Mars Opposite Saturn
+ Predictions
Did Astrologer JD Predicted Dubai ‘Apocalyptic’ floods of 2024? – The Zodiacus
Mars Opposite Saturn – Conflict arises, testing patience, power, strategies, and resilience amid calculated risks and ambitious pursuits. The Classic Mars conjunction Saturn was always looked with suspicious eyes by our ancient professionals of the art & science. The two “malefics” in astrology combined (in this case as Opposition) is not something to forecast with easy, it is a complex and challenging task while many times connected to calamities and the destruction of things. People during such intense transit feel like taking risks as the pressure is on. The only option they have is to join forces and expect the better of the configuration, the ride is on and there is no way to storm off, but to be part of the storm.
Note! Since 2003 whenever Mars Opposed (180°) Saturn in the wheel, it met him while the latter was Retrograde, and will do so in 2027 and 2029. It is 14 times in total that this alike configuration is taking place from 2003 to 2029. Thus, I expect that from 2031 things will no longer be put on hold, but things will move forward faster and not much of super mark as this signature has been doing so far during these last 2 decades. The year I most worried about is 2033 as the malefic Mars will be retrograde and will Oppose Saturn 3x times in that year, and in the Cancer-Capricorn axis! Watch out for major Tsunamis, and Comets! The climate will be fast and furious! I will definitely do an article about it as the years come closer.
Bear in mind that, as for August 2025, Neptune is also Conjunct Saturn! [click here to read about it] while Venus Conjunct Jupiter in Cancer.

In Ptolemy’s teaching and composition from very ancient texts compiled at the library of Alexandria in the 2nd century CE, Tetrabiblos informs us that Mars due to his position in the system is Dry & Hot while Saturn is first Cold then Dry, and while Mars causes separation, Saturn causes ultimate destruction, thus Saturn is the greatest malefic of the tradition, and when the two meet in some hard aspects, you can imagine the havoc, the bloody chaos, all that separations, destructions and deaths. It is like two of the most powerful traditional demons & rulers of hell disputing for a single place in the physical world – how that would play out? Perhaps the answer here is to kill – to kill insecurities (let Moon be configured), doubts of the future (let Uranus be configured), of now (let Uranus be configured), irrational fears (let Moon be configured), dread of public speaking (let Mercury be configured), the fright to take action (the first steps), the panic of leaving things behind (let Moon be configured), the panic of the future (let Uranus be configured), the terror (let Pluto be configured), the anxiety, etc. Time to kill that what no longer serves concerning transiting Saturn’s area of our lives, to make best use of that sharp cutting sword belonging to Mars and leave Saturn’s negativities defeated, cut and conquered [see my example on WWII below]. The thing is that this is not a Conjunction of the spheres, they are not joined, but very separated, something Mars prefers, to be separated from everyone else so it can lead without interruptions, there it is from upfront, therefore, when Saturn is ultimately far, Mars feels free to perform, at easy to attack, to make the first move. When Mars comes against Saturn, it hammers Saturn’s capacity to deal with classicism & stoicism, and will use force instead, something Saturn is not that found of, as it prefers others to do its malefic intents/objectives instead. On the other hand, when Saturn is confronted by Mars, it will ultimately destroy Mars by long-planned strategy, patience and torture (long hits on the same spots), or simply from pure evilness & malice. Should Mars defeat Saturn by not allowing time for Saturn to plan, while Saturn should defeat Mars by governance, authority and commanding others to do the dirty works before Mars attacks first. Imagine the dispute of two tyrannical and almost invincible creatures, their physical fight and energy displays on a remote and deserted landscape. Or imagine that suddenly, they are each other’s Nemesis instead of partners in crime. A good parcel of their lives they will spend on strategies oh how to defend themselves or attack the enemy, a book, a bible of wicked thoughts and twisted facts, two manic behind weaponized tools.

While Mars says “just do it!”, Saturn tells us to “calculate it first.” – Where could be the middle ground of this equation? “Just do it, but with a plan?” Such way perhaps, shall you embrace the spirit of taking action but with a calculated approach to minimize risks! It allows for decisiveness but with a touch of tough preparation, so results won’t fall under either extreme, unless really wanted to (?). However, I think this is a good time to assert contradictory diversion of power and control, a redistribution of a kind or, redirection defended [see my example below about the WWII when Auschwitz (the Nazi concentration and extermination camp – it was necessary force, violence and death) is freed by the Soviet red Army]. Time to assert powerful contradictions, to assert once and for all how things shall take shape and to where, the important things, the priorities in that project, in life? Now you can see better while innocence dies out, there is no denial of malefic forces combating against. Don’t distract yourself, now it is not the time for love and acceptance, roses and perfumes (well, unless Venus exceeds in its wetness by configuration), but to get around dahlias, vines, rues, gladiolus and cinnamon, the influence and induce of self-control, clarity of mind, action and awareness, it goes very instinctual yet tangible, watchable, movable. How bad it really is? See it the truth now coming from opposing forces, the potential risks! Evil or bad, the villain exists, he is real and want your flesh and spilled blood, the earlier you know it, the earlier you will take precaution, ringing the bells for proactive thoughts and further plans. Good time to use reflexes to dodge “curses”, malefic influences from external sources, to get evil unprepared in domicile and give to it a good learning. Yet, we are still pointing to malefices in the occult learnings obtained from the astrological tradition, thus we are not expecting events to go smooth or without turbulence, a clean landscape or clear intentions from the top. Some people may seem more paranoid them usual, as if “someone is running against” them, waiting for the person to turn over so the strike could be made straight away, without previous warning or the chance to defend, as unfair as it could be. The word coward & hypocrisy also comes to mind, the one that uses powerful and destructive attacks to gain influence and power, with political pretexts, where all that is said and written is actually the opposite – Here we see people using violence and death to justify their own agendas, masking their true intentions behind a veil of righteousness and moral high ground. In such cases, the pursuit of power becomes a path paved with “fake moral” and manipulation, where the truth is twisted to serve their own ends, and the cost is paid by innocent lives. Here I also imagine someone faking, to success, to enter somewhere, to one’s heart, to one’s house, one’s business, with fake intentions and false pretexts, and being successful on that. Let Mercury be there, someone easily shoulder-surfing in order to get the code to ultimate access, someone good at sneaking in, a master at penetration, an undisclosed action, hard to detect, cunning at hidden – an unauthorized access to a high valued place, physical or virtual.
Mars Libra in Opposite Saturn in Aries [Rx] | 2025, Aug 09th | 01°20’ degrees |

Well, what kind of configuration do you think would be viable for, let’s say, an industrial power hammer driven by steam to be created? Yes, a Mars in Cancer Opposite Saturn [Rx] in Capricorn, of course! This is way too literal if you think about it – A drop hammer, commonly known as a steam hammer, is a steam-powered industrial tool used for processes like forging metal and driving piles into the ground. Capricorn is the sign that brings ‘reality to the ground’, that makes things possible and literally “down to Earth”, and “hammer” Mars Detriment in Cancer pushes things down even further with strength, while Saturn weights it down, the planet that rules lead, the classical heaviest metal. Advancements in technology led to improved control over the delivered force, enhanced durability, increased efficiency, and greater overall power. Now, it seems there’s a bit of a discrepancy between sources of when such invention took place in the world: According to the Wikipedia page on James Nasmyth, he patented his steam hammer design in June 1842, while the Wikipedia page on the steam hammer states it was December 1842. This could be due to differences in how the dates are interpreted—perhaps one refers to when the patent was filed, and the other to when it was officially granted. On that June 1842 happened the Saturn/Jupiter/NN Opposed by Mars/Sun/Mercury/SN – it was a huge hammer indeed, and it served purposes – steam hammers are still in use today, though their role has diminished over time. They have largely been replaced by more modern technologies like mechanical and hydraulic presses. However, some industries still use steam hammers for specific forging tasks, especially when dealing with large-scale metal components. Mars is the classic planet of forging metals, swords etc – everything involving fire, violence, speed, physical power and efficiency, or, anything that involves the hitting of something. Mars is ruler of Aries, the ram – In the more typical double-acting steam hammer, steam is additionally utilized to force the ram downward, delivering a stronger impact at the die. The ram’s weight can vary significantly, ranging from 225 kilograms (500 pounds) to as much as 22,500 kilograms (50,000 pounds). The workpiece is positioned between a bottom die fixed on an anvil block and a top die connected to the hammer’s ram.
When Mars and Saturn face off as opposites in the Zodiac, it can symbolize conflict and tension, sometimes literally manifesting as abrupt declarations of war or shifts in policies between nations of greater power, even if that lasts a month to a few years. The events of the alerting month of June 1812 aligned strikingly with this astrological phenomenon, as significant battles and power struggles unfolded during that time. For instance, Mars in Cancer and retrograde Saturn in Capricorn formed an Opposition on June 13th; 1812, reflecting such dynamics:
June 1: President James Madison requests Congress to declare war on the UK, sparking the War of 1812.
June 18: The U.S. formally enters the War of 1812 against Canada and the UK.
June 22: France declares war on Russia.
June 24: Napoleon’s army begins its invasion of Russia by crossing the Neman River.
Now, a great and outstanding example of a Mars in Cancer Opposite Saturn in Capricorn [Rx] was during the WWII on January 27th of 1945 when Auschwitz the Nazi concentration and extermination camp is freed by the Soviet red Army – such important date is now recognized as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. As I wrote earlier in this forecast, when Mars is used right, it can be used against true enemies, to defeat higher forms of violent power, to use violence to free others being violented (in this case). Mars was only about 10° degrees away from Saturn. Not only that, the lunar nodes were involved [conjunction/opposition] and so were Mercury and the Moon. It was an unauthorized access to one of the terrains of the enemy. It was made use of Mars to defeat Saturn’s power of that area, to bring down the entire “building”. Now, the result was also influenced by a Venus-Jupiter Opposition, and a Sun-Uranus-Neptune Grand Air Trine.

When the classic malefic Mars faces-off greater malefic Saturn, power struggles will arise, and that could be literal, it collapses! On June 16, 2019, a huge power outage affected most of Argentina, the entire country of Uruguay, and parts of Paraguay. Around 48 million people were left without electricity. On such day, not only was Mars in Cancer Opposite Saturn [Rx] in Capricorn, but Mercury-North Node was exact Opposite that Saturn-Pluto-SN as well! The event happened at 7:07am in the morning in Argentina, when Aries was rising, with that Saturn-Pluto-SN culminating while ruler of the chart Mars anti-culminating –The blackout was likely caused by an error/misbehaviour from Transener, an Argentine transmission lines operator. Also, Uranus, the “electricity”, was rising at 5° degrees! While a 500 kV line was undergoing maintenance, a bypass was created, but the Automatic Generation Shutdown system wasn’t updated. This led to a short circuit, excess power generation, and loss of synchronization in power plants. Within 30 seconds, automatic disconnections resulted in a blackout affecting 50 million users. Clearly, this wasn’t a Mars-Saturn Opposition all alone, but it does strongly point to the fact that such may happen as soon as other planets join in the configuration and brings events alike their qualities, activating the Opposition to higher extent in human’s reality. For example, Saturn was retrograde, or that Pluto was also there with Saturn, overreaching and leaving millions of people more into darkness. Also, the transiting chart of the moment of the event will indicate how such transit is about to be played out on that moment in space and time. For example, as I said, ‘electric’ and ‘unexpected’ Uranus was rising – Argentina experienced a sudden and widespread power failure in which Energy Secretary Gustavo Lopetegui called a “collapse.”
earthquakes – I need to write down the correlations now. But be aware, these are times of potential earthquakes, literal shakes on Earth, as if something is moving from inside out, being hit by something from beneath, when Mars-Saturn Opposes in the Cancer-Capricorn axis.
2005 march 28th
Note: Bear in mind this research won’t stop here, so as all other aspects I am researching. As the years go by, I will update them here and there.
In The Image I have in mind is
2019 Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay blackout – Wikipedia