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Saturn In Aries [2025-2028] & Predictions 

In Transit

Turn of the World [2025-2028]: This means that from 2025 to 2028, the turns of the world (Aries Ingress) will have Saturn conjunct the Sun by sign (in 2025 will be by degree only) – Politics will be reinitiated, and with Neptune in there as well in the same sign, there will be dissolving down barriers that long stood against the will of the population, much alike the Berlin Wall destruction, the world will revisit alike threads, be it physical or symbolical. Immigration in mass will come more and more without control, there will be a point most countries will have to decide what to do as nations but as if one entity could begin to provide overseas services to that – a new organization created specific for such purposes? As the demand of people searching for new lands to call their home is likely to duplicate? Thus, creating clusters, constellations of lost people, where it must be addressed, otherwise chaos turns to mayhem. I think this will be one of the major scenarios the world will find itself into the maze of the Zodiac through the eyes of Saturn and Neptune. Aries Ingress was considered by our ancestors to be turn of the world where politics on planet Earth could be predicted for a solar year period and themes in between that surges as the conditions dictate. 

Title: “Aries Rises in the Artic” • Prompt by JD using Bing AI

Ingress – May 25th 2025 

Retrograde [Rx] – July 13th 2025 

Back to Pisces [Rx] – September 01st 2025 

Direct in Pisces [D] – November 28th 2025 

Ingress Aries (2x) – February 14th 2026 

RX (July 2026)D (December 2026)RX (August 2027)D (December 2027) 

Ingress Taurus – April 13th 2028 

(Last time it was in Aries was from 1996-1998) 

Title: “World Capitol” • Prompt by JD using Bing AI

A New 29.7ys Saturn’s Cycle + 163.9ys Neptune’s: Whenever a planet returns back to 0° degree Aries, it means an astrological new cycle of the planet just began anew. Every 29.7 years Saturn returns, thus Saturn will be in Aries is not news, not a rare event or something of that, it is writing in the stars since the formation of the solar system that this and this will happen to the planets and their transits relative to Earth. As if for ever second the solar system looks already different than it was, imagine after thirty years forward! If the precession of the equinoxes takes 72 years to run 1° degree, it means that in 29.7 years a fixed star walked 0.41383° degrees, or 24.8298’ arcminutes. Thus, in a “Saturn Return” period, you can imagine how different the immediate skies conditions will differ from 29.7 years ago the previous Saturn in the same degrees. This time around, Saturn will have Neptune as companion for the whole time Saturn will be in Aries (from October 2025 to January 2026 Neptune will be back to Pisces so will be Saturn), affecting people’s careers, authoritative positions and governments worldwide. Older careers that no longer hold prestige or is outdated by modern perspective will fade away into nothing but a memory in stories of the world, replaced by many new positions created by demand. This will be something, I think, major countries will have to face it, as countries that are influence over others serve as examples to other nations to follow, copy and paste. Because of that Neptune, the challenge will be real, and the world will be affected. The beginning of a new collective dream has just started to show its colours composition, the pallet seems to be iridescent while small light spots shimmer randomly depending on the angle, but also hot colours that stand out, but still sharing same nuances and shades in frequency. As for Neptune at the entrance, I’d forecast a powerful synchronicity of nations worldwide may occur within some countries in some specific dates, getting together to unify an institution that will gain authority worldwide?

How Saturn will work at Personal Level: Saturn at her best symbolizes success, potential achieved, a person’s greatest achievements and major realizations in life. If right, Saturn gives a sense of fulfilment, of a task well done, of a goal strategized by Mars but achieved by Saturn. In Aries, for that to work out, one should perhaps prioritize career, put it first, know the direction life is taking and be the boss of one’s own fate, as if, whenever planets return to 0° degree Aries, forces go back to the native. Now, it is time for You to decide this and that for yourself, and not others. When Saturn returns to Aries, people want to prove something to the world, that they are good at it, the best of them all. Many people complete reset their career plans, focus and direction, they are now moving things “east” side. The “new way” will be introduced from up there, and people shall make room for it, wanting or not. To thrive in one’s life, perhaps now is the best time to recognize in oneself, how one can manage, to be confident one can do it this time around, that big goal of yours must now be prioritized, it will work out if one takes quicker steps, try to push harder but cautiously – time to play back your own game, to rule it, to make your own rules, but know them all at the top of your head once it begins. Saturn prefers to anticipate what Aries would do it spontaneously, but when Saturn is in Aries, being spontaneous actually gets people right on their confidence, as if one knows oneself well enough just let it be, passing credibility, inspiration. While Moon-Cancer takes cares of babies and general humans, Saturn takes responsibilities on things, management on projects, objects, commodities and all things that support human race pre-disposed to rule, to control whereabouts, direction and governance, to make the best use of things. Saturn takes care, responsibility of that what is important, where errors can’t be made. Time to make best use of one’s ambitions, intentions and objectives. This is one of the best periods in life to make plans and initiate it from here until it is ready to be out there to the world, to crystalize them, to make them come true, to reality. If you could write now, or draw, or point to where you wanted life to take shape, where that would be? 

Title: “The Frozen Virus” • Prompt by JD using Bing AI

Possible Side-Effect of Saturn in Aries: A career burning, going down as quick as it began, some people will find themselves in a hot spot, every move is observed and judged. If you become too dependent on others, life will punish you, as Saturn is asking you to depend on yourself, to be independent of others regarding the direction your life is taking, the things you do for yourself and how you have your ends met. The office will become a war-like zone for a few years, people will be competing, sometimes without a point. Satan in on fire and will manipulate Venus-Libra inclined people to commit offenses for themselves. He will hate partnership and will manipulate justice or fairness, he will pretend he doesn’t know anything about it. He will make people and partners break up, their romantic affairs, their busisness partnerships, their contracts. Saturn will instigate people to be selfish beasts, to hit and run on purpose – be careful not to fall under its spells. Completly selfish scenarios among people of power will be evident, lying and doing wrong right under people’s nose. People will use others of less position to promote their own power, they will make the enemy really far from what is considered morally right and ethically correct. Many will be coward, commiting malfeasances against minors, the minority or the less afortunated. They will control for their own means, they will corrupt the system by egomaniacal reasons. They will hype people up and will run away afterwards, as if the idea wasn’t even theirs. Some people of influence will incentivate mobocracy and people to commit misrules against that what has stood too long.  

Add Neptune in the Saturn’s game, you have fakeness everywhere, spread all around politics. Although some nations will indeed experience true saviours, that will do everything to change that what is destructive and corrupt, Saturn-Neptune Conjunction in 0° degree Aries may as well point to the time where a new kind of corruption is installed where a whole nation(s) experiences the horrors, poorness and famine that Saturn-Neptune could indicate. It also tells me, again, that people in the world will have to start out something collectively, but many will candidate themselves out of forgery, a complete sham or hoax, a pseudo-something. The unbelievable will happens in politics. The “return” of this and that hype will sound real, and many will go collective mad, probably a mass hysteria will rise. 

The Image I have in mind is an unstoppable fire in the mountain being spread out; 

Or, a fire in the middle of the ocean due to oil spill or something alike; 

Or, fire in the Artic; 

Or, someone having 15m of fame and that’s it; 

Or, someone of authority being falsely accused;  

Or, someone experiencing a fast career change; 

Or, someone going quickly to the top; 

Or, time passing fast/faster; 

Or, an unknown platform/object in the middle of the ocean; 

Or, the recognition of professions that use fire, hot things etc.;

Or, someone famous being vanished into tin air and never seen again;




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Saturn – The Dark Sun – The Zodiacus