Mercury Conjunct Venus
Mercury Conjunct Venus in Transit
Note: Mercury and Venus aspects are like playing dice with love and money, because one day, when they meet, they are stationing, other times one is retrograde and the other is stationing direct, other times both are retrograde or both are direct, it is a well-organized mess of the stars with certain pun intended in such a short period of time.
If someone with natal Mercury conjunct Venus is a sympathetic and patience listener, we can imagine that when they Conjunct in transit, humanity is ready to listen to you and vice-versa. They will probably understand you better now than previous occasions, thus a great time to get things correctly and neatly with others you share a bound with. Love & lovers are forming declarations of forever love and union like teenagers in high school. People are easily connecting with others by hearts and minds, people with the same ideas now seem helpful, aiding and pleasing – humanity is now probably mostly communicating with those they have things in common. Couples or contractual relation are copying other couples or business. Humans are copying other’s humans’ business schemes and using them as templates for their own. People are minding others’ people’s business and will want to know what happens with other people’s financial situation – they are super curious about that. Because of the nearness of Mercury to the Sun, people or company’s income, savings or overall resources comes out of shadow and are being published or simple acknowledged by others. Some people will get in trouble over loving messages to others they “shouldn’t” be texting to.

When Mercury aligns with a certain planet, we shall always take consideration of the Sun, because it will always be near it, sometimes not in the same sign, but never more than 27° degrees away from it, thus Mercury will always be in Conjunction to the Sun some way or another – this means that these planets that are being touched by the Sun-Mercury, will likely be close into public eyes, it hits the news, it becomes public database, these events are shinning like a golden ring from afar right at midday. It becomes relevant, and when Venus enters the field, it becomes proper worthy, it could easily involve money, businesses, relationships etc. When Mars enters in, it could easily turn into passionate crimes etc. What I understand is that the Sun-Mercury among with the Moon, all start to activate other planetary activities once they move faster, then when they meet up other planets, they add more to the game while bringing back to humanity by pertinent or highly admissible events perpetuating the already aspects of the stars in motion. Mercury beings to transfer information to the medias worldwide, what is happening here and there, when; it beings to communicate the world of this and that, of what happened today and what hour of the day that was. Add Venus, it wants to know the best hour of the day of the week, or the months to do that(those) thing(s); It brings a benefic component to transiting Sun-Mercury. However, adding malefic specially in hard aspects, shall the configuration leans towards those if the chart tells so.
Mercury Conjunct Venus in Cancer | 2024, June 17th › at 12:42 (GMT) | 00°19’ degrees |
Mercury [Rx] Conjunct Venus in Virgo | 2024, August 08th › at 03:02 (GMT) | 03°43’ degrees |
Mercury informs, it is the messenger of the planets let’s put it – it takes all the operational functions of the planets and foretell humanity of the “skies’ intentions” via public eyes. Venus, on the other hand, rules the financial market of the world. Now, what happened when Venus ways into Gemini and informant Mercury just behind then Conjunct it at the first degree of the mutable sign? A few hours before the Conjunct went exact, Mercury informed the world at that time, such configuration resulted the 1901’s Panic, the first stock market crash on the New York Stock Exchange, at the exact day of a total Solar Eclipse in financial Taurus, ruled by? – Venus, of course, which both Mercury-Venus were partile Square crasher & panic Mars! The 1901 Panic was said to be caused in part by the stiff competition between E. H. Harriman, Jacob Schiff, and J. P. Morgan/James J. Hill for 1 stock – the financial control of the Northern Pacific Railway – thousands of small investors had their business and lives ruined. Although it was noticed the decline of the market on May 8th, it was only when Mercury went to Conjunct Venus about ten days later that the event had hit the worldwide news. Pluto was in Gemini, thus when Venus that day had ingresses Gemini, it automatically walked into Pluto’s operation, which in turn was partile opposite Uranus. Thus, those energies were already there, and it only took inner planets to activate events objectively, while Mercury entering the game makes sure the people know, witness them by some form of media – it forces knowledge into people’s consciousness.
Mercury signals, and in Sagittarius that signal is from far, very far, but one that is still visible by naked eyes from above? – it goes international on the land. Venus on the other hand, gives hope among with greater benefic Jupiter, it makes conventions for people to reunite and make agreements while signing (Mercury) papers. Now, what happened when Mercury was Conjunct Venus in Sagittarius in November 1906? Morse code distress signal ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ SOS is internationally adopted – it was a signed agreement at the first International Radiotelegraph Convention that November 3rd, 1906. Signal Mercury was in terms with international Jupiter, and the last was Conjunct maritime Neptune in watery Cancer – SOS was for originally for maritime purposes (ship-to-shore wireless telegraphy); this was the first major convention to set international standards for ship-to-shore communication. Venus and Jupiter are the “saviours” of the planets (now Neptune?), they prevent the worst from happening, if any – SOS wasn’t an abbreviation by itself, but because of its usage in popular culture, acronyms would eventually appear, or figurative phrases like “save our souls” or “save the ship” came to public consciousness. Distinctive SOS moss code sequence then gives people in danger hope that they will be seen by someone, they are waiting for a benefic turn of events once they are found in distress – their hopes are high, they want to be helped and found while the clock is ticking and the Sun is still out there.
When Mercury is retrograde, old decisions and events mirroring past experiences are reviewed and brought to public view, and some parts of the globe re-establish this and that which was once forgotten – Now what happened when penalty Saturn was transiting critical 29° degrees of deadly Scorpio in 1916 while the Sun, Mercury and Venus already in Sagittarius just passed over it and still Conjunct it by close orbs? – The press informed humanity that the death penalty is re-introduced by dictator Mussolini in Italy. It was the exact day of the Sun-Mercury-Venus Conjunction. The configuration itself was Trine Uranus – it was a decision that reversed previous abolition on capital punishment. Don’t forget the royal Sun was together and partile Conjunct the Mercury-Venus, thus, the re-establishment of the death penalty was primarily used to punish humans who attempted the monarchy or Prime Minister, as well as when accused of espionage or armed rebellion. By the way, Mars in the chart is detriment in Taurus.
Saturn is the astrological planet that blocks, that cuts off the vibe and make it look serious and important – now, what happened when exalted Saturn in Libra bounded with Mercury was in exact Trine the Mercury-Venus Conjunction in Gemini of 1952? About 3 before the Conjunction took place in the most book-oriented axis, Roman Catholic Church bans all books written by André Gide. A still overall influencer of the 20th century, the Catholic Church on that year’s June 1st added the French author to the Index of Prohibited Books (Index Librorum Prohibitorum). What Venus has to do with this? I think because the Conjunction took place in Gemini while Trine Saturn, it gave “hope” for the Church (at least) that people wouldn’t be reading what they thought it was wrong back those days – in other words, it was a benefic time for the Church to ’improve’ by prohibiting; their “triumph”.
On the social sphere, humanity is compelled to talk about money, love and relationships, they are open to talk about their intimacy with others. Humanity is prompt to calculations, how much they have or will in the near future, they doing their accountancy with accuracy, projecting prospects. Today let it be about business and communication, information and speculations. People are going through shortcuts in order to have more beneficial results. Pay attention, people are telling things that make them comfortable, and you can use it to your own advantage in the future. They are noting down on papers things to do that involve money, time, how worth and self-image. Many people find themselves buying things that the Conjunction takes place, like Gemini, books, rings, bracelets, new nail tint; Cancer, touchable things for home, silver things, hard to crack items, beach/winter stuff, a vintage piece; Leo perhaps party items you can hand-move or things that improve their self-stem concerning self-image, hairdressing, hair trimming, new hair-cut; Virgo small and tiny items for the office or oneself, easy to break, a new beautiful cat/small pet, items for a new routine, items with hermetic close; Libra the beautiful things, buying phone for a significant other, an important contract; Scorpio all the sexual stuff you can use with the hand, the sinister and dark objects; Sagittarius all the big unbelievable objects that can be used manually nonetheless, a new big animal for the farm, outdoor stuff; Capricorn, a new boss suit, buying important things for the new plan to set into motion, greyish or obfuscated objects, winter/summer stuff; Aquarius, eccentric objects, online buying, things never before bought; Pisces, bracelets for the ankle/foot, that new shoes, something fairy or outwardly, foot-mask; Aries, that new face-mask, face-cream, eye-cream, a proper eye-brow, new make-up set or items; Taurus, that beautiful necklace displayed on that store, beautiful items for food storage, objects with great taste, worthy items that can be daily used and looks great etc.
→ I think this time can be quite EXPENSIVE for Venusian people no matter the sign in question lol. I can tell by experience. Mercury involves all the body basically, it rejoices in the 1st house of one’s personal appearance. It is how we express out body, how we communicate to the world, and for Venusian people, items can only do but help the appeal, the magnetism, how they want to project themselves out into the world. Now, add Jupiter to the equation… oh dear.
In The Image I have in mind is a couple making money together and only;
Or, an unexpected message from a lover;
Or, find out a mysterious lover;
Or, a message that changes financial circumstances;
Or, a message about money, resource or property;
Or, a message from an important woman;
Or, exchanging messages with a potential love;
Or, discover something naughty trough others’ people messages;
International Radiotelegraph Convention (1906) – Wikipedia
Capital punishment in Italy – Wikipedia
The Index of Prohibited Books makes a fine reading list | The Spectator
List of authors and works on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum – Wikipedia