Horoscopes for all rising signMundanePredictions 2023

Mercury Square Saturn — November 2023

Mercury Square Saturn — November 2023

Mercury Square Saturn – The square will happen 7x (times) while Saturn transits Pisces – that is, whenever Mercury ingresses Gemini or Sagittarius. Both planets will be direct when the square happens in Saturn in Pisces, but only in November 2024 will Saturn be retrograde when Mercury squares it off. Thus expect 2024 for this square to be rather personal & special. After that, only in 2037 will Saturn be retrograde when the square happens between these two planets. 

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When Mercury meets one of the squaring degrees of Saturn in the Zodiac, humanity doesn’t understand or measure how serious a situation is, or that they may think things are way too serious when it is not the case. Humans’ minds turn sober even when they are drinking, the third glass still isn’t enough. They are thinking about important things/stuff in life, about the distortions in their career or why not the direction in life? Their perspective gets a bit deformed, getting harder to understand that book, they are too busy thinking about how to fix things that are broken in practical reality 

Mercury in Sagittarius Square Saturn in Pisces 

2023, Nov 10th 

00°32’ degrees 

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Humans find themselves anxious and apprehensive, but this time such disquietedness may help to motivate – they are now wanting to find details even in silly things, just to be sure everything is sound & secure. They are now concerned about facts in life and certain specifics, something just feels off that demands a mindful explanation. They will read the book back and forth, back and forth, never beginning from the first page. 

When Satan Saturn is squared off by the planet that rules humans’ minds, they are rather overly vigilant and attentive, even when (perhaps) there is no such need. Their thinking gets darker, and things look rather graver, as if a heavy stone is weighty on their minds and needs urgent notice. They are in surveillance of their life as if a thief has come to their minds and doppelgangered them. 

Humanity is thinking about the consequences when they play, heeding messages of importance, kind of building to momentousness for future satisfaction. They care now about the substantiality of things and people, sometimes putting their minds to extremes just so they can show how much they can mentally afford.  Their mind becomes rigid & extremely sober – as if they could reach for answers that aren’t easy to deal with. Here the devil is on the details. 

This is when things in the neighbourhoods have/get streets obstructed. Police everywhere and the raid is on. The margins & periphery of the city now behold darkness, runaways, robberies, assaults etc.  The invisible line of tensity among people in power & the everywhere media is gross enough you can touch it. The news is flooded with politicians and people of influence doing doubtful things. 

Prompt by JD using Bing AI

Because Mercury has this dual nature and it mutates with the planets that it aligns with, the overall result of such hard meeting will depend on other planetary positions in the Zodiac. One may get frustrated for not understanding the subject, the joke, the article, the text, suspect the message has dual intentions etc. It has a reason, and perhaps one of them is to show humans that attention to details is unprecedent and have power on them, thus if you don’t double check or double read, chances are you will miss those.  

They change their cell phones and numbers and block or delete contacts. People in power gets in trouble with for malefic use of their phones, iPads, e-mails, text messages etc. Words now hurt, and people sees it, while conversations/messages can get very nasty, heavy and dissatisfying. Here humans say things they will later regret if they don’t control themselves. This is when the stars challenge humans at mental level and poke them to think about seriousness and abstinence in life

Personal Experience: “I have this place in my natal chart between Mercury in Leo square Saturn in Scorpio. So let me check you in with my own experiences briefly. In high school I never studied at home, and I was always medium to good, but never worse or the best of the class. I was lazy and always drawing and making poems, beautiful and dark ones (which someday I may publish if I ever get them back), I loved making scripts and making up stories while written as well. I always had hard time learning, troubles with mathematics even in university, although I always enjoyed statistics. I usually flip through pages by the end to the first page whenever I am in a bookshelf, which is very weird of me. I take years to understand a subject because I want to chew words so much to the point they cease to exist lol. But make no mistake, once I understand the subject, I move on to another sentence where I can get stuck on and read, read, read back, re-read it, then deeply understand it, and move on to another etc.”. 

» The image I have in mind, is the signing in with the devil that went wrong. Or, someone signing a contract without realizing the consequences or reading what is actually written. Or, someone’s signature being falsified. Or, brothers and sisters bullying the unsuccessful one. Or, someone overcoming speech blockages. Or, the suspicious neighbour etc.
