
The Astrology of Shakira Under Tax Fraud Investigation?

The Astrology of Shakira Under Tax Fraud Investigation?

What is happening to Shakira at astrological level?

There is also a great Direction and important one:

Jupiter will conjunct Venus in radix by primary direction. In September 2022 by the Zodiac (as profectoin of the Asc, Saturn will be activated by then in the natal chart  – bad news for Shakira) or October 2023 calculating in Mundo. Venus is term ruler of 8th house of taxes etc. Also, term ruler of the 1st house. Jupiter ruler the 9th house as well as the 12th house, the “international” houses, the taxes are from “abroad” let’s say it. However, the dates i wrote above in the figure I think will be stronger while putting sense in the directions just cited from Jupiter-Venus.