Astrology ReadingHoroscopes for all rising signHouses of the ZodiacMundanePredictions 2025

Astrological Exclusivities of 2025 & Dates to Keep Up

Investigated by JD Investigative Astrologer

Title: “The Exclusivities of 2025” • Prompt by JD using Copilot

♀ → Venus will conjunct Neptune 3x (times) in a single year [2025] as Venus goes Retrograde – For such configuration to repeat like this only in 2052 in Gemini! [click here] 

♀︎→ Venus retrograde will Conjunct Saturn in 2025/April but in the sign from water triplicity Pisces. Then the next one, only in 2060! [click here]

♀→ In 2025, it will be the last time Venus will oppose Uranus in Taurus. [click here]

♂→ between November 2024 to April 2025. There will be this rare configuration going on with Mars-Pluto where Mars will turn Retrograde right on the sign Opposite of transiting Pluto, thus it will Oppose Pluto 3x times during the period of a single solar year (in less than 1 year). This is rare to happen, the last time Mars was Retrograde while Opposing Pluto was back in 2008, and then only back to the beginning of the WWII in the year of 1939. [click here]

♃ → Jupiter Ingresses Cancer – June 9th; 2025

♄→ Saturn Sextile Uranus – April 4th; 2025 (1st Hit) [click here]

♄→ Saturn Ingresses Aries for the 1st time in 29 years – May 25th; 2025 [click here]

♅→ Uranus Sextile Neptune – August 29th 2025 (1st Hit) [click here]

♅ → Uranus Ingresses Gemini for the 1st time in 84 years – July 7th; 2025

♆ → Neptune Ingresses Aries for the 1st time in about 165 years – March 30th; 2025

♇→ Pluto will no longer return to Capricorn (for centuries) and will remain in Aquarius until 2044! [click here]
