Mercury Trine Pluto
Mercury Trine Pluto — In Transit
Mercury Trine Pluto – When Pluto still transits Capricorn Rx, whenever Mercury enters any of the Earth triplicity signs Virgo or Capricorn, it will trine Pluto by sign. In 2024 will be the last time Mercury will trine Pluto while transiting Capricorn. This very often aspect between the stars can be quite benefic if Mercury is well positioned, once it has such androgenous and mutable nature let’s put it – it is what it associates with.

Time to take advantage of deep thoughts, thinking and transformative ideas. Humanity’s mind take a beautiful quick tour to Persephone’s home. We will talk to her the hardest things in life in a very lightly perspective, putting traumas and dramas into prospect. Humans now have a Phoenix’s-eye-view that can see the darkest details from very far and add comedy to those. People are now realizing the dark side of life can be seen in a good light, putting things into perspective and panic-free.
Mercury in Gemini Trine Pluto [Rx] in Aquarius | 2024, Jun 04th | 01°51’ degrees |
Mercury in Virgo Trine Pluto [Rx] in Capricorn | 2024, Sep 26th | 29°42’ degrees |
Mercury in Gemini Trine Pluto [Rx] in Aquarius | 2025, May 27th | 03°41’ degrees |

A great opportunity window for intense application of human mind is presented to humankind. When Mercury meets the trigonal degrees of Pluto in the Zodiac, people are easily draw to the depth of people and things, wanting perhaps to talk about or listen to, they see it all without the superficiality, through the eyes, they don’t lie. Humans can’t help but to think lightly about power, self-control and sex.
Seeing life’s tragedy as comedy theatre help us to accept defeat without losing power. People are rather comfortable seeing the dark truth out there and won’t measure danger to have their words said. People are noticing the uncomfortable side of life that no one talks about, but now they do with without shame, moral restraint or guilt.
Perception suffers a shift that is panoramic and almost like absolute – we can now watch life in depth without unnecessary drama or irrational fear? Such beautiful aspect can configure events where the native sees the power of things and takes advantage of it. People relate to your terrors and trepidations in life, and we feel great because of it.

Humans’ speeches become effortlessly powerful & influential that may reach thousands to millions in a beat. Yet, we are also easily influenced by what we see and hear. We share views and stories that are transformative, adaptative and captivating. This is an acrobatic move to watch the dark side of life, adding a great sense of humour and curiosity, nonetheless passionate and mindful.
May people’s personal interests to be facile to profoundly assimilate and understand than they usually are, thus a great time to read, watch or listen to that which one day you assumed were puzzling or unfindable.
When Mercury meets one of the trines of Pluto in the Zodiac, people’s awareness is perhaps greatly intensified, as if hidden things can’t now pass unnoticed and noted – we are now effortless detectives with the power to demystify. If intelligence had a button, this perhaps would be the time where it is deftly switched on to its depths, free of dispassion.