The Manhattan Abduction of Linda Napolitano & The Astrological Chart
UFO & Astrology [1989]
I just finished the NETFLIX series “The Manhattan Alien Abduction” and my mind was blown away by the case. Was it real? Did it really happen? Or was it the most intelligent and witty Alien-Hoax ever orchestrated? The Astrological Chart of the moment may tell us what really happened instead.

The Domicile Mars-Pluto in Scorpio Rising: Although Libra was Ascending, Domicile Mars-Pluto in Scorpio were rising in the radix under Placidus house system, it was surely a mysterious event which left people wondering the mysteries of the universe itself and all its possible creations from deep space – Linda was forced/abducted (Mars) to the ship by an unknown force (Pluto). The Ascending Node was in Aquarius, which told us an UFO event would possibly enter people’s consciousness, a social exercise many had to deal with, shocking by its abnormal nature, leaving people speechless, impressed by oddity, people were suddenly obliged to make sense of Aquarius’ themes somehow in that NYC 1989. A Stellium in Capricorn was there at the bottom of the chart, something was “brought down” to reality from “up there”.

Note to the reader: I will write as if you know the story somehow or watched the series, this is one of the most baffling UFO cases of the 20th century, and after the abduction claim, many other events unfolded which made the case even more mysterious and mind-blowing, including a hard-proof x-ray of a supposedly Alien nose-job implant. However, things started going south when her son claimed having had the alike experiences, making filmmaker Carol Rainey rapidly turned suspicious of the whole incident, later discrediting Linda in a published article, and their wrath against each still stands solid until nowadays.
The Abduction: Uranus at 3° Degrees & Saturn at 12° Degrees: Linda Napolitano, a Manhattan housewife, claimed she was abducted by aliens on November 30, 1989 at the dawn of the night approximately 3:00am in Manhattan, NYC. According to Linda, three (3) grey, bipedal creatures (“Alien” Uranus was at 3° degrees) took her from her Manhattan apartment in the middle of the night. She described being paralyzed and lifted through a blue beam of light into a spaceship, where such scary Aliens conducted experiments on her before returning her to her bedroom. Capricorn was anti-culminating during the event, meaning that Saturn was ruler of “home” of such period that was, which at that time was at 12° degrees Domicile in Capricorn, the exactly number of her abode – she was abducted from the 12th floor off the ground.
Ruler of the Chart: No planets were in the sky that dawn in Manhattan but Jupiter which had just culminated – Jupiter is the planet that rejoices in the 11th place on Earth in the Zodiac scheme, the house of Alien’s stuff. Libra was rising bounded with Jupiter – ruler Venus was Conjunct the IC, but Venus still in the 3rd house. The event took place in Linda’s house (IC), in her apartment (3rd) while being taking out through the room’s window, leaving witnesses from the neighbourhood agape while Linda levitated up to the skies.
The Witnesses & Venus at 23° Degrees: Her story gained widespread attention when ufologist Budd Hopkins publicized it, claiming that 23 witnesses had seen Napolitano being taken into the UFO near the Brooklyn Bridge – the event took place with ruler of the Ascendant Venus at 23° degrees! The Ascendant rules the eyes, the human organ in which humans see, witness events. Among these witnesses was reportedly a high-ranking government official, rumoured to be UN Secretary-General Javier Pérez de Cuéllar. Domicile Saturn “the government” was Conjunct that witness’ ruler of the chart Venus in the same sign, of “high-rank” Capricorn.
The Result: There is something in there for sure, something did happen at Uranus (UFO) level, there were also perhaps legit witnesses etc. I think indeed an event happened concerning abduction etc. But when the son was added to the story, it got creative and imaginative, to keep the public waiting for more perhaps? You have to watch him talking to get to a certain conclusion. Observe ruler of 12th house of hoax and lies is Mercury which in turn Conjunct the Sun (son, the child). From there perhaps things got more of a hoax, an opportunity to appear was presented and took to level of novelty, a storytelling was added afterwards – the Sun of the event was in terms with Jupiter; now observe that story-teller and opportunistic Jupiter up in the skies but Opposite that Saturn-Neptune hoax configuration. Now, observe that, not only Uranus was in Capricorn, but also Saturn was partile Conjunct Neptune in Capricorn, the planet of hoaxes. People still wonder the veracity of the event and what followed, it is hard not to believe, but at the same time many things were presented to be questionable, it leaves the mind contradicted.
Reputation: The story continues to captivate alien enthusiasts and has been the subject of books and documentaries over the decades. Linda Napolitano has stood by her story over the years, even as skeptics have dismissed it as a hoax. Her case remains one of the most intriguing and controversial alien abduction stories to date! Observe that ruler of the event’s reputation 10th house is the Moon which is Conjunct by degree unbelievable and ‘UFO’ Uranus.
Interesting Notes: Her name is Linda, which in Portuguese means “beautiful” – Libra the “beautiful” sign of harmony and silhouettes was rising in the chart of the event. Wikipedia writes: “Linda is a female name of German origin, meaning “shield” or “soft”. It is also a common name in South Africa, meaning “wait”, and in Neo-Latin languages, meaning “beautiful”. Linda Napolitano’s date of birth is unknown, neither is known of rival filmmaker Carol Rainey.
Linda Napolitano And The ‘Alien Abduction Case Of The Century’
The Manhattan Alien Abduction: True Story, Trailer, Plot – Netflix Tudum