The Astrology of Porn Star Rocco Siffredi
The Astrology of Porn Star Rocco Siffredi
Leo the king rising Rocco Siffredi is an Italian pornographic actor, director, and producer. Although also acting on none-pornographic films, Rocco is known for appearing in more than 1,300 pornographic films, mostly for his anal scenes and rough sex, granting the “Italian Stallion” notoriety, nominations and awards in the modern world.
Observation: Only few things are officially known about his personal life, and neither perplexity AI or ChatGPT seem to give me helpful detailed information divided by timelines, which is a mystery to me, I remember I was a teenager the first time I heard his name and I lived in Brazil that time, like, another continent. Nowadays Rocco has about 543k followers on Instagram (2023).

Regards for Brothers & The Stage Name
To distance himself from his pornographic work, Siffredi changed his surname from “Tano” to “Siffredi” out of respect for his brothers who were not supportive of his career choice and didn’t want to be associated with porn. Leo rising people tend to be very appreciative of their siblings, once usually will have 3rd house cusp Libra, the sign associated with peace. He had no problem changing his name, it actually helped assisting his popularity as “Rocco” – natal Venus kissing as sextile the MC. Observe also natal term-ruler of the 3rd house Saturn (career) in opposition to natal eccentric Uranus and porn Pluto.
Siffredi’s stage name was reportedly inspired by the character “Roch Siffredi” portrayed by Alain Delon in the film Borsalino (1970). He is often referred to as the “Italian Stallion,” a nickname attributed to his well-endowed physique. Observe that another’s person’s name was taken, term-ruler of Ascendant is in natal 7th house of other people’s name, a significant one to him, and that was taken to a career level, where ruler of the Ascendant the Sun sits in the 10th house.
Reputation of the Bull
Not only Rocco was born with natal Sun in the sign of the comfortable bull boarding the Persian degrees of “increasing good fortune” but also culminates (MC) in the radix. He is well known for possessing a “Selfish” (Sun) style in these movies, making positions comfortable for him so he could be assertive no matter how hard it would be for the one being penetrated.
Rocco’s natal 8th house cusp of pornography is Pisces, which ruler is, Jupiter in the house of reputation (MC). Rocco’s signature enthusiastic and rough penetration style gained him a reputation for banging like a raging testosterone-filled stallion. Observe the Stellium in Taurus near testosterone Mars, which is near the MC.
Pornography Career
Saturn is the planet of career and in the root exact conjunct very fortunate fixed star Fomalhaut, also known as Alpha Piscis Austrinus, a prominent reddish star in the Southern Fish constellation. It was one of the four Royal Architects (Stars) of Persia and symbolized the winter solstice as the Watcher of the South. Now, what happened when that Saturn in the 7th house of other significant people is released and met the extreme point of the western horizon circle?
Siffredi met porn actor Leonardo Codazzo in a French sex club in 1985 (the year Pluto was once and for all in Scorpio) and was introduced to producer Marco and director Michela, who cast him in his first pornographic role, in a bizzarre title named as “Attention fillettes… (Watch Out, Little Girls…)” in 1987, in which he performed his first public anal sex?
However, it was only in 1990 the porn career really took off when the Promissor shocking and TV Uranus met the sharp edge of the radix (Ascendant) by direction:
Rocco participated on the porn titlled Buttman’s Ultimate Workout (1990) where he won an award for best group performance (1991). Promissor group-oriented Uranus in the root is bounded with ruler 2nd house of other’s people “Butt” Mercury. The natal Uranus-Pluto conjunction trine the MC – Siffredi’s career has spanned several decades, and he has been involved in thousands of adult films. He has gained a reputation as one of the most prolific and influential figures in the industry. Millionaire Rocco has Promissor Uranus conjunct 2nd house of income along with wealthy Pluto.
He also posted for Playgirl in the December 1990 issue, as the centrefold. Promissor Venus is also ruler of the LoF (Lot of Fortune) in the root.

SR1990 had sex-oriented Scorpio rising while boarding the Persian of “Increasing in Good Fortune”, with the Ascendant in terms with Mars while porn star Pluto rises. In such chart, the returning Sun is sextile ruler of the Ascendant Mars. Leo was culminating. It was time. Observe also, that transiting Mars of such SR1990 was opposite his natal Pluto.
Many things concerning sex & pornography (Mars-Pluto-Venus) were going on astrologically, the Taurus-Scorpio was heavily activated during the half-year 1990. However, there was a focus, and that was business oriented once Taurus culminates in the root, plus Venus was the Lord of the Year, as Libra was the Profected Ascendant of 1990. Natal Venus is found in the 11th house of videos! Since July 1990 “fornication” Venus was also, Governor of the Distribution of the Ascendant through the bounds of the Zodiac.
2nd House and Other’s People Anus
His career has made him a recognizable and controversial figure, and he has been both praised and criticized for his contributions to the adult entertainment industry. Observe that vexed Uranus conjunction rising with porn star Pluto in the 2nd house? Rocco has also filmed gay porn, which for many male fans that came as surprise.
While the 8th house in a native’s chart indicates one’s anus conditions, it is the 2nd place from the Ascendant of any chart where your partner’s anus and private parts are located, because it is the 8th place from the 7th house of one’s partner. Rocco has ruler of 2nd house of partner’s anus Mercury conjunct the MC, his reputation for be hunger for anal is persistent.
Ruler of 8th house of Rocco’s private parts is large Jupiter, which in turn conjunct the Sun in thick Taurus. It is known in the industry that Rocco Siffredi’s erect penis should be around 8.5″ (22 cm)? A really Zeus things hanging in there, not to mention the thickness.
Retirement & Sex Addiction
Addiction-oriented Neptune in sexual Scorpio in the underground angle of Earth opposite that Stellium in powerfully sensual Taurus. Now, when such sexual addiction was activated and very noticeable? When that ruler of the Ascendant Promissor Sun met Significator sensual Venus by direction in the root:
After retiring in 2004, Rocco Siffredi faced a challenging battle with sex addiction. He would often vanish from home for days at a time to engage in sexual encounters, not limiting himself to any specific group, as he had intimate encounters with seniors, trans women, and men.
Worth remember that Venus is out of Sect in the chart and aspects the ruler of Neptune in Scorpio, Mars. Venus and Mars are the planets of desires and sexual encounters (fornication). Rocco couldn’t help but to surrender to beauty and sex in an obsessive way that he become an addicted to it. The Sun in the root is bounded with Jupiter, ruler of 8th house of obsession, sex and death.
Now, can you guess what was the Governor of the Distribution of the Ascendant through the bounds of the Zodiac? It was highly sexual & testosterone Mars! He wanted to assert, penetrate, insert, ejaculate etc. – Such Governor we use in order to visualize where the native intentionally puts him or herself in situations regarding the position of that planet in the root.
Alternatively, what was the native interested in? In 2004 the Profected Ascendant changed from Scorpio and turned to Sagittarius, the sign on the cusp of 5th house of sexual brief encounters, fun and games, which also, has Jupiter as ruler, and we already know such position in the radix.
Interesting to note is that SR2004 (not shown) had returning Sun involved in a Grand T-Square with Neptune in Aquarius and Moon in Scorpio.
The Return & Retire Again
Interesting Fact: His wife, Rosa Caracciolo, supported his porn career, and even appeared in one film alongside him. Observe natal ruler of 7th house Saturn in the 7th house of our significant other, while sextile (kisses) all that Stellium in Taurus in the 10th house of career.
In 2009 the Distribution of the Ascendant was then Jupiter as Governor of the period. It was already discussed the wild position of Jupiter in the root – he was interested back again in pornography (8th house Jupiter ruler).
Now, how that could turn into a major event? When Promissor porn-star Pluto anti-culminates in the radix “in Mundo”, a new phase of the Porn Star had been reset and the world saw it:
The Return
In 2009 Rocco Siffredi made the decision to return to the adult film industry.
Rocco discussed it with his wife. She acknowledged that his choice was his own problem and didn’t affect her or their children. She gave him her support, saying that if he wanted to go back, he should do so. Remember that Promissor Pluto is conjunct by Uranus in the radix, co-ruler of 7th house of partner, which in turn both trine the Stellium in Taurus and indeed the degree of the MC (career & profession).
Retires Again
However, after an extended period of intense work and being away from home, Siffredi retired again in 2015 to prioritize his marriage when promissor Pluto is configured to the same direction from above but this time in the Zodiac, it was a very personal time for. He realized that his wife deserved to be his sole focus, without having to share him with other women. His wife expressed her love for him and curiosity about the new version of him that would emerge.
Sex Education
In 2015, Siffredi launched a petition demanding sex education become mandatory in Italy’s schools. He offered to teach sex education in schools himself. – “Pornography should be entertainment, but due to lacking alternatives, it has become a means to learn, especially for young people,” Siffredi
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Rocco Siffredi (@roccosiffredi_official) • Instagram photos and videos