Mercury Conjunct Jupiter
Mercury Conjunct Jupiter in Transit
Mercury Conjunct Jupiter – Mercury will Conjunct Jupiter in Gemini 2x (times) one now in 2024 at 02° degrees and the other next year 2025 at critical 29° degrees.
Note: Now, this will be interesting to witness in the world, because Mercury is ruler of Gemini, and the sign is detriment in Jupiter once the planet rules the opposite sign (Sagittarius). It is like a force that wants to be but won’t at the same time, which can require an extra effort from Jupiter’s part.
Mercury’s close companion to the Sun, makes he sees it all along with it, but better yet, it talks about them to the Sun, observes them, counts them, witnesses them, and get back to the Sun and participate in all his reunions, while taking notes, specially addressing to the details, and if not closer enough to the Sun, he “messages” or “texts” him straight away so he can be included of what is going on behind or ahead of him. Jupiter will make of these observations much bigger or larger, it sees the whole picture instead, it wants all to fit in one big circle and focus from there. Let this period on Earth, humans to experience big thinking & greater ideas, or even perhaps to zoom in a certain detail and do all the work in there as needed and get lost in there as necessary. People will be copying others’ attitudes, the minimal details, the habits with the mouth, manners with the eyebrow, the cheeks to one side, smile to the other, the intonation of the voice etc. Or in vocabulary, expect people imitating people’s usual sentences, words, body behaviour etc. Or in written materials, expect the industry to go chaotic about copyrights, license, rights, franchises to movies/series/tv/podcasts, legal protection, registered trademark etc. Copy and paste will be pretty much the rule for now, thus make sure to note sources. Your tabs in your internet browsers are likely to increase – Pay attention to not fill in too much information at the same time, you can easily unfocused the scope and get lost.

Mercury now has a big mouth, it has plenty to share, to talk about – it must inform humanity. When Jupiter is found in the way of Mercury, humanity shall receive greater news (regarding the sign in the Conjunction), e-mails or texts that change or uplifts their days ahead – the books on the shelve are piling up, and humans shall now go back to books, websites, readings which brings sensations while losing sense of time and space. Phone addicted people are obviously perhaps typing and are on their phones more than the ‘usual’, they increase screen time, as well as physical material readings. Humanity is witnessing the doubling of human’s tongs & thinking, which are expressed via air (sound), virtual reality or in visual form of communication – they are seeing and hearing more than they should, and perhaps talking more than they should, but make sure today shall humanity make overall observations on certain details that shall shock people by its intelligence and smartness. Perhaps it’s time to answer back all those e-mails, texts, voice messages etc. People’s fingers and minds will be busier than the reality throughout the whole year was. Many people are now easily scammed by phone calls, easy talks, advertisements, propaganda etc. Having their important documents duplicated, stolen or copied. Humanity is tagging things and people more than they can think about it – they want to know what this is and what is that.
Mercury Conjunct Jupiter in Gemini | 2024, June 04th › at 10:23 (GMT) | 02°12’ degrees |
Mercury Conjunct Jupiter in Gemini | 2025, June 08th › at 20:11 (GMT) | 29°45’ degrees |
Many of you will be travelling way too many times, short to long distances, while others will have the opportunity of their lifetime to change place, to visit somewhere new, to adventure outside one’s comfort zone, to set foot in another continent for the very first time or another city that mesmerizes the native and changes one’s perspective in life etc. Humans are now all over the place, they wake up and simple decided that today they will “walk” or “run” around, or to get to the furthers place they usually go but now with their own foot. On the other hand, perhaps these are the days where cities get intense with mad traffic jam, neighbours discussing all over the place, traffic lights that won’t work, huge trucks interfering roads and avenues, car tickets everywhere, scooters in high-speed, teenagers in huge crowds, advertisements on streets increasing in sights, crowded airports and roads that lead to it – Jupiter can quickly turn mundane things into huge chaos out of Mercury’s most basic operations, which are humans’ body expression, transportation and its system, communication etc. The office today will be busier than previously, people will be eager to talk about anything, and for some it will look like high school all over again. Warehouses are busier and chaos takes control. A large crowd will be seeing you.

When Mercury encounters Jupiter in the Zodiac as a Conjunction, big things are lunched to the public view regarding the sign in question, for example, when the conjunction took place in mail Gemini in early June 1906, about one day and a half after the perfection, Cunard liner RMS (Royal Mail Ship) lunches Lusitania in Glasgow, the world’s largest (Jupiter) ship (Mercury – Gemini) until the finalization of Mauretania three months later – at the day of Lusitania Lunching, there was a full moon in Sagittarius, with the Sun, Mercury, Mars and Pluto all in Gemini, a huge revelation indeed! However, such Stellium in Gemini was square off by disaster-oriented Saturn – On its 202nd trans-Atlantic crossing, RMS Lusitania was sunk on May 7th, 1915, by an international German U-boat when transiting Moon was conjunct Saturn of the lunching date back in June 1906 natal chart, while transiting Saturn-Pluto were back and forth natal malefic Mars. About 12 years later (from 1906), when the WWI was almost wrapping up, the Mercury-Jupiter Conjunction in Gemini in June 1918 corresponded to the first month when the “Spanish flu” become a pandemic, killing over 30 million people in the succeeding 6 months. In between, because of the WWI, you will read of plenty ships going sunk, RMS ships, HMS ships, MAS ships etc. All in the same month when Mercury was approaching Sun-Jupiter-South Node conjunction in Gemini forming a Stellium in the sign of transportation. Now, this gets interesting, at the exact day of the Mercury-Jupiter-South Node Conjunction in Gemini took place on June 22nd, 1918, suspects in the Chicago Restaurant Poisonings are arrested, and more than 100 waiters are arrested – The Stellium in Gemini was Square by poisonous Mars in critical degrees Virgo. Mercury rules underpaid jobs such as waiters and waitresses, service to others usually humbling applied, but add lethal Mars in the figure, you have “Lethal Waiters” hitting the news – The servers were taken into custody being accused by poisoning the restaurant customers with a lethal powder (Mickey Finn).
Now, if we keep studying the conjunction taking place in the sign of transportation Gemini, about 2 days and a half the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction with Mercury Rx on June 2001, Wikipedia writes that, at that time “the world’s longest train is run by BHP Iron Ore between Newman and Port Hedland in Western Australia (a distance of 275 km or 171 mi); the train consists of 682 loaded iron ore wagons and 8 GE AC6000CW locomotives, giving a gross weight of almost 100,000 tonnes and moves 82,262 tonnes of ore; the train is 7.353 km (4.569 mi) long.” Mercury of course, ruler of Gemini, rules over trains, and along with Jupiter, they would rule the “longest” let’s put it – at that morning the Sun was still in Gemini, along with Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn and the Moon reaching to a total eclipse of Sun. When Mercury is dignified in a chart while in a conjunction to a planet in Virgo or Gemini, the objective topical operation of the planet becomes evident, right on people’s face – it involves society’s transport system, human’s logistics, how to move from point A to B, and with Jupiter one could wonder how big that is? Or how amazingly compacted it can become as the future unfolds right in front of your eyes? In the mundane, things can get pretty much obvious.
A day after the Mercury-Jupiter in Conjunction in Venus ruled sign Taurus, author and sailor Ann Davison becomes the first woman to single-handedly sail the Atlantic Ocean on May 18th, 1953 – first of all, Mars (the first) in Scorpio was exactly opposite Jupiter, while Mercury, Venus and the Sun were all in Taurus; while Mercury-Jupiter were in terms with woman Venus, Venus was in terms with sailor Jupiter. Although Mercury can be the chameleon of the planets, it still indicates tangible things on Earth such as ships, boats etc. Sailor (Jupiter) Ann Davison departed from Plymouth, England in her 23-foot boat (Mercury) named Felicity Ann, and how Venusian is that? The Mercury-Jupiter told us it would be someone of feminized persona, or with female characters as it was bounded with Venus, and Venus’s transiting in bounds with Jupiter, told us it would be a female sailor. Add Mars in this game, you have the first this and the first that. I think Mercury makes things and events to hit the news, the “newspaper”, the “news feed”, whatever the source where humans satiate their thirst for first-hand information – it brings forward to public view, for all to witness among with the Sun, where the topical operation of those planets being touched are put into light, no matter the case.

It is perhaps, one of the best times to introduce people or oneself to being getting used to brand new ideas, concepts, perceptions, observations, one’s essential notes, especially if a new or full moon (or eclipses for the matter) is withing reach – wittiness is in the air, and will rule society for the time being, people will bring “luck” to themselves by one’s intelligence, asking questions, teaching, social skills, socializing more, being a social chameleon, being curious, talking about mundane stuff, expressing genially, joining groups, going back to college/university, writing by hand, writing some new material or the recycling an old one, applying for that dream course, going that dream city/country/continent etc. A great transit to expand one’s consciousness or understanding of something very objectively as Mercury is always near the Sun, and if Mars is/was together, let greater definitive decision-making change the course of a year or of a few months etc. Now, put Venus in the equation, those will increase in benefits of the configuration etc. A complex mosaic is formed when putting all the planets without the direction or starting point from an astrological radix – and the Mercury-Jupiter transit can bring up that sensation, that the puzzle is just the beginning, the mind of the curious will do anything to satiate its impatience to know straight away, the chaos needs to be addressed and place together piece by piece so the whole picture can be seen at the end of this proper mental game.
In The Image I have in mind is someone wearing a deep prescription glass;
Or, someone really intelligent/smart hitting the news;
Or, a scientist publishing a theory that expands or outshines previous knowledge;
Or, someone writing the biggest book ever on a certain subject;
Or, the lunching of something colossal, huge, big, enormous;
Or, siblings moving to another continent together;
Or; siblings taking the same higher-course;
Or, someone talking to sibling(s) more than usual;
Or, a great help from siblings, neighbours, teachers etc.;