Uranus Sextile Neptune in 2025 to 2027 – History & Mundane Predictions
Uranus Sextile Neptune
[Click Here to Read the Uranus Sextile Neptune Forecast for PERSONAL USE]
Introduction: The 3 outer or, generational planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto have the slowest orbit around the Sun compared to personal (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) and social planets (Jupiter and Saturn). Thus, it is here where we observe the longer chapters of humankind regarding outer transiting planets, between Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, even more so between Neptune & Pluto. But this time around, it’s up to Uranus & Neptune to find ways to operate society in a very harmonious (Sextile) format. Humans are realizing that now, it is the time for innovation and originality where dreams, aspirations and ideals are concerned, to get hands “dirty” and work that out – they also may feel it’s time to break up old conditions that were falling anyway. They will reinvent ways to live and use technology, and many will become entrepreneur overnight because their “dreams” demanded. People are willing to go across oceans to make their ends met.

Sextiles: Sextiles (60°) are the first steps taken after a Conjunction (0°) or after a superior Square (90° after opposition) took place – Sextiles then are rather the continuation and easy flow of the once set intentions, when the fire has come down (Conjunction) a bit and now one can finally put the hands to practice, or when the dust settled (Superior Square) and now things can be applied as it was supposed to.
≡ This will be the only series possible in this century: Humans are about to experience quite a long revolution of the stars, in a series of Sextiles that will last around 3 years in perfection. However, if you think about it, I write this post on December 2023 and Uranus is already 5° degrees away from a perfect Sextile to Neptune! The series will perfect/occur in the signs of Gemini-Aries and in between there will be one hit from Taurus-Pisces Zodiac signs. Thus, not only I expect such Sextile to reach out many topics in humanity’s habitat, but also a fresh beginning will sound exciting and necessary as Aries will be involved.
EU & the Artificial intelligence (AI) First Rules: Now, its DECEMBER 2023, and humanity is already witnessing Council and Parliament striking a deal for the very first time in history regarding artificial intelligence (Uranus). It followed a 3-day ‘marathon’ talks on regulation and provisional rules. “This is a historical achievement, and a huge milestone towards the future! Today’s agreement effectively addresses a global challenge in a fast-evolving technological environment on a key area for the future of our societies and economies. And in this endeavour, we managed to keep an extremely delicate balance: boosting innovation and uptake of artificial intelligence across Europe whilst fully respecting the fundamental rights of our citizens.” – Said Carme Artigas, Spanish secretary of state for digitalisation and artificial intelligence. The European Coucil writes that “The AI act is a flagship legislative initiative with the potential to foster the development and uptake of safe and trustworthy AI across the EU’s single market by both private and public actors.” – [here’s the link to know more about it]. The AI Act should apply from 2026, between the hits of Uranus-Neptune sextile! – At this 9th of December (2023), Mercury (signing of) was crossing the Trine with Jupiter (law).
» Also, Jupiter is already conjunct Uranus by Sign in Taurus! [click here to read]
» Also, remember that Neptune still Sextile Pluto since the 1950’s (well since 1940’s if you count 5º orbs apart) to 2032! And today December 2023, they are only 4 degrees apart. The next perfection will start on 2026. Stay tune for my writings on it! Pluto will be in Aquarius the whole last time of the planets Sextile series.
» Remember also, Saturn is applying a generational conjunction to Neptune in Aries on February 20th; 2026 – by the way, Saturn is already conjunction Neptune (2023) but by sign (Pisces) only. [click here to read part I]
» Also, Saturn will have been applying the Sextile series to Uranus (2025-6). [click here to read]
» Also, Jupiter-Pluto Opposition happens right on July 2026! [click here to read]
» Also, there will also be the historical Trine series between Uranus-Pluto! They will happen in Gemini-Aquarius signs from 2026 to 2028! [click here to read]
Observation: By historical facts and first-hand experience, astrologers were eager for Uranus to rule Aquarius and Neptune to rule Pisces, and I agree with them according to my studies, practices and experiences in life.
The Conjunction – After their Conjunction in 1993 in the Zodiac sign of Capricorn, now it’s time for them to meet as series of Sextiles. When they were conjunct in 1993 humans witnessed the dissolution of Czechoslovakia and the creation of the European single market. Such conjunction saw the market between countries guaranteeing free movement of people, goods, services and currencies across EU.
» As history shows, Uranus when align with Neptune, facilitates the movement of people in mass around the world on very specific geographical and political divisions, with the Sextile series already in motion, I would expect more pacts among countries that will provide easier access perhaps to other continents.
Refugees, Immigrants, Migrations & the Future of Humankind – Out of 8b people worldwide, around 100 million are displaced (Neptune-Jupiter), where about 37 million are refugees (Neptune), and around 5.5 million need international protection (Jupiter), and the list keeps going. UNHCR studies suggests that 52% originate from just three countries: Syrian Arab Republic, Afghanistan and Ukraine. They also point that the Islamic Republic of Iran and Türkiye each hosted 3.4 million refugees, the largest populations worldwide. The statistics also show that 75% are hosted in low- and middle-income countries, which is absurd.
→ I see an opportunity right there, to host all those people in a single country, give them free proper education the same as first world countries as well as health system, give them intelligence and life condition, give them no religion but only the study of them, given them no weapons of destruction but technology of scientific nature, get them to know the mistakes from humans in the past, give them knowledge about sharing and a society free of capital, give them all known medication including alcohol and others and let them know how to moderate – give them no prejudice about gender or demonization of weaker people, let them develop their own internal system in the tapestry of self-worth and compensation after a few decades watching and observing the experience grow. Applause their society and make a day in the calendar to remember.
Call to mind that Neptune rules the “idea of a perfect society” the utopia itself. Nonetheless, I would expect those statistics from above to change for the better (at least some of them!) as the perfection of the Sextile series between Uranus-Neptune approaches. Let’s see by the end of this decade? Remember that the sextile will happen many times with Aries involved, which can indeed initiate some overnight changes in those numbers and countries cited.
1st Hit – Uranus in Gemini Sextile Neptune in Aries [Rx]
2025 August 29th
00:08 GMT
– – –
At 01°26’ degrees

Places in Uranus or Neptune Major Lines
(Rising or Culminating):
(South America) – Chile; Argentina; Bolivia; Amazonas in Brazil; Venezuela
(Central America) – Porto Rico; Haiti
(Canada) – Acadian Cost; Halifax/Nova Scotia
(India) – Nagpur; Nellore; Chennai; Raipur; Jabalpur; Bareilly, New Delhi
(Sri Lanka) – Colombo; Jaffna
(Africa) – The Rep. of the Congo; Rep. of South Africa; Angola; Egypt; Central African Rep.; Rep. of Chad; Lybia
(EU) – Greece; Romania; Ukraine; Poland; Latvia; Lithuania; Finland, Sweden
Observation: The 1st hit perfects about a month after Eclipses in Virgo-Pisces, thus, the 1st hit will be still involved with the annual tumultuous winds of change of the Sun-Moon. Uranus and Pluto are less than 0°23 degrees of a perfect Trine. Saturn will be 1º degree away from Neptune. The malefic planets aspect benefic planets, sounding like a well moderated activation, while Saturn is also in terms with Jupiter. However, the Mars-Jupiter square can bring some disproportional big actions., but the Saturn-Venus trine softens the edges and bring down coolness for the all the agitation. What is weird is the Sun-Uranus mutable square, bringing perhaps overnight scandals related to Uranus-Neptune sextile – Uranus in the 1st hit is Conjunct Behenian Fixed Star Alcyone (multitude of voyages, exile). Observe that about a day and half before the hit perfects, the Moon will have activated the Sextile game between herself, Uranus Pluto while opposite Saturn.
2nd Hit – Uranus in Taurus [Rx] Sextile Neptune in Pisces [Rx]
2025 November 20th
14:39 GMT
– – –
At 29°29’ degrees

Places in Uranus or Neptune Major Lines
(Rising or Culminating):
(Africa); Guinea; Morocco; Senegal; Mauritania;
(EU); Portugal; Ireland
(Australia) – Adelaide etc
India, China and Russia [again]
(Japan) – Tokyo; Osaka
Observation: This time around both will be Retrograde [Rx] back to the antecedent sign for one more round each. A new moon in Scorpio had taken place a few hours before the perfect 2nd hit takes place – a new dawn concerning the signs in question. Observe the New Moon activates not only the Grand Trine, but it also activates a pattern known as “kite” because of the resemble to its name, which I think is kind of crappy. I like to think this is a very Jupiterian pattern, because it actually resembles an Archery compound, and the arrow is the opposition line with a planet at the apex representing the arrowhead, which in this case is Uranus! The planet is a major key in such chart. Now, observe the recent New Moon just about to shoot that Uranian arrow. Malefic Saturn aspects benefic Jupiter in a Trine while Mars is bounded with a benefic.
3rd Hit – Uranus in Gemini Sextile Neptune in Aries [Rx]
2026 July; 15th
20:31 GMT
– – –
At 04°23’ degrees

Places in Uranus or Neptune Major Lines
(Rising or Culminating):
(Asia) – East Timor; Indonesia – Gorontalo/Manado; Philippines; China – Taiwan; Kazakhstan
(Middle East) – Türkiye
(EU) – Ukraine; Cyprus
(Africa) – Mozambique; Egypt; Kenya, Uganda; Sudan
Observation: Observe how Pluto is close to the Sextile between Uranus-Neptune, less than 1° orb! Impressive! This hit too will be after a few hours of a New Moon, this time in Cancer. However, the Moon (in mutual relationship to the Sun) will already be in the same sign of Jupiter in Leo, thus, Jupiter not only Trine Neptune but also Sextile Uranus. What worries me in his chart is the Mars-Uranus Conjunction in Gemini, which shows in the chart of the dropping of the Atomic Bomb during WWII (yet, Uranus was Trine Neptune by sign instead of Sextile). In the 3rd hit, things will get really bizarre and humans will find it “hard to believe”.
4th Hit – Uranus [Rx] in Gemini Sextile Neptune in Aries
2027 January 15th
09:30 GMT
– – –
At 01°56’ degrees

Places in Uranus or Neptune Major Lines
(Rising or Culminating):
(Africa) – South Africa [again]; Chad [again]; Angola; Namibia; Botswana [again]; Zambia; Congo Republic [again]; Central Africa; Cameroon; Niger; Libya
(Middle East) – Iran [again]
(Northern EU) – Sweden; Norway; Austria
(Asia) – Mongolia; Vietnam; Thailand; Indonesia;
(EU) – Poland
Observation: The 4th hit will be a bit challenging as the Moon will be applying a Square to the Sun at the end of Capricorn; however the good news is that Mercury-Uranus will be in Trine and in mutual reception – it tells me it will generate plenty of news from it, like, it will be very obvious that the transit is happening. Mars and Saturn aspect a benefic (Venus) as well as both as in terms with her (Venus), and greater benefic Jupiter sees Saturn as a pleasant Trine, so that lights up the chart very much indeed.
5th & Last Hit – Uranus in Gemini Sextile Neptune in Aries
2027 June 06th
10:07 GMT
– – –
At 06°21’ degrees

Places in Uranus or Neptune Major Lines
(Rising or Culminating):
(Africa) – Chad [again – also, this time shout to Bardaï and Tibesti?]; Libya; Central Africa Rep. [again]; Congo [again]; Angola [again]; Namibia [again]; South Africa [again]
(Canada) – more to the West of
(Brazil) – Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo; Brasilia; Salvador; Fortaleza
(Northern EU) – Sweden; Finland; Norway
(EU) – Poland [again]; Berlin; Romania; Hungary [Budapest]; Croatia; Italy; Greece
(North Macedonia)
Observation: Like the 1st and 3rd hit, observe that the final hit has also Pluto super close to the Uranus-Neptune Sextile, it Trine Uranus and Sextile Pluto, this time all of these planets are found at 6° degrees. Saturn will have moved many degrees away by this point, but still in the same sign as Neptune (Aries). Again, this hit will happen a few hours after a New Moon, but this time in Gemini. By this point also, Jupiter will be applying a Trine to Saturn. What a beautiful chart if that wasn’t for the Mars Square Sun-Uranus, or the Moon-Mercury Square Neptune. I think of all of the hits, this will be the most complicated one, not because it is the last, but because of malefic Mars doing bad things and the Squares to the last Uranus-Neptune Sextile.
The Past of Sextiles in History & Predictions for the Future of Humankind
Although there were many historical events during those years, I should list only those I think the Uranus-Neptune Sextile had its operation evidently.
• Be aware of the fact Uranus was Conjunct Pluto from 1965 to 1966 in the sign of Virgo. The last time Uranus had Sextile Neptune was in 1966 to 1968 in the Zodiac signs of Virgo and Scorpio respectively; it was when:
The introduction of a hazardous warning on cigarette packs began here – Neptune was in Scorpio the sign of toxicity. The sextile from Uranus perhaps instigates the warning, but Neptune here rules the “propaganda” and advertisements
⇒ I would be bold enough and say that the cannabis market and industry will make a shift around the globe and advancement takes place, as well as the microdosing of psychedelic in therapy for reversal (Uranus) of addictions (Neptune) concerning drug(s) etc.
The United States, Soviet Union and United Kingdom sign the Outer Space Treaty (ratified by USSR May 19; comes into force October 10), prohibiting weapons of mass destruction from space — The Sextile I think corresponds to the “precaution”, the sign of “peace” for guaranteeing (?) the prevention of future devastation. Uranus groups together, it comes in terms with global needs.
⇒ Should humans expect governments around the world to meet up to something similar? A signing of a kind. I think humans will hear more than usual the word “Ozone layer” and Sun’s “ultraviolet radiation”.
The English Channel Hovercraft service began which was close only in 2000. It was a mode of transport that used to operate between the United Kingdom and France — Neptune rules harbours with huge ships and the ocean itself, it transports like Mercury, but through the water. The channel closed in 2000, the year when Saturn was square Uranus.
⇒ I this this is interesting. Should humans expect a new connection between countries or even continental? Perhaps below water, in the oceans of Earth etc. A new “bridge” between nations?
Pakistani-Indian peace negotiations end successfully — I think one of the best part of Sextiles are that they coincide with peace, end of wars or oppression, stress is alleviated, or that conflicts and attacks are ceased for a while.
⇒ Should humans expect peace for Israel-Gaza conflict? Or any other conflict that may be happening around it? Where blind-faith is still major?
Pope Paul VI and Arthur Michael Ramsey, the Archbishop of Canterbury, meet in Rome – the first official meeting for 400 years between the Roman Catholic and Anglican Churches — The union we see here between religions were perhaps possible because of the Sextile between group-oriented Uranus and religious blind-faith Neptune.
⇒ Imagine a conference where a variety of religious authorities reuniting in a single room? It seems impossible, as “gods” or “goddesses” could drastically differ. Uranus, nevertheless, surprises and is tolerant, it despites irrational arguments, it prefers to leave indifferences aside and unite instead for the betterment of all, so the future may be secured.
The UK implements much tougher new drink driving laws — I think in this case, Uranus’s laws are brought to society in order to regulate when human’s toxicity (Neptune) is mixed with technology (cars for example).
⇒ I would expect more countries adopting new laws regarding drinking/high and driving?
Due to the high demand for air travel at the end of the 60’s, it led to the introduction of the Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet, which significantly reduced the cost of flying and made air travel more accessible — I think Uranus can be a “game-changer” and with Neptune it becomes cheaper, it becomes more accessible for all than previously.
⇒ That’s one of the things I think the sextile will provide between these planets, the accessibility to the luxe of technology in grand scale, involving aviation, transportation across oceans, or even simple everyday items etc. I think Neptune dissolves the exclusivity of a product and demands all to have it as well.