Uranus Sextile Neptune
Uranus Sextile Neptune 5x (Times)
[Click Here to Read the Uranus Sextile Neptune Forecast for the WORLD/MUNDANE]
2025 to 2027: Imagine you have THE opportunity of a lifetime, to do something that different you wanted for a long time, but you know that will change your life, your routine, your movement, and your plans will need to be updated from there, would you go for it? It’s not an opportunity thrown like Jupiter would do it – I think Uranus gives even more freedom than previous Jupiter, through opportunities that comes from global mundane events, and that’s going to prevail for decades to come.
The Only Possible in this Century: Society is already experiencing quite a long revolution of the stars, in a series of Sextiles that will last around 3 years in perfection. The next sextile will happen only next century in the year of 2137.
≡ Why are we already experiencing? I write this post in December 2023 and Uranus is already 5° degrees away from a perfect Sextile to Neptune!
The Past of Sextiles [1966-8]: The last time Uranus was sextile Neptune was from 1966 to 1968 (Virgo-Scorpio), when society was updated in aviation with the Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet, which significantly reduced the cost of flying and made air travel more accessible, or when the Pakistani-Indian peace negotiations ended successfully etc. [read more here – I made quite a list of the history of Sextiles between them]
Uranus Sextile Neptune – After the Conjunction of the planets in 1993, now it’s time for the planets to flourish, where there will be exactly 5x beautiful ornamental encounters between Uranus-Neptune as Sextiles (60° degrees apart) perfecting between 2025-2027. Unless you were born before the middle 60’s, this will be your first first-hand experience with such wonderful meeting of the stars and probably last while in this body – Enjoy it.

When radical Uranus meets as sextile the planet of utopia Neptune, society advances their social structure that fits the actual needs of people, the government gets involved with other governments, and they want to update their nations so they can keep up progressing as a whole and not as individual parts of the globe. People are looking for ideals that correspond ideas generalized in mass, so they all play the same exciting game, they want to match humans’ basic needs with politics and go from there. A dissolution of classes may occur in some places, and people start having the same things as others of higher places, a communism of a kind. As true democracy can only happen when everybody is somehow equal, such aspect between Uranus-Neptune leans more towards the side of socialism, the rebelling with the support of collective force no matter the numbers.
Uranus in Gemini Sextile Neptune in Aries [Rx] | 2025, Aug 29th | 01°26’ degrees |
Uranus in Taurus [Rx] Sextile Neptune in Pisces [Rx] | 2025, Nov 20th | 29°29’ degrees |
Uranus in Gemini Sextile Neptune in Aries [Rx] | 2026, Jul 15th | 04°23’ degrees |
Uranus in Gemini [Rx] Sextile Neptune in Aries | 2027, Jan 15th | 01°56’ degrees |
Uranus in Gemini Sextile Neptune in Aries | 2027, Jun 06th | 06°21’ degrees |

What Uranus has as objective, Neptune has as subjective, both when finding a way to each other, reveal the greatest studies where both are important. Great papers and works will fill up the world with genius minds popping up in mass, they will get to know information that until today society is clueless – in chemistry, physics, advanced mathematics and even in social studies. Humanity is on the break of the new regarding social progress, inclusion and governmental ethics. Some things won’t be necessary “vote” anymore and they will simply see basic needs to whoever as valid – it becomes an unbreakable law supported by majority or common sense. The idea of an ideal society changes, and people are rather ready to make adjustments to welcome the new without silly concerns – they “dissolve” past collective ideas that would be obsolete if it wasn’t for tradition. Society tastes paradoxes, and will save rebellion when it actually needs to, they become aware that they can change if they want as collectiveness.
When Uranus meets Neptune in a beautiful string of iridescent mist, humas get shocked and electrified from the foot and up. Now, because of the Conjunction [read here] in 1993, I think the movements of goods and people in the world will likely duplicate as the hits occur, faster and less democratic. They will explore uncharted territories and will go into deep ocean. Neptune in Aries, they want quicker transportation through waters, and with Uranus in Gemini, that shall have a ‘quick feet’, a smartness to it and the possibility to go forward or back multiple ways/times. They shall expect more connection worldwide, the new form of globalization will be a force to be reckoned with. People want to immigrate in mass, they want to change their known place to another that brings excitement, freshness and new forms to live daily. Humanity wants to progress collectively, and they will go to places where they fit, where they are not seen as a villain of humankind and will be successful from there. This is the encounter of the stars where they meet up as an idealistic group that will build dreams together. The lack of empathy of many people and governments will fall and they won’t have fully support at this time around. Activists and people that demand human rights will be in the upfront, telling the wrong doings in society and will flourish from this period.

Humanity will enjoy the latest advancements in modern medicine and will get to try new devices for the very first time. The collective may witness the golden age of medicine and surgery, they will witness great advancements of technology in hospitals which will not only save time and money but life as well. Poor parts of the globe may get more easy access to basic medicine and supplies as well as to simple technology that still didn’t get to them. The transportation of human organs between countries and continents will suffer a shift. Humans will discover things from the deep sea and will apply to medicine, or a group may discover dormant “alien” virus in the Artic?
The unconventional becomes popular, seductive and playful for a very long time. It will be time for the LGBTetc. to sparkle all the colours of the rainbow. The minority will have the opportunity to rise above, to outstand while making the people comprehend, that we are just this: humans with basic needs and rights – they will be in the news showing social progress, making conservative people go madly wild – This transit will be complete frustrating for religious and extreme/radical right winged people if they are close minded or simply traditional to the core – however, they will be motivated to attack more than the usual because of the prevalence & thrive of the left-wing social progress, and they will extrapolate arguments that will probably end in fiasco.
Neptune in Aries aspires to new dreams and new longings of long-term – a fresh start over religion & spirituality may arise, a new concept, a new theory on them etc. I think people in mass will being to avoid using words such as “Jesus, bible, devil, God” as they become culturally absolute as advanced science hasn’t proved Jesus existed, or that god or devil actually exist, or that the bible is nothing more than words from human imagination, thus a new form to relate to spirituality may find its way to the intellectual, as generations become smarter and more logical beings. The way we think of our ancestors and their lack of clarity regarding science, it will be the same with the upcoming generations, as they will think with the same feelings of what ours has been – thus I think this will be the turning point, as Saturn enters the configuration and Conjunct Neptune in Aries in its early degrees.
Applying Uranus-Neptune in one’s personal life can be quite tricky because of Neptune alone – it disguises, mutates, impersonates, falsifies, forges, fabricates, counterfeits, hoaxes, pretends, camouflages, customizes (along with Uranus), conceals, make believe, manipulates, alters, invents, change, professes, poses as, dissimulates, copies, duplicates etc. – and all of this will be applied to technology (Uranus) & watercrafts (Neptune). Thus humans will experience falsification of things & people online becoming easier for malefic minds.
The image I have in mind is, the cleaning of space debris;
Or, a person changing religion overnight;
Or, a person in disguise using technology;
Or, a technological hoax; or a hoax in the ocean involving fire
Or, the popularity of translucid materials;
Or, a group of people suddenly becoming refugee;
Or, a group of refugees finding shelter;
Or, an advancement in technology and human foot;
Or, an airport getting flooded;
Or, the super-renovation of an old hospital or a place that reunites the sick;
Or, water-drones becoming popular;
Or, the popularization of man wearing high heels;
Or, the popularization of devices that makes people float in the air, fly or simply hover;
Or, the increase of online selling drugs;
Or, the rise of a particular & unconventional way of doing astrology