The Astrological Future of Putin from 2023 & Forward (Part I)
The Astrological Future of Putin from 2023 & Forward (Part I)
This is actually a continuation from the article: “The Arrest Order of Putin & Pluto A “Few Minutes” from Aquarius”; where I also showed a snapshot from what I wrote about Pluto in Aquarius Ingress and the Human Traffic focus on children (click here to go to the page).
— Now I Jenny Dusky, wish to address specifically to Putin’s future until perhaps 2035 (if he won’t die earlier)? Let’s see what can I pull out and how far I can go with/through astrological lenses and my skills.
March 2023: The International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin on allegations of war crimes, focused on the unlawful deportation of children from Ukraine to Russia during the full-scale invasion launched by Russia in February 2022.
The wheel began turning differently after this pesonal Direction of Putin, where the world feels the consequence. Natal Uranus sits right in the 9th house of the “world stage”, the traditional house of the Sun:
The corrleation to the Sun-Uranus conjunction direction direct equals the controversial and alarming period, it is the time where, after months of Russian officials denying plans to attack Ukraine, Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February 2022 upon Russian President Vladimir Putin’s announcement of a “special military operation” seeking the “demilitarisation” and “denazification” of Ukraine. The direction above is only a month early the turning point event (invasion/attack). Soon in 2024 is Saturn-Uranus direction (read more ahead) and also the new election in Russia.
Now I am going to repeat this part of information from the article I wrote yesterday:

“Profected Ascendant of Putin’s chart (2022-3) is Virgo. Now, observe that ruler Mercury (deportation) is together/conjunction ruler of 5th house of children Neptune in the 12th house of refugees, immigrant and also prison, which makes an interesting claim, that indeed Putin is involved? Some sort of “re-education” (Mercury) camps (Neptune) for children is taking place underground. At least hundreds of children were taken from orphanages and children’s care homes. Mercury-Neptune combo in the radix is also conjunction fixed stars Spica and Behenian Arcturus, indicating success in such malefic endeavors.
Mercury is also a major player in the radix, since 2021 it is the distributor of the Ascendant (Primary Direction of the Ascendant through the terms/bounds). Mercury is ruler of his Lot of Fortune, which sits in the 8th house of kidnapping. The ICC alleges that Putin directly committed criminal acts and failed to use his presidential powers to prevent the deportation of children. Putin has denied the allegations, and Russia is not a member of the ICC, making it unlikely that he will face arrest.
SR2022 has Libra rising with the Sun-Venus in the same sign but above the horizon circle still pale in the 12th house in the Placidus house system, the house of prison. In the same chart, the Moon conjunct the cusp of 5th house of children, along with Lot of Fortune and Neptune-Jupiter. Monthly profected Ascendant in such chart of is sign on the 5th house cusp, the house of children.”
Observation before moving foward:
→ Pluto and Orphanages: I believe orphanages can be predicted from the 4th house, because it is the 12th place from the 5th house of children, or, the place where a child is put when parents are off radar, allocated in an unknown place with strangers and possible with people they will never see again once adopted etc. Thus, when Pluto Ingresses Aquarius, it indeed enters the sign on Putin’s natal 4th house cusp. The news now regarding children and deportation were said to be from orphanages etc. Although by house counting you already see the effect in motion, I can’t deny but be curious to know what will actually happen as consequences in the year where it actually conjunct the IC (At 21° degrees in 2036-7), either dead or alive.
Predictions from SR2022 but for the year 2023

It is his solar year where powerful (Sun) people-countries partnered (Venus) to be against him (12th house – prison warrant).
July 2023: (but from the SR2022) monthly profection of the Ascendant will activate the Moon conjunct 5th house cusp in such chart of the returning of the Sun – expect more news related to children & Putin.
September 2023: Will be quite a good month for Putin from the SR2022 perspective. He will get away with more things? Anyway, expect Putin making a new friend-partner? Sun-Venus conjunction rises in the chart of returning Sun in 2022, forming a Grand Trine in air signs including the Asc, Sun, Venus, Mars and Saturn. Anyway, a country will help Putin establish grounds elsewhere without consequences? I think it will be the period where the president will be like “look, I can indeed set foot in international land and nothing happens”.
Middle of 2023 correlation to the direction above seems to favor this specific war crime – the direction utzying Ptolemy’s key is set to be perfected soon in June this year. Jupiter is the greater benefic and is ruler of Putin’s natal 5th house of children. The Lot of Fortune is usually greatly seen in directions from the benefices as in times of war (or anything of such level) can highly indicate luck, getting away with malefic things, etc. Putin must be having a great laugh at the moment with his associates? This direction alone already tells us children will (are) indeed being involved, neatly connecting Putin in events of these kinds/themes/topics, again.
→ Jupiter Return: it’s his time for a new set of opportunities, it is the politician’s Jupiter return. In the radix, the planet is in Taurus, thus Venus is ruler of such configuration. Putin’s natal Venus will be under highlight from his birthday in 2023.

SR2023 & Month of August 2024: Solar Return 2023 will have Sagittarius rising, the sign on the natal 2nd house cusp of the Hades’ Gate, the gates of hell, the house of possession. The ruler of SR 5th house of children is Venus, the planet activated by Yearly profection of the Asc from the radix. August 2024 will be the monthly profection where President Putin may take some controversial action?
Yearly Profection of the Asc & the months of November 2023 & May 2024: It will be a Libra turn of the year, thus activating natal Venus detriment in Scorpio rising all year long. The planet in the radix is ruler of 7th house of open enemies or alliances. Monthly profection of the Ascendant tells us November 2023 as well as May 2024 will be the periods where events related to Venus in his chart will come about. I am very curious to know what will come on the news during these months. Venus likes peace indeed, but when detriment that could mean a twisted way to find it? Venus doesn’t understand much Scorpio needs to get what it wants with violence even when subtle, but the sign nonetheless will ask for the planet to at least use “poison”? Supposedly in the mind of a dictator (?) in order for one to be in peace the enemy turns into a nemesis?
Venus will be very important for Putin in 2023 as we have seen, according to the natal chart I am basing on. In the radix, Venus is exact conjunction Behenian Fixed Star Alphecca, the ‘Northern Crown’ fortunate star, said to give qualities of someone who “commands”. Venus and such star rise on the chart of Putin. The planet is in fixed Scorpio with the mystrious sign rising; people usually stays in position till’ the end? The man is president of Russia federation since 2000. What? Watch for the Crown! By the way, his natal Venus is unexpected, yet it shares the Almudebit leadership along with Mars, and Venus is also said to be in the degrees of “elevation and power”, a fortunate degree.
⇒ Then in 2024, transiting Jupiter will conjunct Putin’s natal LoF. Read more ahead.
*Note to the reader: From this point and on, I didn’t delve much, but I will indeed when 2024 comes to us. Be aware when the times come. In 2024, it will be the year of Russia’s election.
2024 Election – And Putin as Prime Minister?
The 2024 Russian presidential election will take place in March 2024 – the first round will be held on Sunday 10 March 2024. The term limit established by Article 81 of the Russian Constitution prevents incumbent president Vladimir Putin from being elected to a new term. The 2024 election will determine the fifth President of Russia. However, this will not impede Putin from being Prime Minister.
On the other hand, directions to Uranus seem to bring Putin up to something absurd. When the Sun-Uranus direction perfected in 2022 as we have seen, Putin invades and atacks Uckraine.
Now, would could possible indicate when soon after malefic Saturn does the same by/around September 2024? A Possible Sudden Attack/Invasion in Another Place other than Ukraine, or other plans indeed for Ukraine?
This will be a very interesting year for the president of Russia and the world indeed. Putin’s Saturn is almost a 12th house yet it conjuncts its cusp. Thus, Saturn rejoices in the 12th house if you consider house by counting. Worth remember that the planet is exalted [Libra] in the radix. Remember my ariticle where we saw such Saturn when directed to its own culmination by primary motion, Putin is re-elected president of Russia [see the article here where I fully discuss it]. Also, the planet is in terms with Jupiter, the greater benefic.
The Saturn-Uranus Direction 2024
Now what may possible happen when the direction of this exalted and rejoiced malefic Saturn hits the same position of natal Uranus? Oh my dear one, I think something big will come from it, something unprecedented, surprising, overnight, strategic, something that has been years of plan to be put to practice by this horrendous politician? In the radix, Saturn is square Uranus in international 9th house, thus it will project outside the country itself, in international lands? Utilizing certain “new” technology? Saturn is also bounded with Jupiter; exaggeration will lead this man to cause tension in the global sphere.
Transiting Planets:
→ Transiting detriment Jupiter in 2024 will aspect transiting Saturn in a square. Uranus and Pluto will be dancing in trines. In November transiting 2024 transiting Mars will conjunct Putin’s natal Uranus. Thus, the direction may actually be activated three months later the Saturn-Uranus direction?
→ Transiting Saturn in Pisces will conjunct natal 5th house cusp of children in March & November 2025.
2026-7 & Possible Death? – I MUST REVIEW THIS IN 2024.
End of 2026 or beginning (March) of 2027? – Pluto meets the opposite position of the Moon in the radix by Primary Directions; if the Moon is the Hyleg of his chart, then this may be the very end of Putin on Earth. Otherwise continue to reading.
Distribution of the Ascendant
Since 2021 deportation Mercury is the governor of the distribution of the Ascendant in Putin’s radix. But his focus is set to be changed in November 2026 where it will give governance to Saturn until 2033.
Personal Observation: Putin is perhaps a very arrogant person who thinks Russia is the best country in the world and only? If he only knew the new generations will change the globe to new names and countries will become obsolete as a grand unification of the lands will take place on the visionary instead? Countries names and divisions are imaginary, an ilusion that still works, and only politics and costumes/traditions hold them together, it just an idea that people take very seriously to the heart. When the Precession of the Equinoxes shifts entirely to a new sign, a new society is born regarding culture in all aspects. Suddenly, the past become “medieval”. Aquarius age perhaps is not the time to be divisive like all the eras, a grand switch in society happens, it inverts all of that in such controversial sign. Phase II civilization may about to begin after about 26000 years? Although the shifts are a gradual process in the orientation of the Earth’s rotational axis, I expect this era to be begun abruptly, suddenly and by surprise. Putin still lives in the past where the world has moved on quite a bit, and his ideas comes from values of “my land and only” where the new generations seek “our land and let’s begin from there” (?).
The Arrest Order of Putin & Pluto A “Few Minutes” from Aquarius
The Astrology of an ex-KGB agent & Russian President: Vladimir Putin
Pluto in Libra and Leo Generation & the Upcoming Years of Pluto in Aquarius