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The 2 Dates JD Predicted that Came about to be Crucial for UK & the World (From Aries Ingress 2024) – The General Election of UK July 4th & The Global IT Outage

Predictions Working [2024]

Did Astrologer JD Predicted the Date of the General Election of UK? 

Apparently Yes! 

Did Astrologer JD Predicted the Date of The Global IT Outage 2024? 

Apparently Yes! 

First of all, let me situate you in my predictions in my website:  

I have this page titled “Predictions for the World” (click here), and the first article I’ll always put is the Sun Aries Ingress (Year), in which I discuss the politics of the world and the fate of humankind for the period of a year window since the Ingress, it is the “New Astrological Year”, where ancient astrologers used to use it in order to predict the future correspondent to the nation.  

→ This time around, I wanted to try something new, which apparently is working out of my predictions. I wrote this article “Sun at 0° Aries 2024 – The Turn of the World & Predictions” on March 2024 in which I presumed the months and dates where most significant and important things shall take place in the world according to Profections and Primary Directions – So far, I got right the month and the rise of Kamala Harris [click here], the Global IT outage date and the July 4th UK’s surprising general election. 

The July 4th 2024 UK’s Election (from Aries Ingress 2024): For all countries I predicted something (USA, UK and Russia) I directed 2 (two) important planets in the chart to a main position and discovered that 4th July 2024 would be a historical date for UK if anything would have happened (now I must learn how to tell the outcome in my future predictions). I wrote this prediction on March 2024, about 4 months after it came to happened – On 4 July 2024, the UK held a general election in July for the first time since 1945. Now, tell me any other person that told you as well that July 4th date of 2024 would be “watch out for this specific date” for UK? Well, something major for the country did occur on the exact date I said (next time I need to be more arguable, point more, the themes etc. I’ll try that, keep watching for the years ahead) – This particular election resulted in a significant victory for the Labour Party which is led by Keir Starmer, who won 411 seats in the House of Commons, marking the first general election victory for Labour since 2005 while finishing the Conservative Party’s 14-year residence as the primary governing party. Wow! I will definitely keep using this technique for the world at large. 

The July 4th 2024 UK’s Election (from Aries Ingress 2024)

Again, I wrote this on March 2024, and two months later on May 23rd 2024 Rishi Sunak (PM of that time) surprisingly announced that a general election would take place on July 4th 2024, the date I wrote above. It is said that the proposed election date was earlier than many political observers had expected.

The Global IT Outage & Date (from Aries Ingress 2024): Now… this is interesting. The 2nd planet I directed in the Aries Ingress Mundane Chart 2024 for the world, happened to be the date of the Global IT Outage. Although I said the day of 18th, the outage happened a few hours the 18th ended, or, already on the 19th, 2024, but come on, only a few hours of error – The outage is expected to create insured losses of around $1 billion and will drive up demand in the cyber market while pushing for more innovation. I told you the July 19th 2024 a date to watch out for! CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity company, accepted the award for ‘Most Epic Fail’ at the Pwnie Awards after causing a global IT meltdown with a software update. The faulty update crashed 8.5 million Microsoft Windows computers worldwide, disrupting businesses and services. I told you to watch for such date – now I must master the topics that will come about from such dates I anticipated – for example, I should have paid attention that such date would occur near the Mars-Uranus Conjunction! 

The Global IT Outage & Date (from Aries Ingress 2024)

I will definitely repeat my technique for 2025 I am using from really ancient astrologers that knew what they were doing, no spitting words, no rubbish speeches or wasting people’s time, let’s go straight to the data, to the thing, to the event(s) itself, we are astrologers, not only we have to transcript charts but we must at least tell what may come from such configurations, which I will keep in mind next time. Every prediction coming true is a new learning, you see the errors, where you have applied attention and where you left it where you should have had. The universe is a living puzzle! Astrology tells us beforehand where the balls are running in the maze.   




Sun at 0° Aries 2024 – The Turn of the World & Predictions  – The Zodiacus 

2024 United Kingdom general election – Wikipedia 

General election 2024 results – House of Commons Library ( 

How the BBC reports the UK general election 2024 – BBC News 

An outsider’s guide to the 2024 British General Election ( 

Global IT outage to accelerate cyber-market development: Howden | Insurance Insider 

CrowdStrike accepts award for ‘most epic fail’ after global IT outage ( 

CrowdStrike: Tech firm sued by shareholders over IT global outage – BBC News 

Rishi Sunak announces UK general election for Thursday 4 July – BBC News