Astrology of a Missing Person: The Jay Slater Case in Tenerife; Spain (I)
The Mysterious Case of the Teenager Disappearance in Tenerife (June 17th; 2024)
The Moon has just ingresses mysterious and secretive Scorpio that morning Jay Slater went missing. Unfortunately, the teenager is still missing. I will not put all the details here (unless astrologically relevant for this paper), it still news everywhere, Google-it or YouTube-it before reading it.

Mercury & Teenager Body
For Teenagers in charts of missing people events, we use Mercury as significator. He is 19 years old boy.
It tells me he is near water, on already inside water itself, Venus in 0-degree beach Cancer, tells me his body if found death, will be near water, the beach. Mercury in airy Gemini tells me he “felt” from somewhere, distracted. I think there were simple no malice in here, he was probably still on effect of drugs, but no conspiracy, no drug deal, no money owned etc. With the Sun super close to Mercury there in 12th place rising, it tells me it was probably something of his own undoing, own miscarried. That Mercury at critical degrees walk-to-nowhere Gemini means the teenager was easily distracted, no proper direction, something felt urgent to him, and his phone had critical 1% battery went last called/texted friend(s).
People are still searching in mountains etc. But as I see here, his logic was to ‘follow’ the water. However, since Saturn (mountain) is approaching Neptune, I did a prediction about this on my website if you remember well:

Yet, the teenager body, may still be found, in the water, my astrological guess. Or perhaps, the closest to water as possible. However, this water should be moving, and not stabilized like a lake (even though the Moon went to Scorpio when Jay was last seen).
Saturn & Dead Body (If Found Dead)
If unfortunately, Jay Slater is found dead, it will probably be floating in the ocean (?), on the shore, somewhere it will eventually be quite visible? Because Saturn trines the Ascendant, I think he will be found.
29 km North Away from the Disappearance Point (?)
Unless that Saturn high in the 9th house indicated his is really in the mountains somewhere, the chart with Cancer rising tells so much water things since the start of its Ascendant. However, to try to search for the physicality of the teenager, again, shall we use Mercury instead.
To discover how many miles the body could be found, there is this technique: find what degree is between the house where Mercury (if teenager, and this is the case) is in, which is between the 1st and 12th = giving us a result of 18,17 miles or about 29km from where he disappeared. Now, what direction his body took? Cancer rises in the chart, he was going up North, although his accommodation was South of his last seen location. That Mercury in the 12th house tells me he simple lost direction, walked in circles at some point and went North to the waters? He took the opposite direction of what he should have taken?
Mercury, again, reaches for Venus, meaning a woman was the figure that last spoke to him? A native woman as the 4th house cusp is Libra. Now, Venus also rules the 11th house of friends, Slater called his friend Lucy Mae Law to tell her that he was “lost”. However, again, Mercury is applying an exact Square to Neptune only by a second orb in this chart. Lost and confusion, as if he was feeling hunted, lying to himself, disoriented, he simply wanted to go out of there and go back to his friends no matter the cost, as if he felt he made a bad decision before. The exact Mercury-Neptune square aspect could also indicate he has been eaten by fishes by this point (?), lost in the ocean, deep in the ocean?
Anyhow, this has been a very weird and mysterious case since the beginning. Observe the Moon in Scorpio applying that Square to Pluto recently back into Aquarius.