Superior Conjunction: Jupiter-Saturn 2020
The Superior Mundane Conjunction 2020:
Jupiter & Saturn
& Pluto

By Jenny Dusky
the historial grand conjunction of those 2 social planets
what will happen?
charts | speculum | tables & timeline | astro-locality map | predictive mundane & personal
- The Transits right now & Renewed Faith/Hopes/Wishes:
[April 4th; 2020] Doesn’t’ it sound like a long Saturday [Saturn]? Such confinement and empty cities and only a few things open here and there, make me feel in a very tiresome and exhaustive Saturday.
Venus is about to enter Gemini for a very long ride and will retrograde in it, and will being looking good to Saturn in Aquarius! This is great news for everyone, specially air and fire signs.
Jupiter-Pluto with Saturn now in wide orbs, indicates Faith tests. New direction in life. With Mars in the game, it just seemed like I discovered now exactly what I want from now on. New hopes and wishes. Faith renewed.
Jupiter - Saturn - Pluto
As the planets move forward the sign of Capricorn to its late degrees, Saturn applies the first and last conjunction to Pluto in the approximate 32-37 years cycle (orbits vary eccentrically). The conjunction occurs about 3 times in a century. This is the first of the century we are living. All the conjunctions happens in terms with Saturn, except the last when Jupiter conjuncts Saturn but already in Aquarius.
*Saturn conjuncts Pluto only one time - January 13th; 2020 at 22° Capricorn
*Jupiter conjuncts Saturn only one time - December 22nd; 2020 at 00° Aquarius
*Note: the day may change due to time zone location
In the timeline, notice that the further the planet, the larger is the span of time when in retrograde motion. The three planets go retrograde in Capricorn by April/May and back to direct motion on September/October. During the retrograde period, Jupiter will be touching Pluto and expanding its power for the 2nd time (July) before the last one (3rd) in November 2020.
But before that, Saturn conjuncts Pluto – a historical grand conjunction of a social plus generational planet, sharing the need to socially improve, but also to destroy in order to rebuilt anew. It will operate upon tyrannic governments, the big boss, and the powerful corporations.
Then, by the end of it in December 22nd, [2020], Jupiter performs its famous conjunction to Saturn, but no more in the sign of Capricorn, both planets will have moved to Aquarius at 00° degree by then. Many historical events happen during these periods, for better or worse.
“According to astrologer Daniel T. Ferrera, when a great conjunction occurs during an election or inauguration year, the president is likely to die in office.” – Mysteries of Gann Analysis Unveiled!, Daniel T. Ferrera, 2001. – This is very true! The list of president assassinated when elected from such periods indeed corresponds to the astrological analyses of Ferrera:
Election Year | President | Died in office? | Date of Death or Incident | Cause of Death / Detail of Incident |
1840 | William Henry Harrison | Yes | 4 April 1841 | Pneumonia |
1860 | Abraham Lincoln | Yes | 15 April 1865 | Assassination |
1880 | James A. Garfield | Yes | 19 September 1881 | Assassination |
1900 | William McKinley | Yes | 14 September 1901 | Assassination |
1920 | Warren G. Harding | Yes | 2 August 1923 | Heart attack |
1940 | Franklin D. Roosevelt | Yes | 12 April 1945 | Cerebral haemorrhage |
1960 | John F. Kennedy | Yes | 22 November 1963 | Assassination |
1980 | Ronald Reagan | No | 30 March 1981 | Shot but survived. |
2000 | George W. Bush | No | 10 May 2005 | Thrown a live grenade which did not detonate. |
Saturn rejoices (prefers) Aquarius mainly because both the planet and the sign are masculine. Also, Saturn rejoices while in the 12th house where its malefic operation is soften. We shall expect deep changes concerning society/countries and politics, social reform, laws/institutions, progress [specially in technology], etc.
Predictive Configuration on the Mundane Jupiter-Saturn [00º Aquarius] : Your cellphones/smartphones will drastically change (updated) in the next 20 years | the way we watch movies/concerts [holographic images] | the way we connect with the brothers and sisters of planet | communism [?] | socialism | globalism |quicker internet and more places that used not to have it | more union of countries instead of separation | robotic industry cheaper than ever (expanded & updated) | industries’ deadline to cut off the emission of carbon (CO2) | greener planet | much more extreme protests from activists (green peace for example) around the globe | animal’s right expanded, human’s right expanded | new rules over the internet | limiting or expanding the power of internet | becoming president of a country by being famous from the web | scientist as future president | wild human experience | human ethics and morals will be highly discussed among countries | human cloning | e.t. contact | nazism | killing of people of color, women and gays-trans | rising of people of color, women and gays-trans morals and laws | rise of heroes of nation | more children born with autism than usual | unique protest throughout the web against some global threat | rise of society and laws born from the internet and its world users | intense social reform: abortion, politics, sexuality | rise of modern and traditional astrology as one | Particle accelerator updated [more results] | closing or getting bigger of airline companies and airports [more competition] | advancement in planes | planet 9th discovery (new understanding of the universe) | transhumanism (intermediary form between human and posthuman) accelerated etc.
Saturn-Pluto Conjunction
in Capricorn
The Saturn-Pluto conjuncts will impact more on the financial and economic sphere of our lives and the countries of the world. The news is that Stellium in Capricorn at the moment of the conjunction, won’t be marked by rough aspects to malefics. Such conjunction is actually quite enlightening from expansion prospect and it will tend to improvement rather than challenging.
Australia, Canberra: 3rd House
China, Beijing: 4th House
Russia; Moscow: 6th House
Ethiopia; Addis Ababa: 7th House
Brazil, Brasília: 10th House
Canada, Ottawa: 11th House
Yellowknife: 1st house
Observe that China, Ethiopia and above it and Brazil and a part of Canada are the places significant for the conjunct to take place, once they fall on the angles of each of those countries. These are the places which will most feel such configuration.
in Capricorn
The Jupiter-Pluto conjuncts will deal with expansion of power, of total decimation of it. It will influence on the political and medical arena concerning psychology & psychiatrist and cloning, also about intensive treatment centers, death penalty, espionage, justice system, police and mafia, collective power, rebuilding anew [Resurrection of Notre Dame], Vulcan eruptions, etc.
Saturn conjunct Pluto - 19 May 1915 (last out of 3)
Saturn conjunct Pluto - 10 Aug 1947 [first and only]
Saturn conjunct Pluto - 7 Nov 1982 [first and only]
Saturn conjunct Pluto - 12 Jan 2020 [first]
Then the next only in 2053-54. The places where it will fall are the same houses of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction written by your left. Coincidentally, so as the Jupiter & Saturn conjunction. The Sociopolitical sphere will expand its contents, initiating a new 12.5-year cycle.
in Aquarius
When Jupiter conjuncts Saturn each 20 years, general improvements and growth of a certain country/nation can be resumed in 2 decades. When Jupiter opposes, a culmination of those learned and perform correction. The conjunction tend to enormous success. Time to learn from history and correct mistakes and expand what is propitious.
“Throughout history it has been closely observed by astrologers and been linked to the rise and fall of royalty, leaders and great people. Some believe that the biblical “Star of Bethlehem” was the great conjunction of 7 B.C.” – Michael R. Molnar, 1999.
The places where it will fall around the world are the same houses of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction written already by your left. Coincidentally, so as the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. In the tropical Zodiac, the conjunction falls in the Air triplicity until 2199. The first beginning n 2000.
These dates are based on Primary Direction and others.
18TH MARCH; 2020
11TH APRIL; 2021
21ST NOV.; 2033
These dates are based on Primary Direction and others.
20TH DEC.; 2020
11TH APRIL; 2021
22ND DEC.; 2024
These dates are based on Primary Direction and others.
20TH JANUARY; 2021
15TH FEBR.; 2021
16TH APRIL; 2026
Comparing the latitude of Generational planet Pluto to those times of World Wars, it is frightening to analyze world’s future until end of 2030’s. This is the timeline when Pluto reaches the latitudes of that of the other planets. When far out, real conjunction and oppositions are kind of impassable. 🧙♂️
Personal Transit
We are about to turn to dust those things that no longer serve us. Doppelganger that what serves & revamp it.
The conjunction of Saturn-Jupiter-Pluto will happen between 22° to 24° degrees Capricorn. It will mostly affect people with:
- 3rd decanate of Cardinal Signs [Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Libra] and angles
- Earth Triplicity in 3rd decanate
- Water Triplicity in 3rd decanate
- Directions from Saturn as promissor or significator that corresponds to the year
- Directions from Jupiter as promissor or significator that corresponds to the year
- Directions from Pluto as promissor or significator that corresponds to the year
- Native with Saturn as ruler of the chart [Capricorn or Aquarius rising]
- Early degrees Aquarius (and air and fire triplicity) and late Capricorn (and earth and water triplicity)
- Native having Saturn return in such periods
- Native with natal Saturn/North or South node conjunction
- Native with Saturn as the Almudebit of the chart
- Native with Dodecatemoria of the Ascendant in Capricorn
- Native under Saturn or Jupiter Firdaria
- Profected Annual Ascendant in the house of Capricorn
Pluto is the planet of intensive treatment and healing. Saturn is the planet of isolation, and Jupiter is the planet of expedition. This is a personal time to deal with personal turmoils and deep traumas that don’t allow you to move forward. With such strong energies of transformation coming to us, it is easy for people to end up beginning a new life for themselves, thus expect people changing/transforming their personality (upgrading), their resources, partners, you name it.
Last Time Saturn was conjunct Pluto in the sign of Capricorn was in 1518. Watch the video to see what happened that year and how mass hysteria took place.
related article:
When transiting Saturn/Pluto conjunction in the sign of Capricorn was active in the skies of her time, she married the King of Poland and become herself the Queen of Poland
end of article & don't forget to fave us!
The Star of Bethlehem: The Legacy of the Magi, Michael R. Molnar, 1999.
Jupiter Conjunct Saturn Natal and Transit – The 2020 Great Conjunction
Saturn Pluto Conjunction—An Approximate 33 Year Cycle
Jenny Dusky

More about the Author, books and general background.
Since 2008 – Western Astrology Applied / Placidus House System / Tropical Fixed Stars
Since 2017 – Primary Directions / Chronocrators