Venus Conjunct Jupiter
Venus Conjunct Jupiter in Transit
Venus Conjunct Jupiter – Although it is rare, Venus can Conjunct Jupiter up to 3x times in the same Zodiac sign in the span of a solar year. The last time this happened was in 2014-2015 in the sign of Leo; the next configuration alike, when Venus will conjunct Jupiter 3x times in the same sign will be only in 2060 in Gemini. Now, it’s been about 1y20d the last Venus-Jupiter took place in the world in May 2023 in the sign of Aries, the next will be now in May 2024 in the critical degrees of the sign of the bull (Taurus).
Note: For Water and Earth signs, the next 4 years from 2024 until 2027, Venus will not conjunct Jupiter in Gemini neither will the Sun in 2025, but it will Conjunct Cancer instead 2x times, one in 2025 and the other in 2026 (and not Leo), while then it will Conjunct Jupiter in Virgo in 2027 – what a bliss, you guys will be so lucky!
While Venus is the great benefic, astrological Jupiter is the greater benefic, both are all the opposite of what “malefic” would mean/concern, thus they don’t come from places of fear and repulse or violence, but that of happiness and attraction, popularity, wealth, prosperity and abundance. Although Jupiter may be the greater one, the planet is conversely benevolent, whereas Venus is sided with good results & only, it won’t expect wastes neither won’t take things for granted, thus the combination of the two planets instigates a beautiful “peaceful melody”, where only the great and greater things should come about – However, there may be a misapplication, a lack of assertiveness that should be practiced. At the same time the kingdom of love & money may be expanded, the lack of clarity regarding love, money/income and survival could get widely misty. People without self-control are having unconditional fun without thinking of consequences, while others are aroused to expand more, to add more, to buy more, to have more, to show off more, to sow the seeds of hope and be consistent/firm about it. Many of you will be over enjoying, perhaps spending in a day what could be spent in a week or month, sometimes worthy, other times completely irresponsible, careless or unwise.

Together, these planets form the perfect match representing opulence, affluence and connection. Ancient astrologers knew the power of this cosmic event and used to inspire advantageous scenarios. Venus can be seen as an astrological planet that invests, the queen of value (money) & exchange. These are times where humans can expect people investing big and impulsively, and they will say it is for the betterment. If in your chart this was meant to be, expect the unexpected concerning the themes of money, possessions, expansion of talent and resources, time and circumstances conspiring in your favour etc. As if for many, life gives a break, they are free of hardships for the time being, and many can seduce others to ‘pay’ or do for them whatever they want/need. A super sensitive time for attraction, thus beware where the focus of your desire(s) is(are). Many of you are having exactly what was desired, and perhaps even more or better, thus just be careful what you really wish for. It is about great cravings & greater appeal, people are so strongly seductive, you could almost touch their ‘magnetism’. Things and people may come unannounced with the winds bringing benefits, gifts, advantage, large profit etc.
Venus Conjunct Jupiter in Taurus | 2024, May 23rd › at 08:28 (GMT) | 29°23’ degrees |
Venus Conjunct Jupiter in Cancer | 2025, |
Venus Conjunct Jupiter in Cancer | 2026, |
Venus Conjunct Jupiter in Virgo | 2027, |

Venus-Jupiter is the perfect combination for celebrations & commemorations while then also observe the sign the Conjunction takes place. For example, from January 10th to 15th of 1995, the catholic World Youth Day festival was hosted by Manila, Philippines, culminating about 5 million people gathering for John Paul II’s concluding mass in Quirino Grandstand. The Conjunction took place in “pope” Sagittarius, the international sign – It was the first time for an Asian country to host the event. The event obviously brought young pilgrims together from many different parts of the globe to commemorate their ‘God’ in crowd, to learn about other cultures while calling themselves as “brothers and sisters”. How Sagittarius-Gemini is that? Jupiter is traditional ruler of Sagittarius and Pisces Zodiac signs; it also operates via religion and their representatives. Jupiter gathers what are international, global, worldwide, it interconnects countries from very far in geographic distance and makes them communicate among themselves once Gemini is opposite. When the antecedent Conjunction in Sagittarius took place on November 14th, 1971, the still active International Organization and System of Space Communications (Intersputnik) is founded a few hours after the perfection of the meeting of the stars – The objective aims the development and general use of communications satellites. It was created as the Eastern Bloc’s response to the Western Intelsat organization. I think while Aquarius rules the outer space, Sagittarius rules our “immediate” space from Earth’s atmosphere until Saturn perhaps? Now, about two days after the same Conjunction of 1971 in Sagittarius took place, NASA updated Earth with the news that its Mariner program’s success, where Mariner 9 becomes the 1st human spacecraft to enter Mars’ orbit! The Sun is said to rejoice in the house of Sagittarius (the 9th place) – this was all about orbit and images (physical proof) for further higher study – Mercury was also part of that Conjunction (and it was also Saturn-Neptune opposition in the Gemini-Sagittarius axis). It’s about pointing to the skies, aiming at something exceptionally far from human’s point of view, and bring with it human tools, while helping humanity to understand their place in the universe. There this sense of people’s project is expanding, bringing physical benefic results, that contributes to one’s knowledge, a discover of a kind that helps them explore further, from there.
When Venus meets Jupiter “face-to-face”, you know they are up for something good, even if that is just a prank – the secret here is to relax, laugh and have fun, is that time not to take things too seriously. However, people are still working, having to have business to attend to, thus there is indeed, this serious side note to the combination of these wonders which can be overly benefic, which is perhaps, to prevent the worse to happen – for example, a few hours before the Venus-Jupiter Conjunction took place in Libra in November 2004, the Number 4 Rivno nuclear reactor of the Ukraine is shut down after 19 days of operation due to an oil leak – fortunately no leak of radiation was found. But don’t be fool, wars and disasters can still happen even at the day of the greater benefic Conjunction, for example in 2004 it was the second year of the Iraq conflict, and at the day of the Venus-Jupiter Conjunction in Libra on 5th of November, it is known 2 U.S. soldiers were killed and 5 wounded when fighting breaks out near a base on the outskirts of Falluja – Opposing forces will still occur in many places, although perhaps less “visible” to all; the careless nature that the combination of Venus-Jupiter provides may bring chaotic consequences as well. The day after this conjunction took place in 2004, was when the official meeting between Iran and three European Union members (France, Germany, United Kingdom), on the Iranian nuclear program ends without an actual agreement and no further meetings planned – with such combination of Venus-Jupiter things could still end up messier and more confusing than previously.

When it comes to marriage, Venus-Jupiter combination boosts a powerful change in “command” regarding society and sexuality, their unions and partnerships. For example, on the same conjunction just cited (Venus-Jupiter in Libra in November 4th 2004), at the exact day though, two lesbian couples (Jacqueline Pottle and Noelle French, and Lisa Zigler and Theresa Walsh) were denied marriage licences, they then filed a lawsuit against the governments of Canada and of Newfoundland and Labrador (Pottle et al v. Attorney General of Canada et al), asking for the legalization of same-sex marriage in that province. Remember that the news took place only a few hours the Conjunction perfected that November 2004, where denial Mars was also in Libra – however, about a month later, the provincial Attorney General, Tom Marshall, announced that his office would not oppose the suit. The case began on December 13th and was heard starting on December 20th, 2004 – Venus rules Libra, the first sign above the horizon circle in the Zodiac scheme, it is the first step to fight back but without violence, to confront legally with words and contracts, in the court room. The result was that same-sex marriage has now been legal in Newfoundland and Labrador since December 21, 2004. There is something in that spell that seems erotic but void of unrefined manners, where people are over-elaborating their role in society as united with another person. It is not aggressive and rough sexuality that comes through, but perhaps more fluid, less robust and softer touching, as if one is rubbing the clouds against the skin. It becomes a significant one-to-one thing, a commitment of a kind which humanity now needs to see that in parallel with the law, having the same benefits and contracts anyone in love would care to do with a significator other, once people live in a society where this and that is needed to support their future as members of society, to be included on the same page as people sharing lives. Venus-Jupiter Conjunction operates where humanity’s sense of relation to significant other via public eye is concerned.

Humanity is perhaps overdoing that what makes them feel happy and joyful, overspending what they have or what is owned by others, or gifting someone or to an institution with the most expensive thing. When Venus touches any planet in the system, astrologically it makes that planet’s operation look beautiful, ornamental, ‘touchable’, seductive, feminized and attractive. Jupiter gives back offerings, contributions, donations, presents, while also granting good luck. It is about rubbing the genie lamp and making wishes. Humanity may feel bestowed with pleasing and prepossessing events surrounding them, or to themselves. They are expecting the greater things to unfold, to happen, to occur. They find themselves highly optimistic regarding relationships, contracts, money, income, savings, profits, investments etc. Many of you will be confidently playing sexual games, teasing and provoking. Astrological Venus makes things and people desirable and wanted, Jupiter then makes it advantageous, bestowed and preferable. What Venus does for herself, Jupiter does for everyone’s interests; Thus, the operation from the combination provides a safe house. Things can get pretty utopic as well, where in a certain scenario, one’s desire may be way too delusional regarding Veus topics. The Charm is highlighted, and people are seeing beauty where other times passed unnoticed. People are eyeing other’s people tastes and will copy them in a way so they can also experience some of that bliss. May humanity today seek for comfort, for places where they find rest and inner peace, a special “sanctuary” to reflect on their lives and the reverberation on the lives of others – how beneficial or helpful are you in the life of others and vice versa? Is the “higher scale” equilibrated well enough?
In The Image I have in mind is a new law overcoming a medieval one regarding same-sex marriage;
Or, the gathering of a multitude of people exciding to millions or billions celebrating in a single event;
Or, the old lunching of an aircraft or else now reaching the orbit of a given planet as it was aimed to;
Or, someone or an institution receiving great news, information, gift, donation that could be life changing;
Same-sex marriage in Newfoundland and Labrador – Wikipedia