The Astrology of Kylie Jenner
The Astrology of Entrepreneur Kylie Jenner

By Jenny Dusky
At 21, Kylie Jenner Becomes The Youngest Self-Made Billionaire Ever
sun: leo
moon: scorpio
asc: capricorn
chart | speculum | transits | directions | firdaria | profections | future
Ahead of others of the same age & Self-Marketing Strategist
"I turned to makeup to help me feel more confident."

Capricorn Rising - Uranus (internet) in the 1st house conjunct Neptune (glamour)
Many people showed respect and applauded, while others are asking themselves: “is she really self-made?” – And I really hope to answer it through astrological lenses.
She is well known for the youngest sister of the Kim Kardashian West in the American reality television series Keeping Up with the Kardashians since 2007. She enjoyed such opportunity, and clearly knew what the ‘young’, or, her generation, needs. That of course, was applied in an specific area, which her case of that of cosmetics. She definitely took advantage of being in such position (popular family) in such young age, and made it out greatly.
If she wasn’t self-made, then every single one of them were, well, billionaires as well, which isn’t the case. She was smart, she wanting the attention, but online, it seems to me she was always ashamed of her facial. In this photo, we can clearly see she was lacking confidence, in which nowadays seems quite the opposite. That’s what Capricorn on the cusp of the 1st house is, about being ashamed of one’s body, and rule it later in life as a form to translate acceptance through confidence and presence. However, there are much more in the story which contributed to Kylie’s recent new status.
related article:

Forbes writes [2019]:
Kylie Cosmetics launched two years ago with a $29 “lip kit” consisting of a matching set of lipstick and lip liner, and has sold more than $630 million worth of makeup since, including an estimated $330 million in 2017. Even using a conservative multiple, and applying our standard 20% discount, Forbes values her company, which has since added other cosmetics like eye shadow and concealer, at nearly $800 million. Jenner owns 100% of it.
The Chart
Factors & Directions
Strong Social Media Presence
Pluto in the 11th house of large groups and the internet
“I popped up at a few stores, I did my usual social media—I did what I usually do, and it just worked,” – Jenner says to forbes.

Pluto is the planet of vast sharing and is transpersonal (not personal). It means that such planet exerts as an extension of those of personal (Sun/Moon/Venus/Mars) and that of social (Jupiter/Saturn). Whatever the person ‘is not’ or ‘wants to be’, they link their sense of self to such extraordinary themes (generational planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) that are out of the reach when it gets too far from inception. Pluto is also the planet of dramatic power over their sphere under operation by natal position.
In Kylie’s case, Pluto (power) is in the 11th house of massive platform (internet). She extends her power over the world wide web. Her Instagram has over 129 millions followers [2019].
Transiting Uranus (internet) & Status Changed overnight
conjunction fixed star Mirach

A day before Uranus entered Taurus, Jenny Kylie world status changed overnight. It was the last minutes transiting Uranus was in critical degrees Aries and thus exact conjunct Jenner’s Ic, and of course, right opposing Mc (world status and career). Fixed star Mirach is being touched by transiting Uranus and is conjunct Jenner’s angular 4th house cusp (Ic); such star has the nature of Venus, Saturn and Neptune, all in the greatest sense. Representing glamour, women, and leader all in one sentence.
“Mirach, the Side of Andromeda, corresponds to the nature of Venus with a Neptunian influence in the positive sense: cheerfulness, happiness, love of company, and many interests, but also altruism, tendency to inspiration and medium-ship as a base for artistic creation. These people have a stimulating effect on others, make friends easily and are helped on in life by others. “ – Elsbeth Ebertin
Kylie Cosmetics and fortune of $900 millions [2019]

Employees - 7 full-time and 5 part-time
Manufacturing Employees: about 500 people
Manufacturing: Spatz Laboratories in Oxnard and an outpost in Nanjing, China
Manufacturing and packaging Service: Outsourced to Seed Beauty
Sales and fulfillment Service: Outsourced to the online outlet Shopify
Finances & PR Service: Mother Kris Jenner
Kris Jenner anual Salary - around $17 million
Company Worth - $900 million [2019]
“Kylie Cosmetics launched two years ago with a $29 “lip kit” consisting of a matching set of lipstick and lip liner, and has sold more than $630 million worth of makeup since, including an estimated $330 million in 2017. Even using a conservative multiple, and applying our standard 20% discount, Forbes values her company, which has since added other cosmetics like eye shadow and concealer, at nearly $800 million. Jenner owns 100% of it.” – Forbes writes (written in 2018)
Pluto Direction and world status by the help of Association
& ruler of 7th house of partnership
“I didn’t expect anything. I did not foresee the future,” – Jenner telling Forbes, continues “It’s the power of social media. I had such a strong reach before I was able to start anything.”
Pluto is there in the 11th house of social media while the Moon is close to it but culminating in the 10th house. By this direction alone, we can tell how such event took place; we already know about Kylie’s natal Pluto, now, what about the Moon? Jenner’s Moon is ruler of 7th house of associations, contracts & partners:
“She did well online, but there’s only so far that that can take her,” says Shannon Coyne, an equity research analyst at BMO Capital Markets. “She probably realized: ‘If I want to get big, I’ve got to scale, and to do that, I need a partner.’ Ultimately, she wants to grow her brand, and she needs this store presence to do that.”
By directing promissor Pluto in the Zodiac to the significator Moon direct, while utilizing the Regiomontanus calculation and key of Naibod (also significator’s latitude) , we reach out for the date when power and partnership came together while changing the native’s world status, once the significator Moon is located in the 10th house. The only conjunction by Pluto to the Moon in primary direction in her lifetime, marked by power, wealthiness & social media leadership: “Fueled in part by the Ulta stores expansion, Kylie Cosmetics’ revenue climbed 9% last year to an estimated $360 million.”
Mercury (communication) Fardar of 13 Years - Moon Sub-Period
In order to approximate even more the arc and date of the direction and transits of the planets and their significant operation, we actually first verify the authenticity of their influence with those periods of Firdaria and Profections. Kylie is in her 13 period of Mercury, and when under the Moon subperiod came to her, the transiting Moon or any direction from or to it, indicated highlighted events, primordial and notorious some or or another. Soon, she will start Saturn subperiod when June comes to us. Indicating periods of contracts with sisters (Saturn in 3rd house), self-appearance (perhaps surgery – Saturn is Asc ruler), pregnancy (5th house in terms with Saturn), more money (Saturn trine Sun conjunct cusp of 8th house) ; etc.
Secondary progression chart has progressed Mercury/Moon in 7th house of partnerships.
Overcoming where once was a Men's position
transiting Moon
The business magazine ranked Jenner as the world’s 2,057th richest person, and crowned her the “youngest ever billionaire in the world”. She becomes a billionaire two years younger than Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg who took the title at the age of 23.
The announcement was made by website Forbes on March 5th 2019 at 5:00am. The Moon was transiting Pisces in that morning and when it was exact trine to Kylie’s natal Moon, Forbes announces their new searches. Again, her Moon is located in the 10th house of world status. Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac and is feminine. The Sun was conjunct Neptune in Kylie’s 2nd house of income, putting light, focus and attention to her resources and capitalization. Mercury (Firdaria mainly period) was transiting exact conjunct cusp of 3rd house of magazines (Forbes).
Another interesting detail but still immense in importance, was the New Moon in Aquarius which took place exactly a month prior to the announcement. It was conjunct cusp of 2nd house and conjunct Jupiter, the traditional planet of wealth, in the house of money and personal income. The cosmos were announcing to the public how much of material resources Jenner has by her own.
Solar Return - 2018
Ascendant Ruler Direction
2nd House as Annual Ascendant
Uranus culminated as Direction
Annual ascendant in the solar return is Aquarius, the natal 2nd house cusp from the radix. Thus, all themes from her natal 2nd house is then predicted to be major for Kylie: money, income, family’s money, etc.
This old technique amazes me. *Even when the date given by the key of Naibod is 2 days ahead of the actual announcement, it chills me the precision of directions. Uranus is ruler of ascendant (self) from the solar return 2018, and when taken as promissor and culminated (Mc converse, as usual) for the world to witness, we get the exact period when Kyle was considered by magazine of authority Forbes, to be the youngest self-made billionaire ever.
*By rectifying the chart a few seconds, we get the exact date nonetheless.
Sun Returns in 7th house
highlight partnerships
When the Sun returns to the 7th house, the native highlights the partner, or, partners, the significant other or others. Or, events concerning both the native and the partners relatively.
Kylie’s natal Sun is very strong in the radix (natal chart), and it is also the victorious planet, or, the almuten of the figure from her chart. In her natal chart, the Sun is ruler of 8th house of other people’s money, while the planet is also conjunct the cusp of such house. People ‘own’ her big money in this lifetime; it is also opposite Jupiter sitting right in there in the 2nd house of income and capitalization.
end of article & don't forget to fave us!
Jenny Dusky

More about the Author, books and general background.
Since 2008 – Western Astrology Applied / Placidus House System / Tropical Fixed Stars
Since 2017 – Primary Directions / Chronocrators
Based on Ancient Predictive Technique