Saturn Conjunct Neptune in Aries 2026 (Part I)
Saturn Conjunct Neptune in Aries 2026 (Part I)
[Click Here to Read Saturn Conjunct Neptune in Aries 2026 + Mundane Predictions]
[Click Here to Read Saturn conjunct Neptune in History (Part I)]
[Click Here to Read Saturn conjunct Neptune in History (Part II)]
[My book on “The Astrology of Warfare”]
Be Sure to Read the Above Articles
They include many astrological forecasts and history to learn from!
The last time Saturn was conjunct Neptune in first face [decan] of Aries was in April of the year of 555 CE at 7° degrees Aries, about 1471 years ago. At this last conjunction, Pluto-Mars were also in Aquarius, the lunar nodes were also Taurus-Scorpio, but Uranus, the different, was in opposite sign, in Scorpio, which now is found in Taurus. From 0CE to now, Saturn was conjunct Neptune in Aries 4x times, but next on February 2026 it will be the first to happen exactly at 0° degree – astrologers from antiquity knew the power of 0° degree and wouldn’t underestimate it when superior planets made important conjunctions at such .

The Conjunction on February 20th 2026
Now, the next exact conjunction will occur on February 20th, 2026 – at 16:53 in London; UK. Both Saturn and Neptune will be a bit south of the ecliptic; Saturn will be visible as dusk fades to darkness as the Sun sets on the western horizon. The Persian ancient astrologers would say Saturn is at phase of “strong easternization” in relation to the Sun. Since the planet is near the Sun by zodiacal degrees (as the Sun approaches it), Saturn in the sign of the ram is fast (and furious indeed) at the time of the exact hit. Bear in mind, Saturn is the slowest of the traditional planets, resulting in longer chapters concerning the tradition.
Saturn just ingressed Pisces a few days ago as I write this work, and Neptune is in Pisces for years now, thus they already share a conjunction by sign since Saturn ingressed Pisces; however it is only in 2026 when the two bodies exactly meet up in the skies in the earliest degree of the sign of Aries. As Saturn moves forward in the sign of the ram, they will still share the same sign; such conjunction will influence the charts of an entire generation in a span of 4-5 years. But don’t be fool, whenever a new synodic cycle happens between planets at 0° degree Aries, it has influence over hundreds of years until a 0° degree Aries conjunction between the planets perfects again.
A Serious Conjunction
This will be a Historical Conjunction as it happens at 0° degrees of Aries, the first Zodiac sign of the Zodiac once the Sun in such fiery tropical sign resets the seasons. How rare is that? – They are actually millenniums of configuration. Aries is a cardinal sign and is considered the primary force, in such way its 0° degree is the reference for a fresh canvas, a blank, a “nothing” but something to write upon to then shift into life itself. In this case, it will be the themes surrounding Saturn-Neptune possible themes.
To keep in Mind: Whatever happens at 0° degree Aries is always big, exaggerated and thundering – The first term of Aries is Jupiter. Of course, the ruler of whatever happens to Aries is Mars, explosive, rapid and prompted/assertive. An Intense conjunction of the spheres Saturn-Neptune happens by projection as Mars is in the same sign as Pluto, Aquarius.

The Unexplored Ocean & Crude Oil (Fossils)
Aries has this raw energy – it cuts right to the chase, but it demands energy/fuel. The one dimensional prospect of this configuration (Saturn-Neptune) is malefic over benefic quality, meaning that in the third dimension this may generate many devious actions from governments and people in power, regarding religion, but also about the oil-gas market and extraction and of course, the unexplored parts of the ocean which haven’t yet been mapped out.
The unexplored (Neptune) parts of oil extraction refer to areas where oil and gas (Aries) reserves (Saturn) have not yet been fully explored or exploited (Saturn). These areas may include deep ocean basins, remote offshore locations, or challenging terrain such as Arctic regions. Saturn rules the “cold”, the winter and the iced regions. It makes me think if we should expect more and more news of occupation in the Arctic, legally and illegal? Such things make countries and owners wealthy, this fractional distillation to provide energy to humankind has a price. From oil-spit, habitat change and climate change. The Arctic’s ocean is estimated to contain around 13% of the world’s undiscovered oil and 30% of its undiscovered natural gas reserves, according to USGS in 2008’s report. These parts also contain rare minerals.
The Art of War
Neptune will glamorize Saturn in Aries topics, yet fighting over things and territory may be a constant failure and disappointing for both parts. A fall of those government and business organizations whose use force (passive or active) and violence may begin from this point? However, tyranny or some form will be tempting to a few countries and will be glamorized.
This reminds me the book “the Art of War” (written before CE), an ancient Chinese military treatise said to be attributed to Sun Tzu. The book has had a significant influence on military strategy, tactics, and philosophy both in China and around the world. It has also influence over the business sphere. The book emphasizes the importance of understanding the enemy, maximizing strengths, and exploiting weaknesses. Overall, The Art of War is a timeless classic that offers valuable insights into the nature of conflict and the strategies and tactics that can be used to achieve success. Its enduring relevance and popularity are a testament to its enduring value and wisdom.

New Era of the Collective Imaginary
From the imaginary we bring forth to reality by doing things, getting into action, making the wheel turn. The political polls will begin to sound differently after this conjunction. New dreams as collective and human-oriented, should we expect to begin to see political figures more “mystical” oriented instead of fascists and tyrans? This will change the game.
Saturn & Neptune
Saturn is the last traditional planet visible from Earth’s perspective, it prefers the dark spots and it is discreet, no sun light shall intimidate Saturn, it sticks down to reality and expects results. Its gelid quality is somewhat necessary in order to understand the obstacles and limits. The Final line before the “transcendence” phase begins.
Neptune is a modern or second ruler of Pisces, or, it co-rules the sign by traditional point of view if you consider modern planets in your craft. Pisces is represented by two fishes going in opposite directions. Neptune’s Moon Triton, is the only large moon in our solar system that orbits its planet in a direction opposite to the planet’s rotation, which suggests that it was captured by Neptune. As if the fishes go in different directions but always together, as global trend, they swim as shoals. Triton is one of the coldest objects in the solar system.
When Saturn connects with Neptune in a cardinal sign, a fresh trend envelops the globe in politics, arts, religion, public health, entertainment and media, “spiritual” values, and in Aries we can expect an ideological struggle of the masses. Remember that Pluto still follows Neptune as a sextile.

An Aphoristic Religious Reboot or Reset?
Something crazy but… a great dissolution of religions around the world will begin from the new generations? When could expect to see such new “religious-free” ground? When people born under this configuration reach their power and influence in the world or while as transits? Perhaps it will begin at the transits, while the reset will actually happens as they begin to their Saturn return!
Or even perhaps a new ‘religion’ or a new word, a new concept of belief, more concrete, grounded on facts, science, studies cases, revolutionized philosophy (?), where the new view of the cosmos/universe will make it impossible to stay in the dreamland of the past. It’s not actually my opinion, but indeed the configuration is likely to be pressured towards it. Many religion will be “at stake” within this generation scope let’s say it.
Classic Religions will begin to sound impossible myths or fables in the minds of the new generations, equally as the Christians saw the Pagans as dangerous and opposite to their ideals etc. It is not much about progress, but maybe more about “spiritual” awareness shared as society, nonetheless the effect serially changes the entire world.
Secular & Contest against Spiritual Doctrines
Should we also begin to expect to see more secular oriented judicial system around the world? Or the limitations of Beliefs based on imaginary in public grounds?
I think we should also expect many hate speech and arguments against religion and not a sincere and responsible response, being influenced then by the lowest level of Saturn and Neptune, which will be evident in some of this generation to come.
Although having many versions and adaptations/interpretations, the bible still holds the position of the book most sold in the world. Will that change by the end of this millennium?
An Epidemic on Quadruple Animals
Neptune contaminates, and in Aries, in quadruple animals which are usually seen in farms rather then at homes.

Against Monotheism/Procreation
We can’t forget Pluto in Aquarius will generate very rational and ‘people/human’ oriented in this age group for over two decades to come, they will not accept many things we still tolerate as human exploitation. Imagine this generation as teachers, professors, police, lawyers, judges, politicians etc. in 50 years from now.
Procreation for these people will be inverted and many will have the pull to adopt children, making it perhaps the highest number of children adoption in history? Definitely something to ponder as the years advance to the end of the century.
Pluto is the planet the outlines the border of the solar system, as if runs through everything before it gets to Saturn, the real source from the depth, making sure all is well-reviewed, the obscurity that need in order to detect and send it back, deeply analyzed, transformed and bewitched.
Humans, there so much they can take from damage, trauma and death. When Pluto “sends” to Neptune, the result looks beautiful, better and enchanted. Neptune then chants spells and make beautiful poetries about Pluto’s one dimensional qualities. It can’t just send Pluto’s information raw and crude to the rest of the system; it needs a bit of entertainment in order to cool down all the depths from Pluto’s intensity.
Soon Part II will come about. Stay tunned on the blog page for updates.