns
Precising what the Radix couldn't

2006/2007 - Kim Kardashian' Scandal towards Debut on Television Reality Show
A Grand Trine if formed in fire signs in Kim' Solar Return set for the year of 2006, once the event took place 4 days before the new Solar Return took place in 2007, thus we shall count on such chart to depict the day of the show's premiere from its radix

Primary Direction
Configuration: SemiArc & Zodiacal position of planets
Key – Naibod
Promissor – Saturn
Significator – Neptune converse
Consideration – Saturn ruler of annual 10th house of stardom to success, Neptune in Aquarius organic the 11th sign in the 11th house of Uranus/Saturn and Aquarius nature, all represents television and reality shows
Grand Trine Activated & the Returning Sun
Fire signs are energetic and enterprising; in this case, Pluto, Saturn and the annual Ascendant are participating in the Grand Trine of Kim’s 2006, indicating a year of intense battles, yet, battles easy to defeat, but those are game changer. Annual Ascendant in Aries denotes a year where action and change of course is precisely in tune with the native’s vision of how she would like to be seen from that point and on. Aries in Kim’s chart is on the cusp of 5th house of showbiz, that is, such annual rising shall be applied in the predicted sphere of entertainment, sex and amusements. Now, the returning Sun is conjunct Mars, indicating a year around “scenes of passion”, and such would come from a significant other (or ex), once the conjunction falls in the 7th house of the other. This was the case of sex-tape being published not by her consent (versus 1st house of self)
Directing Saturn
Observe that the 11th house of Television and reality shows has Neptune, planet of glamorization and of the celebrities is opposite Saturn. This was an quite easy case to find, the Arc/date are expressive and precise. If, in the Solar Return, we pick Saturn as promissor and direct it to the exact opposition of significator Neptune converse , we are to obtain the Arc when Kim Kardashian premiered the family’s series “Keeping up with the Kardashians” with only 2 days of delay. I think the Arc and date aren’t exact because such date affected the whole family’s chart and destiny, not only hers. Saturn is ruler of annual 10th house, the place of career start, culmination of publication, autonomous pilgrimage, etc. while the 11th house/Neptune presents the stardom moment in reality TV. There is no doubt that such Arc activated Kim’s debut on reality TV show, 8 months after the sexstape was released without her concern
Profected Ascendant and Ruler of natal Ascendant
Supervising the Direction

2007 - Profections set for October 14th, 2007 - Premiere day of the TV reality Show
Observe that Uranus, the planet of broadcasting and television is profected in the 3rd house cusp of brothers and sisters

The Screen-cap above is from the first episode’s opening of the first season premiere by E! – Observe that while all others had settled themselves in, it is Kylie Jenner whom pulls the string; the sister that had overcame Kim Kardashian’s fortune to billions of dollars in 2017/8, and now considered the wealthiest of the all the Kardashians
Kylie is a Leo Sun, which rules the golden color and the gold itself. The sister was also wearing a golden shirt. An unconscious enchantress from the little witch
A set of squares to natal planets and angles were being profected at the day when “Keeping up with the Kardashians” is aired
Profections are Always in tune with Natal Chart
Profecting the planets and points to natal chart is important to correlate the events that are marked on the radix (and Solar returns) and activated by Primary Directions from it. It is like a GPS, you know the destiny but still needs the guidance in order to reach the place faster, taking shortcuts and error-free, driving the steering wheel knowing with certain you will get there. When annual profected Ascendant reached 13° Pisces, it directly square Kim’s natal Ascendant by 0°, Kim’s family premiered on reality TV show. Now at the same time it happens that profected natal Ascendant’s ruler Jupiter is square itself by 0° orb. And again I shall note it again that: “whatever touches the Mc and thus Kim’s natal Jupiter, will always affect Kim’s family, once the Moon is exactly opposite them”
Such set of profected squares to the Radix could actually provide more confusion for the professional. But once understood that profections are like watch arrows rather than the numbers, the reading shall be less puzzling. Profected Jupiter, ruler of Kim Kardashian’s chart in the 1st house of self? Whenever that happens (each 12 years), Kim will find herself in expansion through her body image to the public, once natal Jupiter is located and conjunct 10th house of public image. The high quality attached is also because when profected Jupiter reaches Kim’s 1st house of self-image, it becomes empowered once in domicile (it rules the sign of Sagittarius)
When will it be the next?
When October 2019 comes to Kim Kardashian, she will have a similar experience, but that will also depends on the transits, primary directions, eclipses, solar return, progressive chart, etc. But one thing is sure, it will affect her body image (to the better), her sisters and the mother

2007/2008 - Kim Kardashian' Sun Returns for good
A Grand Trine Kite aspect is formed in the Solar Return of Kim Kardashian in the year of 2007, four days after ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians’ was aired/premiered – Kim Kardashian completes 27 years old
Although this is the Sun’s returning after the series is premiered, it was from this return that things had settled for good. Sun returns in angular 4th house of family, and is in the lowest place of the chart, suggesting the initiation of things from the “house-plant”, and in Kim’s case, it literally involved the whole family. The 4th house is the house of new/end of projects

Kim' Solar Return 2007 - Moira's Finger (Lifting Veil)
All planets involved in the Kite aspect as well as a Grand Trine, are rulers of an angle in the solar return, except for Mercury. Moon (and her north node conjunction) ruler of 1st house, Mars ruler of 10th house, Saturn ruler of 7th house. For the matter, a wide aspect is also formed in the kite by Venus (ruler of 4th house) and the returning Sun, which is conjunction Mercury. Such note informs us that the channel where all those planets carry on their message and operation, are heavenly tuned with Saturn (and south node), and Venus for the matter. Whatever those planets were under, Saturn/Venus that year was to solve it down on earth. Whatever were obstructing Kim’s path, that was the year she was to focus and take great advantage of it, and that was in the 2nd house of money and income. She turned the opportunity into a golden door to enter a greater future. At best, Saturn is the planet of success and world prestige
Observe that 3 planets involved in the kite aspect are all at fall, those are Mars and Venus. The Sun will always be at fall in any solar return of Kim Kardashian. That would be a challenging year for Kim with the sex tape being published, but she took advantage of it to the maximum. Afterwards, a $4.5million resulted from a lawsuit straight to Kim’s wallet; everybody was watching the famous Kardashian having a private moment and wanted to know more about the lady. By the Grand Trine Kite aspect, Kim was literally lifting up the veil in order to enter the world’s list of the most influential. The family bills millions per season of Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Despite the planets at fall, the Grand Trine overcame the dysfunctional debilitation of those planets. Despite who were behind the reality TV management and initial contact, it made Kim Kardashian and her family in consequence a popular empire to watch, follow and click
† Death of Father

Sun direction to Saturn direct
Primary Direction
Configuration: UnderPole & Zodiacal position of planets
Key – True Solar Eclipctical Arc (birthday)
Promissor – Sun
Significator – Saturn direct
Consideration – natal 4th house cusp (father) in bounds with Saturn; natal 4th house ruler Jupiter conjunct Saturn; natal Saturn exalted in Libra and in bounds with itself in the 10th house of Capricorn, Saturn in Sect
When Kim was 22 years old (Arc of 22), her father Robert Kardashian was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in July 2003. He died less than eight weeks later, age 59, on September 30, 2003. The date given by the key using the true solar ecliptical Arc by birthday, is a month late when the father dies. In fact, if we select only the true solar ecliptical Arc without using birthday option, it is giving the month of July 2003, the same month the father was identified as a cancer patience:
Robert George Kardashian (February 22, 1944 – September 30, 2003) was an American attorney and businessman. He gained national recognition as O. J. Simpson’s friend and defense attorney during Simpson’s 1995 murder trial. He had four children with his first wife, Kris Kardashian (née Houghton, later Jenner): Kourtney, Kim, Khloé, and Rob. – wikipedia
The Sun in a women chart signifies the men in her life she attracts consciously as well as the father, how close they could had been. Apparently she loved him until it hurts, Pluto is in wide conjunction with natal Sun, but the when Sun moved to Saturn (by Primary Direction), the classic planet of death, reaped off some part of her essence so she could grow above everything else, providing her and the family a wealthier future through his efforts and life’s attendance on planet Earth
It was also the year Kim’s sex adventures on tape was recorded, but not yet published by TMZ about four years later in 2007. An Impulsive act that later led Kim to fame and success. Although the globe saw the celebrity having sex in its intense and very intimate condition, it was sooner a mark where from it, everything moved nowhere but straightforward. Saturn at best with the Sun in Primary Directions, is the greatest Arc of candid success and advancement in career (in her case, in pop culture)
† The Arc of the Reaper
Saturn opposite Mc direct
Primary Direction
Configuration: SemiArc & Zodiacal position of planets
Key – Naibod
Promissor – Saturn (Anaereta)
Significator – Mc direct
Consideration –Many charts of people that die at old age shows such Arc that I personally call the Arc of the Reaper – yet it doesn’t’ mean every chart in the world that have the time to complete such Arc, will die. That’s not the case at all. Some will have a complete turn in life where career is concerned, specially if Saturn is in terms with benefic Venus or Jupiter and the Arc is young, etc.

Each person has a unique DNA, a unique finger print that resembles a galaxy and a unique Zodiacal wheel that through the belt the individual is at center holding the key to him/herself – thus every native has a unique Arc of the reaper. Many times involves the Anaereta planet killing hylegical planet or its Alcoccoden, etc. Many are the techniques in order to approx to judgments the most accurately as possible. Some charts the Hyleg is indisposed to be calculated as the expiration of the event or native if lived or to be lived no more than 12 years, which is not the case here. Robert Lived until 59 years old
Robert Kardashian Chart
Naturally, the 10th house is a hylegical place in the Zodiacal wheel, and so naturally that Saturn can be considered a murderer, a killing planet – the perfect Anaereta candidate in the case of Robert Kardashian; the planet is also ruler of Robert’s chart once it is ruler of the Ascendant (1st house)
When, by Primary Direction, promissor and Anaereta Saturn is directed to the opposition of Mc direct, we are giving the approximate date of Robert’s death, with only 7 days of delay. But within a few seconds rectified, we obtain the exact date whatsoever. In Robert’s case, the expiration of his time on earth was at the time his old age came, thus we can ignore the date of the Arc without given the proper key, which in this case is that of Naibod, giving the further date of 2003.10.07

The Power of Transiting Venus and Saturn conjunction
Observation on the Mundane
In the mundane world of laws, a month before the first Venus-Saturn conjunct of three, United Kingdom bans (Saturn) smoking (Venus pleasure) in public places, changing for good the habits of its natives and visitant. Although when the first conjunct was exact on Jul 1st 2007, smoking in England was banned in all public indoor spaces: with the ban already in force in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, meaning it is from then illegal to smoke in indoor public places anywhere in the UK. Australia implements a similar ban on the same day. It was a conjunction in the sign of Virgo; the virgin and the addictive cutter of the Zodiac
Millionaires to Billionaires - Venus touch via the power of attraction
At the middle of that July, Jul 21st Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the final book in the series by J. K. Rowling is published worldwide. Saving to the woman about 11 million copies sell in 24 hrs. Around the 2nd conjunction of transiting Venus-Saturn on August 2007, “Eclipse” 3rd book in Stephenie Meyer’s “Twilight Saga” is published by Little Brown – initial print run 1 million copies!
This is a powerful conjunction of planets that can generate annual millions of your currency. In this article of entitled “Venus-Saturn: The Power of Money” author Susanne Riedel lists tycoons and their Venus-Saturn conditions, including Bill Gates (67 billion), Warren Buffett (53.5 billion), businesswoman Liliane Bettencourt (30 billion) and Marissa Mayer, a young and Gemini women with an annual salary of 36.6 million dollars, the authors ges on writing “manager Mayer splendidly fits a pattern that is significantly shown by nine out of ten of the richest billionaires (top of the current Forbes list) in their horoscopes. On the heliocentric or geocentric level. Such a clustering is very unusual.”. Although the conjunction itself is not the “enough” material to form the pattern in the chart of billionaires, but it is indeed one of the easy-to-find step towards the correct formula (pattern and the others consideration such as also having Pluto in 10th house) to observe/judge in the charts of future billionaires
Women in Power
Stabilized Success
The 3rd and most powerful
The year of 2007 was marked by an important transit of Venus conjunct Saturn in the sign of Virgo, in general, bringing back to earth, power underneath femininity while shedding a new skin under a new empire of strong and powerful women – from éclat to tycoon, yet, from humility to modesty
When the conjunction performed its third and last conjunction on 13th to 20th, the Kardashian’s sisters are all introduced to the television audience of E! in countries available, which are many in the world
The Conditions
The transiting Venus-Saturn was in terms with Mercury, and the planet was transiting Kim’s 11th house of television shows and appearances on them. The powerful conjunction with Venus debilitated while it is at fall when in Virgo, but when transiting by day while the Sun hasn’t set down yet (which is the case here), Venus actually rules the sign by triplicity, an accidental dignity. If the show was to be premiered after sundown, perhaps the success wouldn’t had be the same. Saturn on the other hand is great transiting an earth sign, once agreed by their humoral nature (cold and dry)
Venus in Good Shape
Venus in astrology is the universal archetype for the femininity in us all, but exclusively for those with Venus in strong dignity, even man with quite masculine physical features – if Venus is good, than he will attract things and people more than the ordinary. From the point of view of Jupiter’s, Venus is the lesses benefic, but from the position of all the malefic plants, at least having a Venus holding a good position will be as if something greater could be pushed down to Earth. It is really a matter of perspective in the end. Yet, between Jupiter and Venus, the first is the greater benefic of all the spheres and their operation
Venus rules
Love, passion of/from women, pleasure, good times, feminine universal archetype, relaxing, affection, showing of, money, beauty, charm, power of attraction, etc.

Pluto in Libra Generation
Dictating Beauty Worldwide
Kim Kardashian is from Pluto in Libra generation. A generation born to chance and transform for good the spheres of beauty, relationships (divorces: transforming the traditional aspects), arts, fitness, etc. Pluto is a generational planet like Uranus and Neptune, once they they years and years to go through one Zodiacal sign. Pluto is the planet of transformation, death and rebirth; the resurrection operator of heavens. It is in this planet, we witness the total annihilation of things and total transformation in people, culture and country. People born with Pluto conjoining personal planets, are said to be beacons of light to others of the same generation, and if conjunct an angular (1st, 4th, 7th or 10th houses), that would be applied to all generations together.
Pluto is the planet that forces entrances; it basically rapes what it wants. Pluto in people with good intentions, know that rape is wrong and will try other things first in order to get there, and rape will be the last things they would try. And that rape may be in psychological form, intellectual and unfortunately, it could get physical. In Kim’s case, it is like she says “you will be forced to accept my exotic beauty and history” out to the world, even when there are others who extremely hate the women and her family. From this point, she started dictating what can be beautiful striping out the traditional view. At worse scenario, Kim is part of generation that imposes to everybody to look pretty, as if we were in war with our own bodies, and although this is not personal and exclusively in her chart, it is generational, a group that enforces the changing of beauty patterns, and mostly of it all, is unconscious from their part

In Kim’s case, Pluto is conjunct by the Sun, yet the Sun is conjunct the 11th house, while Pluto angular, up there in the 10th house, almost culminating. These people in the end, end up being dramatic (Pluto) influence (Sun) upon those with Pluto elsewhere but not in angular houses. Observation: although the conjunction is within 7° orbs, I personally believe it is too wide, yet the configuration is there, and many astrologers consider it a respectable orb to be judged as a real conjunction
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The Author
Astrologer since 2008 – Astrology Publishing, Business, Marketing and Design. Rafael VR is not available for readings at the moment. The author is working on the website construction and its content

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Its a new Jupiter’s year my dear one; time to travel to foreign lands perhaps?
When November 8th comes to us (GMD: 12:38:39PM), Jupiter will enter Sagittarius – the sign it naturally rules. Jupiter rejoices in this sign rather than in Pisces, thus when the planet transits Sagittarius it is more effective. This is an old concept that many forget.