Saturn Conjunct Neptune
Saturn Conjunct Neptune in Aries
[Click Here to Read Saturn Conjunct Neptune in Aries 2026]
[Click Here to Read Saturn conjunct Neptune in History (Part I)]
[Click Here to Read Saturn conjunct Neptune in History (Part II)]
[My book on “The Astrology of Warfare”]
Be Sure to Read the Above Articles
They include many astrological forecasts and history to learn from!
February 20th; 2026 at 16:52 (GMT): The Conjunction will happen 2 days after an Eclipse in Aquarius, thus the Sun will be near the North Node, making it an historical Conjunction of the higher spheres – it will also happen about a month before the restart of the seasons (Sun in Aries), thus all revolutions of the world will have the Conjunction partile nonetheless. At the day of the hit, the Moon will be transiting Aries, passing through a few hours earlier a perfect Conjunction to the already settling conjunction of Saturn-Neptune in 0° Aries. Humans will be in tune with the operation coming from those planets rather than avoidable or irritating – what a mesmerizing chart! The Persian ancient astrologers would say Saturn is at phase of “strong easternization” in relation to the Sun, thus humans can expect an operation of the planets that will stand out, as if the Sun says “yes, you can do it this time”. [I wrote so so so much more here].
≡ Why are we already experiencing? It’s still December 2023 and Saturn is already in the same sign of Neptune, but in Pisces and not Aries, where the Conjunction will perfect.
The Conjunction will be Rising in West of Canada; Alaska; Westcoast of USA.
The Conjunction will be Culminating in Greenland; and Brazil (Maranhão [Sao Luiz], Piaui [Teresina], Bahia, Ceará [Fortaleza], Minas Gerais [Montes Carlos; Belo Horizonte], Vitória, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo.
“The Great Storm” of Britain History and the Future: The 1703 is an infortune remarkable year for Britain. The last time Saturn was conjunct Neptune in Aries (but not early degrees) was in 1703, when the known “The Great Storm” wreaked havoc across southern Britain, still remaining one of the worst storms in British recorded history – Neptune is said to rule storms, ruination and costs money to Saturn by property damages, the storm destroying hundreds of buildings and causing thousands of deaths at sea – England had the Conjunction of 1703 happen soon after midnight when the planets were conjunct the lowest place of the skies. If we follow this pattern, then, this time around watch out for Japan, New Guinea and Australia.
Saturn Conjunct Neptune – A huge turning point is coming in human’s affairs! Perhaps one the hugest in Millennia! If you note, not even Neptune hasn’t been conjunct Pluto in the sign of Aries since year 0CE, not a single time, although it has encountered it through other aspects loads of times. Feel very especial & unique to live in these exciting but savage times of change – some will turn into fearless creatures of the day; others will lack bravery. Are you the hero, the victim or the big boss? Not that simple, isn’t it?
Prepare yourself – you are on the threshold of the/a new world. After a series of the superior Sextiles (60°) from Saturn in Capricorn to Neptune in Pisces in the 2019, now it is time for the planets to Conjunct, and not only the most intrinsic meeting as possible (0°), but it also happens at the earliest of the earliest degrees of Aries, the 0° degree of the Zodiac! A rarity of a kind! Aries is the zero sign, or the 1st of the Zodiac wheel – where things are initiated; it springs the next new season, next year’s revolution etc. Now, the next Conjunction of Saturn-Neptune will only happen in 2061 in the Zodiac sign of Gemini.

Saturn & Neptune are both associated with poorness and harsh conditions related to humanity – the lack of proper and basic things a human should have in order to live humanly, thus when they rule a transit, the poor and the wealth come face to face to the disparity, the famine encounters the one who has plenty, the periphery of the world suffers more or begins to progress. While USA, Canada, EU, UK, Russia, Australia, Japan, China etc. are all bellow 3% of poverty, other places have been poor far too long in this modern world; Brazil for example has about 14.5 million people living under extreme poverty, amidst many others like Venezuela, Colombia, Haiti, Mexico, the whole Africa mostly, Yemen, Afghanistan, East Timo and Papua New Guinea – These places always suffer most as we can tell by statistics to the negative effects of Saturn or even Neptune transits, not to mention Pluto when death in mass is concerning; these places are usually ruled by corruption & civil repression – people are destitute of the essentials to live with dignity on a standard living situation; these are the places that lack of progress & humanity (Uranus) that still needs greater development and perhaps help from other countries (Neptune). The people born and living in 1st world countries (Uranus) where poverty exist, but not as “real” as in 3rd world countries, will never know by experience what is to be born and live in a country strongly affected by poverty (Saturn), thus, surrounded by the lack of proper education or education at all (lack of Jupiter?) – Africa for example has the lowest literacy rate of the world. The point is, out of 8 billion people on planet Earth, more than half a billion (around 700m) are living under cruel impoverishment, living in one of the worse side of Saturn, deprived of everything a human needs to move forward exponentially – and while thousands escape poverty each day, other thousands fall into it almost at the same beat – as if the world shows us through these statistics that, until something is done right without, it will keep even or worsening that what already is grave and precarious. I think Saturn conjunct Neptune in the earliest degrees of Aries may change that, not overnight though, but a significant new beginning in dissolution of such statistics. Remember that the Conjunction line of the planets is culminating mostly in huge Brazil.
Saturn Conjunct Neptune in Aries | 2026, Feb 20th › at 16:52 (GMT) | 00°45’ degrees |

If Saturn rules governments of the world and Neptune dissolves, what could happen if both meet up for something serious and impacting? When Saturn have a personal one-to-one meeting with Neptune, governments that are already falling are scared to death, the people get to be in power over ideals & collective dreams so surely that they become insurgences of nations. On the other hand, nations will raise they ideals out loud that it will become evident they want “death” or the cancelation of other people’s or nation’s dreams. When Saturn touches Neptune, its physical boundaries are melted, things get in and people find an easy way out. Although subtle in astrological operation, it is said that Neptune is whipped by supersonic winds, in fact it includes the fastest recorded. When Saturn sees Neptune in front of him, he “controls” these furious “winds of change” and redirect to useful and practical ways. Note that when dictator Pinochet stepped down in 1990, his dictatorship dissolved and was replaced to the democratic government (Patricio Aylwin) while Saturn was Conjunct Neptune in Libra, or that in 1989 when it was the Berlin Wall’ Saturn Return while transiting Saturn was conjunct Neptune in Capricorn the wall is put down – dissolved into nothing. When Saturn joins Neptune in the skies, Humanity witness the cancelation of the reign of terror, while others, the rise of a new kind of fascism. They will witness walls being destroyed to the ground, literally or morally, ethically or ideally. They witness “miracles”, events that other years would seem rather impossible or unreachable. Saturn is classic ruler of Aquarius; thus, humans shall expect the people getting to the core of social problems and they start to dissolve or deconstruct from there and on. It’s not however, a revolution taking place at high-speed like Uranus would do (?) but rather a continuation of a problem/limitation/blockage that was waiting to be knocked down, as the structure is perhaps weaker and unsupported by this point – already fading and wearing off. Another classical example was in 1380 when Saturn was Conjunct Neptune in Aries, it is believed it was the definite start of the decline of the “Tatars” with the known “Battle of Kulikov”, and although the victory did not end Mongol domination over Russia, it is traditionally regarded as the turning point at which Mongol influence began to wane and Moscow’s power began to rise. When Saturn joins Neptune, humans witness the decline of a political side followed by the rise of another.
In 1917 when Saturn went Conjunct with Neptune in the sign of artistic fiery and appreciated Leo, the first Pulitzer Prizes were awarded, the most prestigious award for journalism & arts in the US. When Saturn meets Neptune in front of him, at some point it can see the best attributes of the planet and awards it according to the sign both transits, it sees the best achievements and calculates what’s best from there – in Aries, the recognition shall be applied to challenges, sports, the gym, who works with or have to amid fire, races, fast animals, lively tech, high-speed things, how strong and fast, high hits, rapid likes, how energetic, etc – The configuration shall send many sprightly to the top, and that may be because of how high one once dreamed of something that has never sprang, yet one has worked hard for it through out many years. A human’s ideals and beliefs about the world and themselves will be super important during this “urgent” transit of the stars. Whenever planets ingress the first sign of the Zodiac Aries, humans get out of their seats and move about, and this time around will be serious business, every rapid move will count and “cost” something. As Saturn associates with Neptune, humanity is crossing oceans in order to achieve what they think they need to, physical or metaphorical. If some had done the “good work”, then some people’s career may be hurried to the top or kind of, they want to be the first to achieve this or that in their field – they will be catapulted “inside their dreams” very far really fast, almost unbelievably making it come to life.

When Saturn (old man) was Conjunct Neptune (sea) in 1952, a notable literary work is published titled “The Old Man and the Sea” by Ernest Hemingway. Humanity can expect works with names and sounds from the Saturn-Neptune combination, literally influencing culture and what is mainly “out there” for all to see and hear. Following next year on 1953 when Saturn again was Conjunct Neptune multiple times in Libra (two), Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay became the first (two) individuals to reach the summit (Neptune) of Mount Everest, the world’s highest mountain (Saturn). Saturn reveals the person’s need to achieve something important in life, to reach to the top of something and claim her/his accomplishment, add that with Neptune, the realization of dreams coming true could leverage a ‘supersonic bliss’ that nativities may find satisfaction as result – and many times, people get to enjoy it as well, especially if it becomes commercial, benefiting from such exchange. The Conjunction of Saturn-Neptune is an industry of dreams coming to reality – humans practically “touches” the fabric of their dreams, from here many will begin something that will stand out for millennia to come?
When transiting Saturn was conjunct Neptune in the same sign (Leo), antisemitic Tule Society (Hitler’s secret society Order of Teutons that lunched the NAZI party) is born [read page 25 of my book]. As Saturn touches Neptune, dreams and aspirations become serious deal, people merge with others of the same ideals perhaps in secret (not public) for the time being, organizing ideas, concepts and political views. It may not even be political, but other kind of groups, towards entertainment industry for example, or the creation of a group of scientists, of revolutionaries etc. – the other fields where all possess the ability to influence and shape the world on their own terms – somehow the stars align people with the same “ultimate” dreams, now put “utopia” as a disguised poster, you will have plenty of people trying to regulate laws they think will “perfect” or correct society; also, as we can see through history, groups of people exclusively dedicated to direct hate to others that are different according to their own imaginary pretexts – giving room to a form of fascism to be practiced among themselves. Again, the first term of Aries is Jupiter, thus humans shall expect actions that will echo as powerfully global, thundering, immense, “big bang”, sonic boom, expansive, all-embracing, connective, loopy, ringed like etc.
The Image I have in mind is a man of the family being tormented by the dissolution of his dreams right in front of him;
Or, someone vanishing from the high mountain and never seen again;
Or, someone confused about their future and career;
Or, someone being hunted by irrational thoughts and feelings;
Or, someone having to face their biggest irrational fear;
Or, someone going to the other side of the world to start a new career, or the updating of one;
Or, someone having new dreams and aspirations that thought one could never have had;
Or, someone career-path-life’s direction beginning to change out of thin air;
Or, someone getting to the top through empathy, kindness, and unbelievable sacrifices;
Or, someone victimizing oneself in order to get what one wants;
Or, a government fading into nothing but a mist;
Or, the unfortunate rise of a “spiritual” leader
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