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The Astrology of Donald Trump  & Criminal Charges 2023

The Astrology of Donald Trump & Criminal Charges 2023

Trump was arraigned at a Manhattan courthouse on this Tuesday (April 4th 2023), at 2.15pm ET. (Trump arrived at 1pm). The ex US president faces charges relating to hush-money payments made to a porn star before the 2016 election, as well as others like falsifying business records, which could result in about 4 years prison. However, is it unlikely he will face jail time?

Trump & April 4th; 2023 at 2:15pm

Transiting Planets

At the time it stars at 2:25pm, the Ascendant time in Manhattan will be almost exact the same degree of Trump’s Leo rising, favoring his disposition to such event.

At the same time, transiting Sun will be conjunct transiting Jupiter almost conjunct the cusp of his 9th house of courts. This seems a huge important influence. The Sun is the ruler of his chart’s Ascendant.

Transiting Venus will be exact conjunct his MC, another benefic astrological factor. Venus is actually ruler of his MC (reputation, status). Althought an unfortunate event, this seems to be popularizying the ex-president again?

Nonetheless, observe transiting Saturn in the natal 7th house by quadrant division of Placidus or in the 8th house by counting houses – regardless of the good transits, indeed someone is on Trump’s back for good as well. The Eclipses in Aries-Libra has just now begun to hit the sign on the natal 9th house of courts.

The Jupiter-Mercury Direction in the Mobile:

Now, look at this direction and see the correlation so in tune with the events that are encircling Trump’s life:

Trump has natal Jupiter in Libra, the ruler of the 8th house of hush-money and porn stars. Jupiter opposite Mercury Converse in the Zodiac tells us this was actually true? Mercury is ruler of 2nd house of money – Big Money, documentations, lawyers involved etc.

Sun-Mars Direction Converse in the Zodiac

⇒ I thought this was one of the years he may be in “danger”, because of the dirction converse of a malefic over a benefic and possible Hyleg of the radix. Look at my page “Case Studies” and go to “Longevity” section:

Apparently, something quite historical moment for USA nonetheless, as a bad reputation of the ex-president preceeds and will mark the history “books”. Well, let’s see the results ‘till the end of the year. The Sun is, again, ruler of the Ascendant, Mars ruler of the 4th house of new beginnings, but also the ruler of 9th house of courts! Trump is not having the greatest time at it, he found himself in a criminal and dangerous position. 

⇒ Apparently the Sun in Trump’s radix could easily be the Hyleg? The body containning Trump’s true vital force. Thus, watch out for the year 2027. However, in his natal chart, Mars is also very valuable to be considered a Hyleg, thus watch out for the year 2029 instead!

Mars trine the position of natal Venus by Mundane Direction Converse

First offenders usually don’t go to jailed where there were no act of violence, death etc. thus, it is likely Trump could actually face a fine, community service, or probation, experts believe. 

Solar Return 2022

Donald Trump SR2022

Look, the SR2022 has domicile ruler of 12th house of prison Mars in the same sign of greater benefic Jupiter in Aries while those trine the Moon in the 1st house, which rules the 8th house of death and destruction. The individual in question has gone so far as to threaten “death and destruction” in his response. Trump has contested all allegations leveled against him, by intensifying his criticism of the district attorney and the judiciary before the arraignment. Trumps’ SR2022 has Sagittarius rising boarding the Persian degrees of “Elevation & Power”.

⇒ By the way, note that there are at least 34-count indictment. Observe that the Moon has 15° degrees while the South Node is at 20° degrees = 35.

Again, check the South Node (read more at the end an the numebers 20 & 21) in the SR2022 conjunct cusp of 12th house of prison – for a day (or many hours) Trump will be hold and not free to leave. 

Also, it’s a Full Moon in the SR2022 chart, happening in the 1st – 7th axis, a reveal of a kind would be expose by a significant other. Also, the Moon (from the past) returns in the SR2022 in the sign of Sagittarius.

The Numbers 20 & 21 & the Possible Results

Now, the numbers 20 or 21 will be important in this court. Why? South Node point conjuncts the cusp of the 12th house of prison at these degrees.

⇒ 20 million? 200k? 21? Something that sounds like that? Let’s see. 20 months? 20 weeks? 21? 

Sun Square Saturn Direct in the Zodiac – August 2023:

The Mug-Shot will be made public, making his status that of an USA ex-president & now of a possible criminal in investigation. Sun is ruler of his “image” (Ascendant rising in Leo). I think perhaps something August 2023 is the month where his image will be seriously demaged as well – the consequences?


