The Astrology of a Politician & American President: Barack Obama
The Astrology of a Politician
& American President: Barack Obama

By Jenny Dusky
Barack Hussein Obama lI is an American attorney and politician who served as the 44th president of the United States from 2009 to 2017. A member of the Democratic Party, he was the first African American to be elected to the presidency.
sun: leo
moon: gemini
asc: aquarius in terms with jupiter
chart | speculum | transits | directions | firdaria | profections | SR's | future
success - life of activism and politics - presidency
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Jupiter in Aquarius can boost the humanitarian nature of the individual. Give this native an Aquarius Ascendant in terms with Jupiter, you have an activist. Saturn and Uranus are ruler of the radix; now, natal Saturn (in terms with itself) is in Capricorn, the politician, and is applying a conjunction to Jupiter in Aquarius by 5° orbs, the sign of human and civil rights.
Natal Saturn is opposition Sun (which is in terms with Saturn), the ruler of the first social house (7th house) of political sphere focus on personal relationships. Obama actually has a Stellium in Leo including Mercury, Uranus and North Node/Procyon. Yet, his Aquarius rising cools off the flamboyant disposition Leo people naturally owns, and thus project such qualities onto their personal and public partners.
uranus conjunction north node
Obama was born to make/leverage progress. If it wasn’t been the first black president, it would have been something else. This man winning the American election in a country that still struggles with people of color, was a stepping stone into the future of USA as a world model of acceptance, liberty and democratization. Although the country is considered a 1st world place to live, and holds a huge position on the globe (if not the mainly), there are topics and themes that still needs adjustments and further fixing. But the direction that Obama took representing people of different ethnics in such country, was an open portal for a future global president. Obama’s north node is conjunct royal star Regulus, In Babylonian it was Sharru, ‘the King’:‘the star that stands in the breast of the Lion: the King.’
a very fortunate star
Saturn is the planet of the president of the nation, the ruler of rulers, the authority himself. Aquarius rises in Obama’s radix, telling us that astrological Saturn and Uranus are quite important during his entire lifetime on earth. Natal Saturn in terms with itself is opposite behenian fixed star Procyon, a very fortunate star. known to the Mesopotamian as ‘The Star of the Crossing of the Water – Dog’, as it lies near their River of Heaven, the Milky Way. John F. Kennedy has Saturn conjunction such behenian star.
saturn rejoices
In the case of Obama, Saturn is a morning star (12th house) and is indeed ruler of the house it rules. Thus, Saturn rejoices in the 12th house, where its tyrannic tendencies are soften and its operation is regulated to correspond to the native’s natural pulls. Worth remember that the planet is in domicile (Capricorn) in his natal chart.
"If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress."
Obama was born in the year of the great Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in the sign of Capricorn (on Feb, at 25° Cap). When Jupiter moved away 5° degrees Barack was born. Although in the radix his Jupiter is already in Aquarius, it is retrograde and the orbs are still considerable in order to form a conjunction of the planets. The superior conjunction of the planets occur each 20 years, and he was born in the last set alignment in Capricorn (out of 3, the first in 1842 and the second in 1901).
Jupiter and Saturn are the social planets of astrology. Cronos and Zeus sharing one thing in common when in great alignment: the urge to rule, but according to each one’s own principles. Satan Saturn dictates and separates – “what is mine is mine”; while God of Gods Jupiter socializes and integrates – “what is mine is yours and vice-versa.”
However, there are two faces to Saturn. One is negative thus feminine when in Capricorn, the other is positive and masculine when ruling Aquarius. Saturn rejoices while in Aquarius and not in Capricorn. It prefers to be in Aquarius, and the sign represents socialization of classes, unification of the masses, collective laws that favor everyone, civil rights, etc.
"If you're looking for the safe choice, you shouldn't be supporting a black guy named Barack Obama to be the next leader of the free world."
related article:
The Chart
Factors & Directions
Firdaria & Transits
firdaria of the sun
When the firdaria of the powerful Sun (ownership) in domicile (Leo) started in 2005, Obama was sworn in as a U.S. Senator. When the subperiod of Venus came by 2007, Obama announced his candidacy to become President of the United States. Venus is ruler of the bottom of the chart, the 4th house of major beginnings. Venus rejoices in his chart in the 5th house of the Sun (the manager of Firdaria by the way).
Then when the sub-period of Mercury began in 2008, Barack is elected the 44th president of USA. Mercury is the Almudebit of the radix, the victorious planet in Obama’s natal chart. His natal Mercury aspects the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. The 10th house (career) is in terms with Saturn (organic 10th house ruler), and again, the planet is ruler of Obama’s Ascendant (body). Mercury is in terms with Jupiter, the greater benefic. Mercury is ruler of 8th house of other people’s business and power or defeat against enemies.
jupiter returns
Approximately each 12 years, the greater benefic planet Jupiter returns to the same sign and degree it was in any native’s birth chart. The year of election Jupiter return in Barack’s radix, thus a year of expansion, growth and lucky in the game.
However, it is worth remembering that Jupiter was still in Capricorn on the calling electing day for the new president in November 2008, and thus ready to conjunct his natal Saturn, the planet of presidency and ruler of his chart. Also at this day the transiting Moon was conjunct transiting Jupiter. Favoring popularity concerning issues of authority.
Jupiter also returns in the chart of Donald Trump when winning the election in 2016.
transiting Saturn conjunct natal Mars
Saturn is very important in Obama’s radix as already ridiculously exposed. At the period around the winning election day to the 1st day in office, transiting Saturn was conjunct natal Mars, the winning planet. Obama has good Mars, it trines his Jupiter/Saturn conjunction. Saturn transits are linked to events concerning achievements.
Direction of a Presidency [2008-9]
setting down ruler of 4th house

- 4 November 2008 (Elected 44th President of the USA)
- 20 January 2009 at 12:00 PM in Washington (took office as president)
This is the same kind of direction when Donald Trump became the 45th president of USA. However, in Obama’s case, we direct the ruler of the 4th house of great beginning, to the west angle (7th house), and to its culminating (10th house).
What happens in Donald Trump chart is that Mars (promissor of direction and 4th house) is located in a diurnal arc. While then, Obama has such ruler in the nocturnal arc (below horizon line). When directing planets of nocturnal arcs, is better to rise (1st house cusp) or set then down to the west in order to predict corresponding events. It is not a rule, but they would take a whole lifetime in order to culminate them, or vice-versa. Obama has Venus rejoicing in the house of the Sun (5th house) and all alone, making zero aspect, thus none influenced by others dynamics at play in the radix. The direction of Venus to its setting position, settled up a “New Dawn” in the political arena of USA.
Another direction took place that was quite important and powerful at the same period (year):
Although it does not correspond exactly to the month where Obama won the first election, it indicates a period where his image (Saturn as promissor ruler of 1st house of image/body) was being transformed (significator Pluto converse). The Arc without considering the further key, gives almost the exact age; Obama was 47 years old when became President of USA. Pluto (black) is ruler of 10th house of presidency and status before the world, and in order for Saturn to be directed to the opposition of Pluto, is shall be moved into the 1st house of appearances. It concerned powerful notoriety, color black, highly wanted/needed in public arena, etc.
Profected Pluto Conjuncts natal Sun
controlling the lion

Powerful Pluto is ruler of Obama’s 10th house of presidency. Worth remember now that when Barack won the election, Pluto had then recently entered Capricorn, thus deeply transforming to killing the old governamental structures, and such event corresponded well the Pluto entrance in the sign of presidents around the globe. Pluto rules the exotic black people, or people with darker skin tone. Obama was the first African American to become a greater figure of authority (president) in a country that struggles with such themes.
eclipses on the axis of leo/aquarius
Like Donald Trump during the finale and after, Obama was having from 2008 eclipses that eclipsed both his 1st and 7th houses, but in different signs of course. By the end of 2008 started the period of Leo/Aquarius axis, and in August of that year a total Solar Eclipse (most potent than Lunar) hit his natal Sun in Leo, foreseeing than a bombastic and rapid change concerning a refreshed self and the public, once the Sun is ruler of the first public house (7th).
This is the same direction from the Solar Return of Trump when winning the election. Culminating by primary direction the term ruler of Annual Ascendant! Also, the Sun of Obama returning to the 11th house in the year of election is the same Sun position from Donald Trump’s SR when he won it in 2016.
Obama’s natal 8th house of power over others is Annual ascendant for the SR2008. Worth to remember that Mercury is the Almudebit of his radix, thus that was a special year of “victorious” events, once Virgo is rising.
Re-Election date: Tuesday, November 6th; 2012
Observe that the annual ascendant is the same when Obama won the election back in 2008, and the Sun returns back to the 11th house of Saturn. But this time, Venus is term ruler of annual Asc. Venus in the SR2008 is in the 10th house, favoring popularity and Jupiter conjunct Midheaven. These are the great benefics in astrology.

By this time around, Saturn was the sub-period of the Firdaria of the Sun. As already discussed endless times, the planet rules his chart and is conjunct Zeus (Jupiter). And by the transits of the skies to Obama’s radix, nothing much special was going on, except the planet of winning Mars was transiting his 10th house, while the Moon (public) was at noon exactly conjunct natal Sun in Leo (notoriety). In Secondary progressions, Mercury, the Almudebit of the radix conjoins progressed Mars, the winning planet.
Note: From 2012-2015 Uranus was applying back and forth the famous square to Pluto. Framing such period of social fragility, none integration of parts, no acceptance to what is different or total tolerance. It was the consequence period of the global crises (great recession) that kicked off in 2008.
Aries ingresses are priority in mundane astrology concerning countries and the trend and major events for the year ahead along with its new Moon in the same sign in the first sign of the Zodiac. It concerns politics (war/peace/in-between), although the details of politicians are when Libra Ingresses happen. And when reach Capricorn Ingress, the effect from Aries and Libra (and of course Cancer) Ingresses are disclosed. But in this case, the subject of attention will be only Aries/Libra:
Pluto rising (at the 1st angle) while Mars had passed an opposition to it. A T-square is formed when the ingressed Sun square both planets. But the details is in the Libra Ingress; Uranus, the unexpected and the progressive planet is angular in the 4th house of people’s land. This is the planet of what is different. Ingress in Libra foresees the middle ground of the politics of the country, that is, the country vs. others, and how allies and enemies inside the country will respond to the new election. Uranus in the Libra Ingress is opposite Saturn in the 10th house, telling us that their election day was gonna be surprising events concerning presidency.
But back to the Aries Ingress, observe that the ruler of 10th house is Venus, which in turn is conjunct by sign Uranus in Pisces. Since such Ingress, the election day was being fabricated with Uranus, the different and unexpected. But still, the first thing I saw in this Ingress, was Pluto rising with Mars opposing it.
end of article & don't forget to fave us!
Jenny Dusky

More about the Author, books and general background.
Since 2008 – Western Astrology Applied / Placidus House System / Tropical Fixed Stars
Since 2017 – Primary Directions / Chronocrators
Last Time Saturn was conjunct Pluto in the sign of Capricorn was in 1518. Watch the video to see what happened that year and how mass hysteria took place.