Neptune, Pisces & and the North Node – Apparitions, the Immaculate & the Unnoticed
+ Predictions
It is no secret for worldwide astrologers to correlate the sign of Pisces to spiritualism, apparitions, images of saints and angels, dreams etc. Things that go unseen, behind the curtains, leaving behind a question mark, the taste of a psychic experience.
Neptune Conjunct North Node in Pisces | 2025, Feb 23rd › at 03:47 (GMT) | 28°40’ degrees |
This special Conjunction in Pisces is taking place on February 23rd; 2025 – the next one, only in 2175!

Apparitions & the Immaculate – When Neptune bears a meeting with the North Node in Pisces, the speculative world of the invisible forces may become physical for some, thus society has to deal with certain events relating to spirituality, religion and that what are/is considered sacred, untouchable, immaterial, ‘holy’ or ‘divine’, the things on “the other side”.
Society ought to wonder the truthfulness or not of the unseen world, where do we stand and where they would stay if they exist, would there exist a fine line clocking them out from us? Is there proof? Are there evidences? Can someone really talk to the dead, or a saint figure, an angel or demon? If so, how would that be about? How one would approach, how would appear in physical format/shape? Would that be a feeling, a sentiment or a real vision?
Now, when Neptune was Conjunct the lunar North Node in Pisces last time back in 1858, happened the famous “Lourdes apparitions” – Neptune was only about two degrees further from the lunar Node in Pisces – the well known event by the catholic church was a series of Marian visions experienced by a 14-year-old girl named Bernadette Soubirous, from February 11 to July 16, 1858 in the town of Lourdes in Southern France. She described the Lady as having a white veil, a blue belt, golden roses on her feet, and holding a rosary made of pearls. I have no idea what time the first claimed apparition took place, but if it was let’s say, in the morning about 9 to 11am in Massabielle, France, Rose Taurus was rising, which would make the ruler of the Ascendant (eyes/what one sees, how many times) would be Venus! Bernadette reported seeing a “Lady” a total of 18 times. Venus, the women of the world was at 18° degrees. According to Copilot, it was around mid-morning! Ask yourself (anyway, I’ll leave the links below). If that was true, then Jupiter, the “saint” was rising along with Pluto. All visions took place in a dirty grotto. This is a very interesting chart.
The church, or events relating to beliefs pertaining to angels and demons, or other unworldly creatures are likely to hit the news when the Neptune encounters North Node in the sign of Pisces, where people are obliged to make sense of Pisces themes in a very enigmatic but elaborative way (of course it wouldn’t only limit to those topics I just cited! It could involve a mysterious drowning, dreams and meanings etc). When Neptune hits the Nodes, a message comes through some humble people in forms of visions and apparitions? Does it limit to humbles? I wonder… Here, some people are taking to “higher” level of position in the world after their claims are seen as “truth” by an authority figure, influencing how such person will be seen in the future. See next.
Initially, the local clergy were skeptical of Bernadette’s claims. However, after a thorough investigation by the Catholic Church, the apparitions were deemed credible. This Lady came to be known as “Our Lady of Lourdes”. Pisces & Neptune love a Saint – Bernadette was canonized as a saint in 1933 by Pope Pius XI. In 1958, Pope Pius XII issued an encyclical, Le pèlerinage de Lourdes (“The Pilgrimage to Lourdes”), to mark the 100th anniversary of the apparitions. Pope John Paul II visited Lourdes three times, and Pope Benedict XVI visited Lourdes on September 15, 2008, to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the apparitions. When Neptune Conjunct the Nodes, is highly likely some people become “immortal”, a people’s “saint”, someone to “believe in” by believers?
The Unnoticed – Things in science goes unnoticed but still detected, yet not recognized, made simple or obvious. Now, a few days after the Neptune-North Node in Pisces Conjunction took place on December 1690, the English first Royal astronomer John Flamsteed observes Uranus without realizing it’s undiscovered! He mistakenly identified it as a star and cataloged it as 34 Tauri. When Neptune in Pisces Conjunct the lunar node of the Moon, objects can easily pass by as something else, difficult to fathom, to know the truth.
Italy Region & Earthquakes – I think I discovered something, a certain pattern the – also, there must be a 3rd planet involved which i didn’t investigated. However, is good to look out for Italy and the regions.
[December 16; 1857] – The 7.0 Mw Basilicata earthquake shakes the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (Southern Italy) with a maximum Mercalli intensity of XI (Extreme), killing about 10,000 people. Neptune was about 2° degrees away from the North Node in Pisces!
[December 29; 1690] – An earthquake hits Ancona, in the Papal States of Italy and causes 10 deaths. Neptune was only about 1 degree further from the North Node in Pisces!
Shipwreck – Also, let’s check for a historical shipwreck on the 21st century? The Conjunction will be taking place Conjunct fixed star Scheat which is almost exactly at 00°00′ Aries, but still currently at 29° Pisces!
Historical Events in 1690 – On This Day
The message of Lourdes – Sanctuaire Notre-Dame de Lourdes
Lourdes apparitions – Wikipedia