Evan Rachel Wood & the Movie “Thirteen” – A Pluto in Scorpio Generation
Evan Rachel Wood & "Thirteen"– A Pluto in Scorpio Generation Film
Evan is experienced actress with a career spanning over two decades. Began acting in the late 1990s, appearing in several television series before making her debut as a leading film actress in 2002. Rachel is a well-known for her adult-oriented roles in films such as Thirteen (2003) and her Golden Globe nomination for the same.
“Thirteen” Poster Movie for the Pluto in Scorpio Generation
The story of the movie sounds so familiar to such emotional generation. This is the ”emo” generation, where self-mutilation, depression, deep feelings are somewhat glamorized with Neptune in Capricorn along with the configuration.
I remember I was 17 years old when this movie came about – it maliciously represented well the Scorpio generation young people that still didn’t walk around with cell phones (although they already existed) and popular social medias in their pockets, they (we) usually had to write down friends house phone number. Although a real intense drama, I remember I was so excited when I watched the trailer the first time, about this girl who tries too hard to fit in and ended up being caught in a vicious self-destructive cycle while a deep transformation happens to the teenager at the end with the mother helping her realize her how darker she became.

A thirteen-year-old girl’s relationship with her mother is put to the test as she discovers drugs, sex, and petty crime in the company of her cool but troubled best friend. The new “bestie” she was fascinated with introduced her to the world of sex, drugs and crime. Natal Pluto in Scorpio of the actress is indeed in the 11th house of friendships, circle of friends, etc. On the imdb website it is written: “Because of the film’s low budget, the girls’ clothes are mostly from their own wardrobe. Catherine Hardwicke noted that as filming progressed, the girls began to dress similarly without being told to.” – By the way, I loved the whole wardrobe till the end, it captured well that specific moment of this generation.
→ Although the actress wasn’t actually thirteen, astrologically, when we get to our 13 years old, the first entire turn of the Zodiac had already happened and this is the age the Profected Ascendant returns to the 2nd sign of the “gates of hell”, a moment where the native is interested in freedom and those things and people that add up in our lives, those that give value. Also, this is our age when transiting Saturn begins the first Opposition to natal Saturn, a teenager period where many try hard to fit in society’s demands/patterns, it’s the half way to the first Saturn Return. The time of life when we shall understand the limits of our desires out in the world and temptations the hard way.
The 14° Degrees T-Square
Observe natal Sun at 14° degrees, the Moon at 14° degrees and Saturn at 14° degrees, the movie could as well have been called “Fourteen”. These planets form an intense T-square in mutable signs. The coherence to astrology is there nonetheless – she is well known for such role she pretended to be 13 years old. An interesting thing is that, astrologically.
Sun-Mercury Direction & Movie is Premiered
Now, when this 14° degrees glorious Sun Converse hit the same spot of natal Mercury by direction in Mundo (mundane), the ‘Thirteen’ movie is premiered on January 17th, 2003 (Sundance) when the actress was still 15 years old.
Mercury is ruler of the 10th house of world status, and the directions from the Sun to the ruler of such high place of success, indicated great achievements, triumph and eminence. She was nominated for and won the Critics’ Choice Movie Award for Best Young Performer, as well as the Young Artist Award for Best Leading Young Actress in a Feature Film. Additionally, Wood was nominated for a Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role. Mercury is also ruler of LoF (Lot of Fortune). The actress was born in the hour of Mercury. Mercury is also, the Almudebit (victorious) of her chart.
She portrayed the troubled girl so well, I was simple convinced of the girls’ life while watching it, it was really hard to remember “oh, it’s just a movie”, the dramatic interpretation of the cast are so on point, you become part of it, you feel the emotions the characters feel. By the way, Solar Eclipses were happening in Gemini-Sagittarius Axis from 2001 to 2003, here natal 1st and 7th houses.
⇒ If you are in UK and need a re-watch in modern times and remember your teenager years, NETFLIX just released the movie on its platform, as for now March 2023. I couldn’t help but to applaud at the end, in my bed alone.