Uranus Trine Pluto
Uranus Trine Pluto (5x) Times
[Click Here to Read the Uranus Trine Pluto Forecast – Charts – Predictions – History]
Be Sure to Read the Above Articles
They include many astrological forecasts and history to learn from!
Note: I use the term “humans” in my latest posts simple because I like it, not because of AI etc. I feel it soften hard predictions, it becomes rather impersonal to me and to others who read it. And I shall keep it up, it’s fun and entertaining, it keeps the light up let’s put it, to remind the reader we are all the same and share the “same” journey within the (wheel) Solar System – However, as entertaining as it may sound, the words you read are as serious as the warning sound animals do to help others of their kind to coordinate defensive actions before predators.
The Gemini-Aquarius Airy Trine ♥ It will be the first time in Millenia that the sextile will happen while Uranus is in Gemini and Pluto in Aquarius, as the last time from 0CE it was when Uranus was in Libra in the years of 0796-1048/1050-1302/1304 (Uranus-Neptune weren’t even discovered yet, nor artificial light!). Can humans feel more especial? We have no idea how this will come up in the 21st century but mostly wonder, where technology has been evolving quite rapidly – well, perhaps not how humans thought back in the past, but society indeed has progressed a lot, and people are feeling them to their guts, it is causing plenty of reactions worldwide – as if people were waking up from a dream somehow.
I, Jenny Dusky, will try my best to astrologically describe what the future holds on for us, humans. Although the frequency of wars did not slow down in a specific century, during those years (0796-1048/1050-1302/1304) when Uranus-Pluto were trine in Libra-Aquarius signs, all you will see are major events related to war, assassinations, decisive battles and treaties, or important people being born and others dying – thus we can’t associate every Uranus-Pluto with war, murders and treaties, although the operation was there nonetheless, they must have had it on their own way possible at those times. I realized however, many events could be even more strictly and directly attributed to the effect of these stars together after the invention of the light bulb (year 1879 when Uranus was trine Neptune) in the late 19th century for example, in a more practical sense.
Bear in mind that “Astrological Ages” “exists”, and they are as “real” as any other astrological operation. Although there isn’t a strict agreement among astrologers about the exact period, it is safe to say those years of 0796-1048/1050-1302/1304 I just cited above (again) were strictly “Piscean” Aged. By the year 1CE the world had about 200 million people walking on planet Earth. Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac and is mutable, it multiplies, and for the first time ever (as we know of) in 1800 the world reached 1 billion humans. It is believed humanity as we know it to has existed for over 300,000 years, yet it took only 200 years to go from 1 to 8 billion people – Going from 7 to 10 billion is expected to take another 45 years as the Pisces age fades away and Aquarius stays. Will the statistics drop, keep going or keep even during Aquarius age? Will the world be overpopulated that soon? My thoughts on it are that for the next about 2.140 years humans will keep multiplying but not in the same rate, like keeping it even but still on it. I think it will perhaps double to triple abruptly only when the Ages change from Capricorn to Sagittarius.
Uranus Trine Pluto – After all the set of Uranus-Pluto cardinal Squares from 2012 to 2014, now it’s time for society to breath relaxedly amidst these two planets’ operation. The inferior Trines will happen around the 3° to 9° degrees of airy Gemini-Aquarius. I think now, whenever social or outer planets ingress Air signs, not strictly or only, they are ought to operate under the name of smartness (Gemini), human “toys” (Libra) and A.I. (Aquarius).

When the outer-space oriented Uranus meets the deep and from the guts Pluto up above, humans down on Earth “go” to the “skies” and conquer space & time. Although the details were only published in 1543, It is well-documented that Copernicus made several detailed observations of Mars, Saturn, and the Sun around the year 1515, which influenced his revolutionary view of the solar system when transiting Uranus was in Aries Trine Pluto in Sagittarius. Humanity discovers things up there that for us down here was still unnoticed and unknown even in the face of the truth, which transforms consciousness in extraordinary ways – Nicolaus groundbreaking proposal was too “eccentric” for that time, suggesting the heliocentric or Sun-centred model of the solar system, in which the Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun. Humans bring down studies that confront the traditional principles and thoughts of humanity regarding astronomy, their place in the universe etc. They discover things that people may take centuries to absorb their new reality “there is available”. Humans progress in their theories, and ideas are elevated to another level. Now, it was only in 1543 at Copernicus’ death that the book “De Revolutionibus Orbium Celestium” came to public when Neptune was in Aries Sextile Pluto in Aquarius. The pattern is there, and humans are about to witness both major outer transiting planets configuration in one shot let’s put it – both Uranus Trine Pluto and Neptune Sextile Pluto (for the last time and also in the same signs). I think this pattern is telling us something that is also, too on our faces, that a discover, a theory of a kind will put humans’ consciousness in a “new place” – pretty much like that moment (from the Matrix movie) where humanity faces the decision of what pill to take, the red pill, or the blue pill?
Uranus in Gemini Trine Pluto in Aquarius [Rx] | 2026, Jul 18th › at 04:45 (GMT) | 04°29’ degrees |
Uranus in Gemini [Rx] Trine Pluto in Aquarius | 2026, Nov 29th › at 11:20 (GMT) | 03°31’ degrees |
Uranus in Gemini Trine Pluto in Aquarius [Rx] | 2027, Jun 15th › at 08:12 (GMT) | 06°52’ degrees |
Uranus in Gemini [Rx] Trine Pluto in Aquarius | 2028, Jan 13th › at 06:38 (GMT) | 06°20’ degrees |
Uranus in Gemini Trine Pluto in Aquarius [St] | 2028, May 10th › at 03:06 (GMT) | 08°49’ degrees |

While Uranus “socializes” it, Pluto envelops all and makes it look powerful & needed/a must. The last time Uranus was trine Pluto in air signs (Libra-Gemini) in 1884-85, the British socialist organization The Fabian Society is founded in London. The last time Uranus was Trine Pluto (more than 100 years ago), in 1921, on the same month (July) of the (second) Uranus-Pluto trine, the Communist Party of China is formed based on democratic centralism (there was also the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction), and nowadays is considered the second largest political party by membership in the world (the aspect of Uranus Trine Pluto/Mars is the tightest in the chart). Now, after 2 days the last Uranus Trine Pluto series of 1922 took place, a new Social Russia was founded by the formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR – dissolved in 1991) – At the moment USSR took shape in 1922, Uranus-Mars in Pisces were Trine Pluto in Cancer and is the tightest (0°11’) aspect in such chart. I used this chart to explore the WWII astrologically [click here to read it – go to page 48]. In the same year (1922), the world witnessed the rise of Benito Mussolini, a key figure in the creation of the Fascist regime. Unfortunately, when upsurging Uranus meets in a good aspect fascist Pluto, doors open for these kinds of treatments to take place, and the world shall face the imposed challenges through such easy-flow aspect of the stars (of course, it also depends on other planetary factors) as the years come around and the aspect wanes off, fascists then begin to act out their malefic influence, as the “good” aspect no longer impedes “evil”. Governments or even the common citizens gather along with the same mindset with the intention of obscuring the arc of enemies through power of grouping followed by intimidation, subjugation (and bullying) and tyranny – when Uranus meets Pluto, there is this idea that a group of people could change the fate of humankind, that they are the “promised” ones that will transform the world as we know it, promising to change the “mindset” of future generations. Uranus-Pluto invite people to become a bit of a fascist themselves, what kind of fascism would you adopt in your life? The “good” or the “bad” kind? Is there such a thing as a “good” fascism? What kind of obsession turned into politics that would actually make the world benefit from it? Perhaps the fascism to make things right but make it no torment, torture or tribulation? Make it as humane as possible? The opposite of tyranny is democracy or liberty? Not always democracy will be in your side, thus, liberty seems to walk along or has synonymous with politics! When outer planets meet up, they are ought to change, adapt or reset the course of politics in the world – in a world full of humans at the level we are, politics is power in the hands of a human. I believe AI will become part of politics in the future as game changer, thus it will not have bias and prejudices as a human would.

Since Uranus represents the technological advancements here on Earth, humanity shall indeed expect technology and electric things made by human mind to be intensified in humans’ affairs – for example, on the last hit and month of the Uranus-Pluto series of the 1885, the first practical public electric tramway in the world was opened in Blackpool, England, Uranus was in human toys Libra and Pluto was in smart Gemini; a few days later, the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) was founded in Atlanta, Georgia; or that a month later the latest, German engineer Gottlieb Daimler unveiled the world’s first motorcycle! In such chart, Mercury is sextile Uranus and exact opposite Pluto. When Uranus, the planet that accelerates tech to another level, meets power-up Pluto, it fuels human toys, boosting or intensifying their usage to their potential, helping humanity progress in matter of mundane rapidness and practicability while also saving time. When Uranus meets Pluto as a Trine, it is telling humans it’s time for their broadcasting — I’ve come to terms with the fact Uranus-Pluto has a lot to do with broadcasting many were the facts that brought that to light, like in 1922 the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) began broadcasting news daily, or the first British radio play, “The Truth about Father Christmas,” was broadcasted by the BBC exactly at the month of the last hit, or that a year before the first radio baseball game was broadcast in Pittsburgh, and the first radio broadcast of a New Jersey. It’s about “hidden” (Pluto) messages that are put out there (Trine) for all (Uranus) to listen to, reaching a multitude of people through a single device, sharing voices and expressions live, where everyone who’s listening gets to be on the “same page”. The meeting of these planets makes sure the message gets across, to transmit regardless of the intention behind it. Should humans expect many people beginning to broadcast in mass as never before seen? Or shall a new one outstands previous ones in such and such field? It gets through the air, through cables and electrical discharges, and that what is globally shared. People are curious beings, they are constantly listening to things and people, some can’t simple even “live” without noise 24h, not to ignore the fact humans are also, very influenced by what & who they listen to. A very important and proliferous aspect of the stars for propaganda, commercials, stories in a format this and that, audio/sound, podcast, broadcast etc – Things that are picked in/by the air and transformed into media etc.
When Uranus meets Pluto in one of the Triangles of the Zodiac wheel, there is this facilitation of the different that transforms, that mutates into something else from its original state while humanity applauds – that what is shocking is now beneficial, exponential and globally wanted. People’s circle of friends is transformed for the better, connections are popping up in synchronized beats from the deep. People will feel they are following their destiny as it should, they began believing in fate and the future seems marvellous but still mysterious and exciting, where thinking about it makes them take a stealthy look with pleasure. Humanity wants to take advantage of technology in order to transform themselves as social creatures for the better, putting it consciously to use in fully advantageous ways, that get to the core of the problem and solve it like magic, even when magic it was not. They will “spy” using technology and will benefit from it. They will know it’s time to master the creation. When Frankenstein meets the Vampire in a triumph (Trine), they accelerate the different, the bizarre and the eccentric to such a level that that the transformed somehow outstands, outshines and overrules, it shocks social standards, making the tradition look outdated, unfair and selfish. However, many people indeed will be easily put in places where they will demonize the different, the eccentric and the bizarre, even when they may be the “demons” themselves.
The Image I have in mind is…
• A best seller about telepathy, experiment and aliens
• Or; someone using A.I. to fake progress
• Or; a spy inside the opposite group
• Or;
What is the World Population (theworldcounts.com)
Nicolaus Copernicus (imss.fi.it)
Chinese Communist Party – Wikipedia
Historical Events in 1885 – On This Day