Venus Opposite Jupiter
Venus Opposite Jupiter — In Transit
Venus Opposite Jupiter – Due to Venus closeness to the Sun, Jupiter will always be Retrograde when Venus Opposes it. This is important, because it shows the idiosyncratic prospect of such configuration, where concepts of sagacity & truth are always valuable to the native, or that, humans are forever bounded to other’s humans’ judgments.
Note: Oppositions between Venus and Jupiter occur every year or a year something, but due to the combined effects of both planets’ orbital inclination and elliptical orbits (instead of perfect circles), variations will very frequently happen on how soon or later they eventually face off. Not to mention when Venus is retrograde the Opposite sign of Jupiter, but this is a super rare configuration (last of such to happen was in 1993, and the next only in 2058).
Too good to be true? What are your bounds at the moment? Now, remember the basic knowledge that ‘love’ or a bond triggers changes in brain chemistry releasing dopamine and oxytocin, contributing to feelings of pleasure and bonding – Very Venus indeed. When not turned criminal, the word Love itself sums up many concepts bounded with benefic qualities, totalizing a series of good feelings and manifestations. Society needs “dope” Venus in its life, conditional or unconditional, thus, humanity learns that love comes in many forms and shapes, feelings and kinds of intimacy, where the last dictate (I think) the bonds and types of such love. From romantic to familial kinds of love, when Venus aligns with Jupiter, the love, admiration and concordance is for other’s people culture, education, religion, laws, morals, ethical and social codes, the love for another country, another power, or, the love for a “divine” figure becomes real and physiological, and when Venus opposes Jupiter, there is a tryout, an examination that shall be checked of how much love and admiration was put into, and how much that was given back without asked – conversations, takes and intimacy are now scaled down. This is not much about intimacy though like Mars/Scorpio would do it directly one-to-one, but rather more about people and what they are in respect, the other that we can relate and have a mirrored talk, it will be all about representation, agreements and projection, which this last is typically an unconscious process, not aware they are actually doing it, or, overdoing it, transmitting all their self at the moment onto someone else, a defence mechanism to deflect responsibilities perhaps, and that will be evident, on the face as the repetition makes a clear statement. Love may seem too far away, some may feel abandoned by people who they love, or that love/date from distance is now a reality. Social relations are now the rule, and people will exhibit, show off, take pleasure far too much perhaps, beyond the normal, thus moderation will have to be applied. Social people are now all over the place, they will be busy butterflies and will gossip and have a social till dawn. Some people are jumping from on relationship to the other. Some people will distance themselves from others, they need more time, they need more thinking, the need to miss someone, or to grandly miss someone special indeed. The power of attraction goes south, or is way too wide, benefiting the native fully and roundly. Humanity now wants to play games, exciting gambles and wagers, and will bet all in one night, a bingo night! Many of them are feeling luckier than usual and will stake money on games of luck. Socializing now feels divine and the right thing to do, humans feel at easy but still with that motivation to get involved with people, to be appreciated and appreciate back – to get to know them entirely. Many are over expending their budgets, some others are being overly generous, very given, talking modesty while being unselfish to its supremacy. Humanity is buying in double, no matter if that is money related or morally, ethically – they are buying their way in somehow, they want to be part of it, they want a share of the club’s resources. Influential people and what is popular out there in entertainment get louder, celebrity couples hit the news in scandals, drama or simple infamous events regarding the Zodiac signs the planets fall in. The drama is real, and popular relationships go to courts and become notorious cases, they are set to be resolved by intervention of the judicial system. Woman’s voice gets heard loudly, they are on the movies now and making their presence widely known as “goddesses” figures, they are on entertainment industry seducing by their image, instigating by their talent, fixating their power over those who watch, the fans etc. and sometimes triggering long blasphemous discussions only by their existence. Humanity is now seeing the results of their own research they did as partners with one another, and not from a singular mind. Paper works are now co-written, aided by those who know better or are in a higher position, and some will outstand. Humanity needs help, assistance, good things coming their way in order to assist with the deviant ordeals of life set by Mars, and Venus and Jupiter do that, they alleviate, soften the edges of harsh reality set by Saturn. When Venus & Jupiter align, they tend to void conflicts, or at least, make them less terrible in case they happen. When Venus Opposes Jupiter on the Zodiac intercontinental highway, humanity learns they shall not get too comfortable with the good stuff in life, but to enjoy them with certain moderation, otherwise the fun fades away and the greater things become pointless.

When the beautiful and ornamental degrees of Venus finally meets the opposingly degrees of Jupiter, people are seeing the truth of their relationships, how far humans believed in each other, and how helpful or not that was/is, the advantages and disadvantages, pinpointing exactly to the wild lies and the illusions created from such picture, or, the pointing to those amazing things in which was built on cooperation, mutual honesty, understanding and genuine desire for tied-up expansion. If the truth is not what they hoped for, humanity will be overreacting in their one-to-one relations and contractual ties. Although an opposition, such configuration can still instigate luck & attraction in the game if one is vibing with the aspect of the two well-known benefic in astrology. Humanity is looking where they expanded or where they need to, they become rather restless beings and today many couples or relationships will leave their comfort zone and will go take bigger steps to assure others they are together even if that shall take a long journey. Others will simple step away as they know something in the relation has gone way too far, or that it simple there isn’t adventure anymore as it used to. Yet, some become motivated enough to change that and will take wild moves in the game to keep their connections stimulating & spellbinding. Some people will realize how much they expanded their values and valuable assets, or how much was neglected when there should have had it. Many now feel comfortable with what they have at the bank, while others will go desperate mode because of a zero to a negative account, while the bills pill up. Many humans will feel the need to make big money – they are seeing something now that wasn’t possible before, and it won’t be based on impulse, but from one’s own demand/needs. Many humans will find themselves illuded by their significant others, or think they are a significant other when that’s not the case. While then, many will run away from their own truth and principles just to fit the picture of their loved ones. Here we see people making grand sacrifices for the people they have close to the heart, and many will wonder why others aren’t doing the same, and that’s when frustrations could arise. “But I did so many things for you and you didn’t lift a fork for me” – Some may say to the other. People are aware of the lengths they take for others, and today many will feel disappointed because those may not be all mutual. They will ask others to go that further as well. When the benefic Venus meets as opposite of greater benefic Jupiter, humans may feel out of luck in love, in business partnerships, or that no one seem to be able to give love and appreciation – a sense of lack of power of attraction, or that the attraction is more for repulsing people far away from them, while others will think things are way too good to be true. Some may feel they are stuck in a situation involving others, that all possibilities to go further or to develop something more have shrunk. Although Venus prefers her inner circle, this is perhaps a great time to be very social, to entertain and be entertained, to go out and meet people, to talk about life and the joys of it, to experience things with close ones, to stretch that long arch and shoot the arrow to the stars and follow it through. Even if this is clearly an opposition, the connection between the two benefic in astrology, instigate a creative & ornamental flow, but if things shall work out, one shall work that out as well, things will not simply come to you because you desire, you will need to take a big step towards them. However, this is when people may say no to good things in life if they seem too close. The mood is for celebration though, and humanity now will applaud and smile big while doing it, even if that celebration is in the wrong date! Celebrations are symbolic anyway, a social gather to salute a particular event or person/people.
Venus in Sagittarius Opposite Jupiter in Gemini [Rx] | 2024, Nov 03rd › at 15:24 (GMT) | 20°16’ degrees |
Worldstory of: Venus in Sagittarius Opposite Jupiter in Detriment Gemini

1929 – What would have had taken astrologically to a game of luck being called “Bingo”!? Bingo is a word that brings excitement and a lot of pleasure even when the reward is not that much, the feeling of winning something out of a game is somewhat gratifying, it feels lucky is on one’s side. What Gemini construct as a new word, Sagittarius popularizes, make it out there so everybody can say the same thing on the other side. In December of 1929, toy salesman Edwin S. Lowe popularized Bingo after discovering “Beano” in Atlanta, when a friend accidentally yelled “bingo” in Brooklyn, he started producing the game, eventually creating over 6,000 card combinations as it became a national pastime. Venus is ruler of pastime games in society, where people delight themselves in groups or sort of and play where random luck commands, when one wins, one stands out – remember the fact that in the Zodiac scheme, Venus’s home on Earth is on the 5th place of fun and games. Whenever someone says Bingo! before others, humans wonder “who was the lucky one?”.
1953 – Venus is the planet that wants to see harmonious combinations, want to show off how to look your best, on appearances, very different from Mars where it wants to be the best in actions. Venus adds colours to life itself. About four days (on the 17th) before the Venus-Jupiter Opposition perfected in 21st of December 1953, the independent company that regulates communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable across the United States, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approves colour television using the NTSC standard. Jupiter goes to television, it rules the motion picture, the pictures in motion among with the 7th art. Venus is tired of the black & white or solid gradient view, it needs to stimulate vision to its finest to those who watch, to present colourfully even that was is dull and uninteresting, the frequency she orders in nature is of visual property, it is about appearance & influence, add Jupiter to the equation, you have a colourful moving picture of a sort. Mercury, ruler of Jupiter in Gemini was also Opposite that Jupiter. Mercury is ruler of communication, radio, wire etc.

2012 – Now, do you remember the 2012’s “End of the World” collective hype? Like Venus-Jupiter Conjunctions, the Oppositions also instigates crowds for the matter, even if that was a “mistaken date” (Jupiter Detriment in Gemini), people are gathering worldly somehow, to commemorate this and that. About two days earlier the Venus-Jupiter Opposition took place (Dec 23rd; 2012), the December 21st, 2012’s hysteria marked the end of the 13th b’ak’tun in the Mayan calendar, which some believed signalled the end of the world. Celebrations were held in Maya regions like Mexico and Guatemala, with major events at Chichén Itzá and Tikal – Venus/Jupiter alignments attract large crowds, congesting by multitude of bodies sharing the same space these are the planets that celebrates, that put people in an fun and entertainment mode in collective spaces, and with the Venus in Opposition to Jupiter, that sends the vibe of a the celebration of an end. However, many believed that the end did happen, yet that was not material but rather, symbolical. Mercury, ruler of Jupiter in Gemini was also Opposite that Jupiter. Mercury is ruler of calendars, or the ephemeris and almanacs to keep up with time.
Worldstory of: Venus in Gemini Opposite Jupiter Domicile in Sagittarius

1948 – While Gemini is multilateral, Sagittarius brings global representation, bringing international elements into the room when called for. Gemini organizes the people and put them together and uses communication and symbols, while Sagittarius picks up from far very and uses different languages and expertise. About five days prior the exact Venus-Jupiter Opposition (May 05th), it was established on April 30th, 1948, the international group Organization of American States (OAS) aimed to foster cooperation among countries in the Americas, how Venusian and Jupiterian is that? Based in Washington, D.C., the OAS works on various political issues such as human rights, election monitoring, social and economic development, as well as the general security in the Western Hemisphere. As of November 2023, it includes 32 member states from the Americas. Remember that Jupiter is Domicile in Sagittarius – the planet/sign forsake origins & singularity, they will search for outside union and international grounds instead, for the sake of ultimate understanding and perspective, Venus will then unite the origins and from abroad, make it convenient for everybody else. Guess what planet was an ally to Venus? Uranus, the planet of human rights.

1959 – Marriages, as widely known by astrologers worldwide, is majorly signified by Venus, the representation of the union of two people getting official records in the face of the world. Jupiter is the superior planet that makes official records important and makes sure it will keep there ‘till the end, it represents the one who marries the two persons let’s put it. About five days prior the exact Venus-Jupiter Opposition (April 15th), it was when 125th Crown Prince of Japan Akihito married Shōda Michiko on April 10th, 1959, the first commoner to marry into the Imperial House of Japan, becoming Princess as result, a higher status was automatically passed on to common citizen – at that day, the delighted common citizen Moon was Conjunct that marrying Venus.
1995 – Venus-Jupiter rescue, they save people from tragedies or avoid the worse from happening – they relieve, release and liberate what was done by Mars-Saturn and other malicious influences on the road. The planets redeem your place to/in “heaven” let’s put it, ‘saving’ humanity from hell. Now, about five days prior the exact Venus-Jupiter Opposition (June 17th), it was when on June 22nd, 1995, the Japanese police successfully rescued 365 hostages from a hijacked All Nippon Airways Flight 857 at Hakodate Airport. The hijacker, armed with a knife, demanded the release of Shoko Asahara, whose natal chart had a Venus-Jupiter Opposition aspect! This was also one of those cases where Mercury was Conjunct Venus while Opposite Jupiter, the planets ruler of the configuration itself.

2007 – It is well known in the astrological tradition and occult lore, that “Bronze” is ruled by astrological Jupiter, the ruler of bronze statues over the world, “immortalizing” figures of usually social nature that somehow had an impact on society. When in Opposition to a planet, dispute of these “Bronze Statues” placement is highly possible lol. For example, during the exactness of the Venus-Jupiter Opposition in the year of 2007 on April 28th, occurred the “Bronze Night,” where ethnic Russians rioted in Tallinn and other Estonian cities in response to the relocation of the Bronze Soldier of Tallinn, a Soviet World War II memorial. Of course, that, such event occurred during a Mars-Uranus Conjunction as well – This event also marked the beginning of the 2007 cyberattacks on Estonia – this is so astrological perfect I simple can’t extend the subject for now.
Note: Bear in mind this research won’t stop here, so as all other aspects I am researching. As the years go by, I will update them here and there.
In The Image I have in mind is a couple at the airport missing their flight;
Or, a business partnership having to go abroad;
Or, a business partnership having to go to court;
Or, a pregnant woman having a baby on another continent (far away);
Or, a couple having to have a relationship at long distance due to travel; work etc.;
Or, a person deciding to expand the investments abroad but not living there;
Or, the export of international products etc;
Or, a love scam;
Or, a business scam;
Or, a fake/pointless relationship;
Or, a gossip taken too far;
Or, a defamation taken to court;
Or, a lucky outcome after a disaster;
Or, a disaster but with no severities, death;
Or, an intended full destruction turned out not successful;
Or, a group of people capitalizing a belief;
Or, photographers or paparazzies profiting on other’s people’s images;
Or, a person capitalizing from/to another country;
Jenny Dusky (JD)
Love and the Brain | Harvard Medical School
The Science of Love: State of the Art | SpringerLink
Frontiers | Imaging the passionate stage of romantic love by dopamine dynamics (
The Neurobiology of Love and Pair Bonding from Human and Animal Perspectives (
Federal Communications Commission – Wikipedia
Doomsday Fizzles, but Many in Old Mayan Empire Hail New Era – The New York Times (
2012 Phenomenon | Encyclopedia MDPI
Organization of American States – Wikipedia
All Nippon Airways Flight 857 – Wikipedia
Japanese police rescue 365 hostages | The Independent | The Independent
The Bronze Soldier Crisis of 2007: Revisiting an Early Case of Hybrid Conflict – ICDS