The Astrology of Porn Star & Anti-Porn Linda Lovelace
The Astrology of Porn Star & Anti-Porn Linda Lovelace
Capricorn rising Linda Lovelace, was one of the most famous porn stars of the “Golden Age of Porn” (click here to read about it) being well known for the pornographic film “Deep Throat,” 1972.
⇒ Such era refers to a 15-year period from 1969 to 1984 in commercial American pornography, when sexually explicit films gained positive attention from mainstream cinemas, movie critics, and the general public. During this period, pornography became fashionable and gained mainstream publicity and popularity. “Deep Throat” was one of the films that helped inaugurate the “Golden Age of Porn”.
Chic Capricorn Sun-Jupiter Linda Lovelace was born under the name of Linda Susan Boreman on January 10, 1949, in the Bronx, New York, about five years later John C. Holmes (click here to know his astrology) also from the “Porn Chic” trend. Capricorn rising and Sun people are not famous for having a good, soft and easy life. As if they were born on probation, born to tests, great trials and errors, hard-works and plus they are easily subtle to being scrutinised by others – these are their lessons under such cold sign of the Zodiac.
The Ascendant + Sun + Jupiter in Capricorn & Mars-Pluto Opposition

Capricorn rising people already suggests a hard panoramic life. This nativity was born with ruler of the Ascendant Saturn in the 8th house of trauma & distress. When examining the astrological chart of an individual with the Ascendant ruler Saturn positioned in the 8th house while venereal Pluto conjunct the house’s cusp, one could easily anticipate a deeply traumatic life story. Furthermore, the presence of a Mars-Pluto opposition in the chart of a former porn star suggests the potential for themes such as rape, kidnapping and intense sexual experiences, plus if you add relationship-oriented Venus in opposition Uranus, that becomes bizarre, unbelievable or unconventional.
Linda Lovelace’s journey through the pornography industry was marked by disturbing experiences of sexual exploitation and abuse, ranging from instances of gang-rape to involvement in bestiality. These traumatic encounters led her to become an outspoken advocate against pornography as the years went on.
→ Important Observation: I realized that some porn stars have Jupiter or Sagittarius quite evident in their charts, in a configuration or a simple conjunction to a powerful personal planet, like Linda Lovelace was born with the Sun conjunct Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet that “strips” out the truth, undressing the human body, and is not ashamed to stand out naked or making action with it while people watch them. John Holmes for example, had Sagittarius sign culminating (MC) with Jupiter in the 7th sign from the Ascendant while conjunct Mercury + Mars. Jupiter was also ruler of Holme’s natal Asc. Sagittarius is represented by a person standing as a quadruple animal, but still a human from the waist up, the animal instinct of the human, the animalistic part of our humanity applied ferociously, where shame of one’s body is nulled but praise of it is raised instead. In Lovelace’s case, Jupiter was also the Anaereta planet of her chart, which ended up cutting the length of her life in the root (the last Arc here investigated).
Marriage & Rape – The Sun-Uranus-Pluto Arc
Married to a Scoundrel
Lovelace has a very intriguing astrological chart & case. Linda, the daughter of a New York traffic cop, endured a tumultuous and abusive marriage to Chuck Traynor. Although we do have to keep in mind that husbands-wives are there in the 7th house with its ruler etc. many astrologers would point the Sun to the representation of the men in the life of women.
On September 4th; 1971 marries abusive and scoundrel of a husband Traynor. Significator Uranus in the root conjunct cusp of 7th house of marriage, and the planet opposes planet of marriage Venus in the chart. Although it was a union, the marriage was seen as erratic and unpredictable.
Promissor Sun is ruler of 8th house of abuse, sex assault or rape, prostitution, pornography etc. During their 2 (two-yeas) marriage, Lovelace experienced harrowing ordeals. She was subjected to hypnosis, sexual assault, coercion, threats, physical abuse (beaten up), and forced into prostitution within a master/slave dynamic. Observe her natal planet of relationship Venus opposite Uranus in the 6th-12th axis of the wheel, the master/slave houses. The Sun in the root is term-ruled by planet of marriage Venus.
Now, what was the nativity of this chart interested in such solar year of this specific event? We generally ask for the yearly Profection of the Ascendant. The turn was on Scorpio, thus activating natal Mars, which was also Linda’s Governor of the Distribution of the Ascendant. This is very important because Mars is term-ruler of the 7th house of marriage, everything was connected to Traynor. Natal Mars is in the 2nd sign from the Ascendant, the house of the Hades’ Gate.

In the SR1971 (Solar Return) the Sun returns in the 8th house of Hades himself. Such chart has a Full Moon in Cancer signature, the sign on the cusp of natal 7th house of marriage.

Observe that it was the period of Mars return. From the official marriage point, Linda was controlled & commanded to perform many bizarre sexual acts.
The Gang-Rape
Not soon enough, the Promissor Sun extended its Arc to then Significator Pluto, perfecting the aspectual direction still in the same year but a few months ahead. Again, the Sun trine Moon in the root. Such natal Moon, ruler of 7th house of the spouse is in the house of husband’s friends, since it is the 11th place from the 7th house of the radix. Traynor’s friends got to play with “his slave”.
Sun Opposite Pluto Direction (see table above)
In the same year of their marriage (we don’t know the exact date but I assume it was after the marriage?) she was forced to engage in sexual acts with 5 (five) men in Miami, which marked the beginning of a degrading journey with such gang-rape.
Notice her natal rapist & pimp Mars is almost at 5° degrees. Significator Pluto is the planet that kidnaps and forces someone to do something the other doesn’t want to, it coerces to maliciousness and assaults whenever it desires.
“Deep Throat” & The Conflicting Claims
Lovelace’s involvement in “Deep Throat” made her a controversial figure in the sexual revolution of the 1970s. The film, directed by Gerard Damiano, her husband at the time, achieved significant mainstream success and became a cultural phenomenon, propelling Lovelace into the spotlight. It is said to be considered the forefront of the Golden Age of Porn, lunching the “porn chic” trend.
What happened when Promissor fame-oriented Saturn is released in the chart and meet up the opposition of the Significator erectile Mars in the radix? Remember that Saturn is ruler of the Ascendant and the Sun-Jupiter while Mars is ruler of her reputation (MC) before the world. Mars is in the 2nd sign from the Ascendant, the place of the native’s throat:
She gained fame for her role in the June 12th ; 1972 in the pornographic film “Deep Throat,” which became a cultural phenomenon and made her a household name. The popular movie, produced and filmed by her husband Chuck Traynor, earned him $600 million while her cut was 0 (zero). Now observe natal wealthy Pluto conjunct cusp of 8th house of partner’s money! He had total control of the money they earned together.
The film is about a sexually frustrated (Saturn) woman named Linda who asks her friend Helen for advice on how to achieve an orgasm (Mars). The film’s explicit content and Lovelace’s performance, particularly her ability to perform a specific sexual act, garnered attention and notoriety. Notice natal Ascendant and Saturn are both term-ruled by mouth & skilful Mercury, which in turn conjunct male sexual organ Mars.
Now, what was the native of this radix interested in such solar year? We should probably ask for the Yearly Profection of the Ascendant – the turn was on Sagittarius, thus activating natal Jupiter. Jupiter undressed the self (conjunct Sun) of hers. She was indeed interested in that what strips off & denudes the focus on herself (1st house Jupiter), and such Jupiter is trine Saturn in the 8th house as we know. That was taken serious and career motivated? Nevertheless, the result ended up hurting her moral? Read more about it:
Natal 3rd house of written and biographies is also ruled by Jupiter, which in turn is in a conflicting square to illusion-oriented Neptune. In her autobiographies, Linda Lovelace later made conflicting claims about her experience while filming the movie. She stated that she was both drugged and beaten during the production, but had previously described the movie as a pleasurable experience? At other times, she would assert that watching the film was akin to witnessing her own rape. Linda had ruler of 8th house of complexity Sun in square to fantasy-oriented Neptune. This complex mix of emotions creates an ambiguity that blurs the lines between fantasy and reality. It appears that her feelings encompassed elements of pleasure, regret, and self-disgust, making her experience a deeply nuanced and conflicting one? Or was it all for publicity to keep up relevant?
In later years, Lovelace distanced herself from her involvement in the adult film industry and became an advocate against pornography. Notice Natal delete-oriented South Node at 0° degree in the letting go sign of Scorpio conjunct cusp of 10th house of career and reputation. She simple decided her porn career was dead after the divorce (?).

The SR1972 had Virgo rising, which sign is found in natal 9th house cusp. She was interested in going big that solar year, but it was also a year where her moral was deeply hurt? Perhaps it was a year where it made her re-think about what life is about. Such ruler of the SR Ascendant Mercury sits right next to Jupiter, the disrober of truth. The Sun returned in the 5th house, it was all about fun & games and sex. However, such returning Sun was square Uranus in the 2nd house of income, it didn’t end up well, as we know, her payment from the popular movie was robbed by the husband – notice ruler of the 2nd house of her money was conjunct ruler of 7th house of spouse. Now, Pluto was also there in the same sign of Uranus in the 2nd house, and Pluto was at exact Persian degrees of “Elevation & Power”!

Observe transiting Jupiter retrograde conjunct Lovelace’s Ascendant unclothing her body. It was her Jupiter return – the planet is detriment in the radix, at the same time it was a luck turn of event which she was put on the spotlight and suddenly became an “icon”, it was also detrimental to her life. Eclipses that period was hitting her 1st-7th axis.
It was also, a Saturn-Neptune opposition in the skies. The release of controversial Deep Throat generated a backlash from an unlikely alliance of feminists and religious groups and drew scrutiny from the FBI. The film was prosecuted under obscenity laws in conservative states, and prosecutors across the country brought obscenity charges against theatre owners who showed the film. For example, in 1973, Manhattan Judge Joel Tyler ruled that Deep Throat was obscene and fined the company that owned the 49th Street theatre where it still played (?).
The Moon in Linda’s chart is the planet that contains vitality, power and life force, the Radix’s Hyleg. Natal Moon is positioned in the sign of bestial 4 paws Taurus. The Moon is said to be the “animal” inside us, the “animal spirit” that acts on instinct, urge or/and appetite.
The Promissor Moon in the root is ruler of 7th house of Linda’s marriages, the significant other, the husband Traynor etc. Such Moon also trine the Sun – the Lion, the king of the forest. Now, what happened to Linda Lovelace when such Promissor Moon perfected its direction to the lowest point of the Zodiac wheel?
The abuse coming from her husband reached its lowest point in 1973 when she was compelled to engage in sexual acts of bestiality (with a 4 paws dog), representing the pinnacle of her humiliation! Natal Moon is term-ruled by control-freak Saturn, which in turn sits right in the 8th house of humiliation, sex, intimacy etc. Also, observe Linda’s Moon in the root is conjunct 5th house of sex and games.

Scorpio the sign of obscene sexual acts was rising in the SR1973. Mars, ruler of the SR Ascendant was opposite Saturn. A “defilement” or degradation of a kind would come about in such malicious solar year. It was also Venus return as signatured in the returning Sun chart of 1973, and you know by this point Venus in the root is opposite erratic Uranus. Now, did you notice that Saturn in the SR1973 is in a degree which conjunct exact the natal 6th house cusp? This is said to be the place in the chart perpetuating to our little lovely pets, the small angels with invisible wings.
Cutting Ties with the Abuser
Mars opposite Saturn
In 1974 (unknown month), Linda Lovelace officially cut ties (divorced) with the beast.
In the SR1974 (not shown) the returning Sun was ruler of 7th house of divorce.
That year was the year transiting Saturn was conjunct natal 7th house cusp. It was a serious and official end of an abusive relationship, and the beginning of a new era for Linda in matter of the self and the other. She was no longer putting herself in danger with a maniac. Remember that Saturn is ruler of natal Ascendant.
Marries Again & Life Is Changed as Mars is Directed to the Ascendant
Mars in the root is/was ruler of the 4th house of major new beginnings in Lovelace’s life. What happened when Promissor Mars in Sect perfected its direction to the Ascendant?
After her tumultuous past, Linda Lovelace found stability when she married construction worker Larry Marchiano in 1976. They led a modest life in a Long Island apartment and faced financial challenges during times of work scarcity.
The couple welcomed two children, Dominic in 1976 and Lindsay in 1980.
She later appeared in documentaries and became an anti-pornography activist and spoke out against the industry, writing two books about her experiences: “Ordeal” (January 1980) and “Out of Bondage” (1986) and continued to raise awareness about the dark side of the adult film industry. As her books gained popularity, Linda embarked on a new journey, sharing her story through speaking engagements. She travelled the lecture circuit, addressing college students, religious groups, and community gatherings, commanding fees of $1,500 per appearance.
Natal out of Sect Jupiter is detriment in Capricorn in the root and aspects a malefic. Jupiter seemed to be the Anaereta planet of Linda’s radix, the cutter, the killer Promissor. As it seems, Hyleg was then the Moon, exalted and in aspect to all powerful vital Sun. The radix is a Moon Sect chart and is an angular ruler.
When Anaereta Jupiter is released Direct in the radix and perfected its opposition to the Hyleg Moon by direction, Lovelace died on April 22, 2002, in Denver, Colorado – She was 53 years and 3 months old.
In the root, Jupiter conjunct the Sun, which in turn is ruler of 8th house of death. Anaereta Jupiter also ruler of 3rd house of cars. Linda died from injuries sustained in a car accident on April 3 of that year.

The year of Linda’s death, SR2002 had the sing of death Scorpio rising. The transiting Moon was conjunct death Pluto in the such chart of the returning Sun, along with the letting-go South Node in the same sign. Her ex-husband and their two children were by her side when she was taken off life support. Observe planet of peace and love Venus was exact conjunct the returning Sun, which in the root is ruler of 8th house of death! Now, observe the accident Mars in the SR2002 was in the sign which in the root is the 3rd sign of cars.

Not only detrimental Jupiter killed the Hyleg in the root by direction, but it was also transiting opposite natal Sun, which again, is ruler of the 8th house death in Linda’s radix.
In 2022, the re-release of Deep Throat by Mr. Damiano’s son and daughter has divided Flanders, with cinema owners welcoming it to their screens citing its historical importance, while historians, philosophers, and feminist activists have flatly decried it.
→ What is your Opinion on the Matter? Whatever the answer you give, it will be directly connected to your natal chart and now you view the porn industry.
Golden Age of Porn – Wikipedia
Deep Throat (film) – Wikipedia
The Astrology of the Golden Age of Porn – The Zodiacus
The Astrology of Porn Star John C.Holmes – The Zodiacus
Linda Lovelace and Chuck Traynor – Dating, Gossip, News, Photos (
How ‘Deep Throat’ actress Linda Lovelace divided feminists (
‘Lovelace’: Deep Throat, Porn and The Still Untold Story of Linda Lovelace – WSJ