
Ralph Fiennes Defends J.K. Rowling Amid Trans Controversy, Noting the Backlash as “Disturbing”

Ralph Fiennes Defends J.K. Rowling Amid Trans Controversy, Says Backlash Is "Disturbing"

On Purpose

“I can’t understand the vitriol directed at her…” said the privileged ‘Harry Potter’ actor Fiennes. He’s clearly being disingenuous – he can’t or he won’t [does not have interest in knowing]? Is it safe to say transphobics won’t ever understand? This idea she (Rowling) elucidates is deliberating, and not something out of unconscious. It is targeted, it is aimed to disturb and she does on purpose, like “Ha-ha!… hey I have a period, you will never get one” – kind of something children bully others [Trans] would do. She writes books for children, ironically, about a lonely orphan who discovers that he is actually a wizard and enrolls in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Cancel Culture

“I can understand the heat of an argument, but I find this age of accusation and the need to condemn irrational. I find the level of hatred that people express about views that differ from theirs, and the violence of language towards others, disturbing.” The actor continued. Did he realize Rowling is actually doing that, disturbing other’s people peace for the sake of an imature opinion.

A Human, not and Object

If a woman takes testosterone to apply for a contest of female body, or if a woman can’t have a child, or does not menstruate during pregnancy, or had to had breast cut off because of Cancer or something, is such a person that identifies as a woman be less a women because of these? 

War on Minority

Rowling implies that is not natural for you to be who you are despite your biological sex. From there, she begins a war on the minority which is already part of a minority. No, you are not who you think you are, you are what your biological sex apperently is and that’s it, no social responsibility or human dignity. 

Biological sex is a tactic used since Age of Pisces [multiply – mutable] and its Monotheism [Judaism, Christianity and Islamism] to use sex to only procreate and not for pleasure, as it would be a sin. Do sex to procreate, so our sheep increase in population and ignorance while we take their money and blind faith out of them. If something happens to your penis in an accident, you are no longer man, no need to society, no need for nothing but to put aside in society. You are now a void, something to crash, flat, kick and thrown at the bin. No utility. J.K. has issues and she knows it, otherwise she woldn’t start a conversation of such degree saying “people who menstruate”.

It was necessary thousands of years to evolve to what was once again a natural ground, a common sense of gender and sexuality, like in the Pagan world, where sex was not ashamed and it was seem as the most natural form of pleasure, like eating food and drinking/ingesting exotic liquids. I know that Harry Potter lies in the heart of many people, but do as I do with Buffy – The Vampire Slayer, realize that the writer, the creator of the character, is a genius at writting level, but with a dubious character, thus, what I love about the character created, I love nothing about the writer.

Know this; although the Era of Aries foward the end saw more evidently the beginning of Homophobia, the Era of Pisces specially with the advent of Christianity [yet not exclusively] then terminated to destroy the LGBTQA community from its root. Such era had split the genres and sexuality into 2 and only [also totally renouncing/neglecting the reality of Hermaphrodites], a male God and only one, Goddesses began to be seen as witches and demoniac entities, and worldstory became his-story. 

Reverse Psychology

J.K wrote in June 2020: “What I didn’t expect in the aftermath of my cancellation was the avalanche of emails and letters […] majority of which were positive, grateful and supportive. They came from a cross-section of kind, empathetic and intelligent people…” – Ok. So people who found disturbing her voice on this are not smart? She is doing a reverse psychology intentionally. 

She continues “…They’re worried about the dangers to young people, gay people and about the erosion of women’s and girl’s rights.”  – Does she even know what she is saying dear ones? “I’d stepped back from Twitter for many months both before and after tweeting support for Maya, because I knew it was doing nothing good for my mental health.” – Really? You are concerned about your mental health after all? Selfish Creature. “…Well, I’ve got five reasons for being worried about the new trans activism, and deciding I need to speak up.” The new? -” I also fund medical research into MS, a disease that behaves very differently in men and women.” – Again… war on sex used as tatic by many people with phobias at sexual level. Rowling has Saturn-Uranus opposition, fear of what is different from the norm. 

This is no free speech as she suggests awkwardly on her letter, but a hate speech of denial and a tactful approach to have its own personal interests met. She uses scientific datas to distort facts. She talked about how worried she is about people “detransitioning”. Really? And she knows that many of the cases are because of people like her, family members and society telling they are wrong. 

She is messing up, taking the real piss at us; she wants to reach that medieval thinking/questioning all over again, a revival, and a reboot on her own terms. Her letter is long, boring and exhaustive, as if she was the master of a new urgent discovery or something because she did a “research” and wants to be seen as “safeguard”, which is nothing but hilarious. The prolific “European” universal idea that homosexuality not natural but a sickness gained weight in the post-Napoleon period until today. 

She is in a way, re-living the minds and speeches/orations of sadists such as Hitler [categorizing, labeling and reversed interpretation of nature] and his “Arian racial purity”.

You are not judging a picture or an art in a museum; you are not exepressing something mundane.You are talking about a person unknown to your direct experience, a human being that in the end is just bones like anybody else, regardless of goes above it and the genre that follows. Then you are being arrogant, ignorant and an intentional bully. She even recently said that she doesn’t care about her reputation because she will be dead, giving us the the idea she indeed knows what she is doing is low level.

This woman just shot the gun in “cold blood” all of her fans that are Trans, may not be that many, but sure many are feelings hate of themselves after such misconception and irresponsibility of the author’s part. She is disgusting, disturbing, irrational, violence in silent mode and finnaly, a torturous monstrous of people with fragile minds and psychology. She is pulblishing (by this point it has been published) a book something about a Trans woman, a ruthless marketing strategy. In the end, she became Lord Voldemort herself.