Jupiter Conjunct Uranus – May 21st 2024 (Predictions)
Jupiter Conjunct Uranus – April 21st 2024 (Predictions)
[Click Here to Read the Jupiter Conjunct Uranus Forecast for YOU]
[Click Here to Read the Jupiter Conjunct Uranus Forecast for the WORLD & History]
[Go to thezodiacus’ YouTube and watch me talking about Jupiter in Taurus!]
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They include many astrological forecasts and history to learn from !
The exact conjunction of Jupiter-Uranus will take place on April 21st (or 20th) 2024 in the sign of the bull (Taurus). They will both share the same right ascension at the exact time of the event, both just a bit south of the elliptic (both about -1°) and only 0°31’ apart. What a powerful and mindful conjunction all the way up! Jupiter magnitude will be at -2.0, and Uranus at 5.8.
A Single Window: Bear in mind there will only be 1 conjunction this time, and not triple conjunctions like the last conjunction in the 2010-11 (in Pices) and the one before in 1983 (Sagittarius) and the one before 1968-69 (Libra). Expect changes in one single time and only in fixed Taurus, which means it will stick for good.
The Conjunction of Big Change every 14 years: The planets will be 20° degrees away from the Sun at the moment of this shocking conjunction, thus the Sun will be in its second day in Taurus just completing its annual conjunction to lucky fixed star Mirach. It seems to me that something will stand out regarding currency & survival to some countries.
It will be powerful, Sun square Pluto which will be back to Aquarius by this point. Something doesn’t fit right, it still needs adaptation, try outs, experimentation, all concerning the sphere of currency or the things we exchange as a value as the years advance and we get used to such changes.
Venus: Now I wonder what Venus, ruler of this configuration will be doing at the exact time of the event? What kind of statement may this conjunction rule in the world? USA and UK are besties. What situation would have to come in order to stronger such bound? I think this conjunction will show us that, and of those countries that are also besties to each. Venus will be detriment in Aries, it will actually be in aversion by whole sign to the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus withdrawing from Venus which precedes the Ascendant. It will not be easy resolutions, Venus conjunct Retrograde Mercury and North Node in Aries, but it will be an initiation nevertheless. With the North Node involved, it tells me it be a historical conjunction?
UK (London at 3:39am) – Aquarius is rising in terms with Venus in the chart of the powerful Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in UK. It is supposed to be a shocking event for the country, unpredictable and beneficially bizarre. However, Saturn-Mars-Neptune conjunction rises in this chart, all of this opposite void of course Moon in critical Virgo at critical 29° degrees. Mars will be conjunction fixed star Markab, the saddle of the horse with wings (Pegasus). A sudden infestation of things that fly. Explosion on the ocean concerning ships near UK? But the thing is that this particular Stellium in Pisces will be sextile the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. Saturn is definitely the victorious/Almudebit of this chart. Such event is supposed to be very important and quite serious business for UK.
Social Shift in Consciousness on Capital & Virtual Money – The conjunction happens in terms with regulation oriented Saturn. Will money paper begin to be removed from society? Will money paper be history by 2040 when Jupiter meets the Sun in this chart by primary directions? The conjunction of these planets urges social upgrades, social movements and causes, social medias, things and people online, new way of paying in stores etc.
Countries Partnerships around the World will Differ Overnight – time to make new friends with others countries, what country will be besties? For example, the U.S. also has treaty allies – Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Australia and Thailand. Will another country enter the list or leave?
Like Minded Nations & Single Currency – if globalization wasn’t enough, what about one system, one currency form among many countries of likeminded governments? Will that being on South America? Likeminded countries will attract themselves naturally to each like magnets, opening new doors and opportunities for the people.
Technology and Food – A
Popularity of None Psychological form of Astrology – as opposed through the 80’ to the 20’s (?), I think psychological astrology will rest for a while, whereas prediction based on objectivity will become more popular instead? Scorpio is the ruler of modern understanding of Psychology, and Taurus is practically the opposite, it resides on practical cores.
Rise of Objective Predictions in Astrology – thus, the rise of forecasts that claims dates and specific kind of events as opposed to reading blurred horoscopes based only on images and quality (not quantitative)?
Popularity of Trans Community – Uranus rules transsexual and the people with different approach to sexuality than the majority (straight), and will always rule them because they are minority in the world, at least those that made themselves public. With Venus ruling this conjunction, expect popularity of trans community everywhere, in arts, politics and education.
Fall of Money/Currency as Major Determinant of Exchange & Value – Another “paper/coin” with a single symbol that will have potent high value and easy to exchange worldly?
Meat Industry – Cows, bulls and sheep farms Industry; expect major news about it that shocks. also lab food improving?
Unexpected visitor (object) from Outer Space that will ground on Earth?
The list could go on and on, since the possibilities are greater than we can even understand.
Personal Astrology
→ Unexpected Gain of Money/Value
→ Unexpected Expansion concerning Taurus topics
→ Unexpected Big Investment & Time (or someone you know)
→ Unexpected Adoration in the area of the conjunction
→ Becoming suddenly a fan
→ Unexpected Heyday
→ Unexpected Flight to another Continent
→ Unexpected Friendship that will stick
→ Unexpected Relation
→ Unexpected Popularity of a New Social Media Platform
→ Weird & Unexpainable events