Social Media, First WWW & Aquarius Age

The internet has completed 29th years old. Saturn in Aquarius is the returning to natal position of such powerful Aquarian chart. The first web page went live on August 6, 1991. It was dedicated to information on the World Wide Web project and was made by Tim Berners-Lee. It ran on a NeXT computer at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN. 

How Aquarius is that! The sign is the last of the Air triplicity, it goes virtual and on-line, codes such as HTML: HyperText Markup Language, URI: Uniform Resource Identifier [URL] and HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol are some of the basic language of the Aquarius Age. From 1 [one] website in 1991 to about 1.80 billions in 2020. It’s Saturn Return now has abundance and wealthy in numbers Jupiter aligned perfectly. Jupiter in such chart is actually in Leo! Saturn by the way, was in terms with Mercury, which may reflect the idea that moderns astrologers have that Mercury is exalted in Aquarius, which for me is equivocated. Internet has created a new world language, that event he first website creator doubted it would rebound like it has been since then.

Many Social Medias nowadays dispute their place to keep up their power. There is always something new coming and others going [Orkut anyone? Messenger?]. Aquarius wants to find out which group it really is into. Facebook era is about to be gone I think. With Aquarius, the vibe shall be different than ever was. Tiktok are awesome for teenagers and adults that use it as marketing tool. The thing is that people wanna do the same move, the same music, the same effects that are on the “demand”. Very Aquarius indeed. We already have our second identity, which is yourself and that you create on-line, no matter the platform.