Saturn Sextile Uranus (2025/2026)
Saturn Sextile Uranus (3x Times)
[Click Here to Read the Saturn Sextile Uranus Forecast for the WORLD/MUNDANE]
Introduction: These are the great aspects from slow moving planets which stick for super long time, sometimes changing and shifting principles to such extend where society is seen radically different comparing to the last aspect. Conjunctions (for example) between Saturn-Uranus can take decades & decades to come meet face-to-face again. Ancient astrologers didn’t know about the outer planets; thus Jupiter-Saturn meeting was considered the greatest conjunctions of the spheres, or when they meet by other aspects in the Zodiac, ancient astrologers assumed it was paramount, nonetheless. Now, imagine the things they’d have said if they knew Uranus-Neptune-Pluto, all the materials they would’ve had collected. However, it was simply not their time to know part of the “truth” out there. As history continues to unfold wittily scripted by the “stars”, contemporary astrologers have the job to identify the correspondences.
The Past of Sextiles [1996-7]: The last time Saturn sextile Uranus was in 1996-1997 (Aries-Aquarius), when USB is introduced to humankind; the first portable MP3 player was Invented revolutionizing how people listen to audios; the idea of Bluetooth technology is birthed etc. [read more here – I made quite a list of the history of Sextiles between them]
Rulership: Saturn is traditional dual ruler of Capricorn & Aquarius – Uranus, without an actual rational approach on the planetary scheme of rulership, became “modern” ruler (or, co-ruler) of Aquarius. Uranus was discovered not even 3 centuries ago (1781), and astrologers soon made a sign to be ruled. As Neptune and Pluto were discovered even later, astrologers were quick to assume positions the same way they did with Uranus, finding out a sign to be ruled by each. Perhaps based on notorious transits, they were able to pierce facts and attach the consistency to the planets. It is as if we were discovering astrology but through channels that weren’t possible before – the astrological dictionary expanded beyond Saturn – astrologers were forced to confront a new paradigm, things started to shift grandiosely in people’s consciousness.
Saturn Sextile Uranus – After all those Squares in early 20’s and 2021, now we shall have a fresh and delightful aspect of Sextiles between these planets between 2025 to 2026. [read more here]

When cold Saturn meets eccentric Uranus in the Zodiac in a great aspect, things which are supposed to be slow on Earth are hurried up, the tradition suffers a shift, people change/update their social behaviour & usage of devices, somehow a form of fanatism of what has been evolved takes place. Society is ready to cope with higher commands and will open the way to conversion of social code, they will wrestle down traditions and will revolutionize the world of ethics & constitutions that favour the general population. Humans are ready to rebel with a greater cause, and with Sextiles in the game, that shall easy flow – patterns shift, and social consciousness is ‘renovated’.
Saturn in Pisces Sextile Uranus in Taurus | 2025 Apr 04th | 24°55’ degrees |
Saturn in Aries [Rx] Sextile Uranus in Gemini | 2025 Aug 12th | 01°12’ degrees |
Saturn in Pisces Sextile Uranus in Taurus [Rx] | 2026 Jan 20th | 27°33’ degrees |

Humanity is seen improving, easily open to progress and conciliation to tech. Technology is here to help and Sextiles to Uranus affirms that. They leave silly fears aside and get to feel amazed and mesmerized by the way human’s life can be upgraded by devices etc. sometimes to life-saving situations. They concord in terms of matching machines with people, doing services that otherwise will look “medieval” or even abusive if that was a person performing (specially looking from 100 years from now?). People will take greater advantage from the latest advancements or innovations in genetics, medicine, devices (tech), science, astronomy, astrology etc. Many genius people are shaking their heads to see if any greater idea pops up, and society shall benefit from them if it does happen. This is about intentionally putting a discovery of a kind for greater use.
People are changing goals, and their direction in life seems to take another road unexpectedly, and while in Sextile, the result shall surprise in wonderful ways as the future materializes. They will make up to the minute crucial choices that may affect them for the rest of their lives; many will feel they “nailed” it. Many of them will suddenly change career or will involve themselves in the sphere of authority and commands from above – plenty will have their bosses supporting and favouriting them, helping them get higher in the hierarchy of whatever that is. Society is seeing things quite fair by this point, and many will join the revolution of the stars.
People wants to break free of old limitations, they want to poke that what is traditional just to see if it tickles enough to distract it while quickly injecting a dose of progression, getting right into the system in order to help the transition for the new in harmless way. The world is up for greater source of amazement. Humanity is saying “Yes! Why not?” to innovation & rearrangement, approving the different & eccentric, they’re rather ready to revolutionize the core of society in radical format. Unfortunately, this will be an open door to invite people of hate to induce their traditional but radical ideas and concepts, some will quote the bible and will try to justify horrible things towards humans by citing those.

Somehow, humanity is open enough to accept safety from government & corporations, and sudden surprises may occur with the CEO, the director, the general manager, the president, the minister etc. Civilians, employees and seniors may be greatly benefited from those favourable abrupt changes. Owners of companies and what follows will reap the benefits as result – because we are talking about humans, it’s about turning the opportunity for one’s own advantage. People in mass will invest in AI and will flourish from there. They see there is no return, or they use what is there or may be left behind, society now demands a synchronized social upbeat, sounding like a great symphony of hope for the future.
Society (you) is behaving different than normal where social standards are concerned, they are socially agreeing in things where other times were/is considered taboo, unconventional or too early to discuss (?). They update the information that weren’t possible before technology or traditional limitations, and a fresher standard begins to rule. Humanity is looking towards the future, the future them and the future of the planet, they are making greater plans to prevent further destruction, while coping with the aid of technology and progressive ideas and concepts.
» The Image I have in mind is the best of the best engineers and scientists in the world, but only those with great intentions for humankind put together in the same room, up to something surprising for the world, a great project being brought up to life, a continuation, revolutionizing the way humans know the world in terms of longevity & health, medical technology, genetics, aviation & transportation;
Or, governments and corporations and civil people in mass supporting walking hand in hand with the LGBTQA+ community, the Black & Mulato community, the Latino community, this and that community;
Or, laws or federal regulations putting into place to assure the safety of minorities or negative generalized communities;
Or , an astrologers rise to fame by a particular mundane prediction but/while being preposterously looked as sort of a “prophet or clairvoyant” by society;
Or, a contemporary astronomer that revolutionizes the world with a fresh new theory, formula, concept etc.; [read more here]
Or, the greater update of gigantic telescopes modified to compacted smaller ones;
Or, somewhere in the world, someone is elected, a person that people would never dream of that one day would be such authority;