6 Planets Stationing Direct — Until the End of 2023
6 Planets Stationing Direct — Until the End of 2023
From the day I write this post (Sep 4th), until the end of 2023, there will be 6 (six) planets turning prograde (Direct) – they are in order Venus, Mercury, Pluto, Saturn, Neptune and Jupiter. Jupiter will be the last and right on the New Year’s Eve! Read More ahead.

Venus stations Direct – When Venus goes direct, society moves on to another level of the love & social game.
Venus SD in LEO | 2023, Sep 04th | 12°12’ degrees |
People are more enthusiastic in relation to significant others and general social relationships. Humans are now ready to reverse hate to love. Time to move on in our love lives and contractual partnerships. Transactions now are smother and cordial; we are ready to live in harmonious orchestra if possible. Agreeing with people is not a hard job, and relationships should sound lyrical by this point. How far can we go with the significant others until Venus goes retrograde again? Remember that Venus likes it equilibrated, thus when Venus goes direct humans are easier drawn to harmony and to some extent that even some will consider reconciliations of some kind. People accept other’s flaws and are excused from mundane bad behaviours. But make no mistake, when Venus goes retrograde again, she will ask you why you behaved that bad with her.
Mercury Stations Direct – When Mercury goes direct, society resets their apparatuses. People’s thinking gets critical, and details are as clear as a polished crystal. Time to organize that what is outside you.
Mercury SD in Virgo | 2023, Sep 15th | 08°00’ degrees |
Their book collection begins to increase again, so they can review them when Mercury goes Retro in the near future. We can now organize plainly, and our intelligence is back to the immediate world. Internal processes are now slowed down so you can move on outwards. People are now listening and really comprehending, it is easier to understand the world around and what people mean by their body expressions. Electronics gets back to “normal” and life get easier to communicate, to verbally express and to walk forward. Put your mind back to the game and start talking.
Pluto Stations Direct – When Pluto goes direct, society is ready to move on historically to those things presented in the last about 6 months it was retrograde.
Pluto SD in Capricorn | 2023, Oct 11th | 27°53’ degrees |
Humans begin to carry on their routine accepting what has been deeply transformed, and ready to enter a new level of intensity, laser-focus, concentration and transfiguration. The heavy weight of the world lights up and humans begins to ascend again from the ashes. We are ready to experience life with no real revision on pain and trauma, we simple live as accept that terror is part of human’s experiences, yet we shall know we simple can’t let it control or take the first seat with us all the time. When Pluto goes direct, humanity’s fears and pain are lifted to another level, as if we came out of the shadows high-powered, powerful and potent. This doesn’t mean “ignoring evil”, but society as Pluto goes direct is ready to head towards outwards extremes by itself. How far can the world go for the next 6 months Pluto is direct in terms of power, transformation and fixation in a focal point?
Saturn Stations Direct – When Saturn goes direct, society demands right and awaits compensations.
Saturn SD in Pisces | 2023, Nov 04th | 12°12’ degrees |
Long-term plans begin to sound more credible, and we are beginning to see things and people as they really are, it is not a reality check that happens inside you, but rather an occasion where one sees clear the state of things in the real world outside us, and astute observation of society occurs instead. Humans now being to move away from groundless fears and unlock easier ways of dealing with frustrations in life. People’s strategies seem now to take a great turn, and goals are in tune with the world at large, where we are taken to this unpersonal journey. Task-Masker Saturn is back to business and won’t let emotions or personal issues of others to affect his pursuits. The past is not an excuse to block further progress, thus when Saturn goes direct expect clear commands from above, orders or requirements. A strong commitment with society is brought up to light, and stipulations shall be presented.
Neptune Stations Direct – When Neptune goes direct, society surrenders to fantasy involving other humans and utopian dreams. We are ready to accept we are mere humans that need help from other humans.
Neptune SD in Pisces | 2023, Dec 06th | 24°53’ degrees |
Humans are now in tune with the world’s suffering, not one’s own and only. We take part of history as humans that dream, inspire and aspire to. It is easier now to dream with the world, together hand in hand, walking on clouds and listening to your favourite song. Get along with people’s dreams so they can also help to build yours – I mean, humans need aid and a certain cooperation from themselves. To function in this world one must make so many sacrifices in order to keep things rudimental or elementary pleasant, soothing and tranquil, and because others live in the same world you do, people are forced to adapt, alter some things and adjust their own tune. Even when one says is void of ideals, when confronted with events or even questions, one’s idea of perfection begins to unfold. Neptune wants us to realize we are all of the same, despite one being born a colour this or that, born from this or that, sexuality this or that, etc. We are still all humans, and that we deserve to dream high and aspire to perfection, even when the last is a trick of light in our reality?
Jupiter Stations Direct – When Jupiter goes direct, society must no longer look for answers inside themselves but from the truth that is out there.
Jupiter SD in Taurus | 2023, Dec 31st | 05°34’ degrees |
The aim now is outside ourselves and higher there somewhere, where is there my dear one? “All hopes” are back on track, humans move on to another stage where they are once again guided by high aim, lining up themselves with others they relate so together they are stronger. No time for inner Zeus now, let it rest and start the quest adventure outside/outdoors where you can live and breathe planet earth. The way we judge now is more in tune with reality than what we personally experience life’s events, thus perhaps less biased? Not to brush aside the first, because personal experiences can turn to great perceptiveness etc. A window suddenly opens form inside out – Prosperity & felicity are found in the world, outside us, where we meet people of many different cultures and backgrounds and different experiences. Time to start a new collection of Tauru’s best qualities.
Such a new years’ eve in Zeus style lol. Expect lots of exuberance, plenty of cheerfulness, ebullience, buoyance and greater turn of things? Well, I hope so!