Horoscopes for all rising signMundanePredictions 2023

Saturn Ingresses into Pisces – March 2023 [Short Review and Insights]   

Saturn Ingresses into Pisces – March 2023 [Short Review and Insights]

Strong Westernizing: When Saturn enters Pisces this March 7th 2023 [‘till February 2026], it will actually join by sign the Sun, detriment Mercury and Neptune already in Pisces. According to the Sun, Saturn at the entrance will be past gone its “under the rays” and begin its Persian “strong easternization”. A great post, also Saturn will be exact at the center of the ecliptic along with the Sun – Such a powerful ingress of Saturn!

Full Moon Day: The thing is, there will be a full Moon in Virgo opposing forces and saying ‘no’ to this new entrance, as consequence, integration shall be put to practice. Such event will have the full moon square Mars still in Gemini. A suspicious lunation.

Putting the phase of the Moon aside, Saturn transiting Pisces may be good for a few astrological reasons. Saturn rejoices in the 12th house. Pisces is the 12th sign of the Zodiac. Signs have no expression of its own unless a planet traverses its tropical degrees to tell they are actually this and that way, thus it will resemble a 12th house topics. Although not a special position [it is not exalted or domicile], the transit shall bring good things related to the planet.

Awesome Conjunction: Term-ruler of the 1st degrees of Pisces is Venus. Great news is that the ruler of this Saturn-Sun-Mercury-Neptune in Pisces is Jupiter “westernizing” from the Sun’s body, which will be transiting conjunct detriment Venus in Aries. What a great new hit/trend!

Fixed Star: Ruler Neptune will be at 24° degree conjunct Markab while square Mars. Drowning, explosion in the ocean, seas and rivers, ships etc.

It will be a bit of an ambiguous entrance if you consider Neptune first ruler of Pisces. If not, ignore the ambiguity, because then Jupiter will rule such Ingress and is conjunct its benefic Venus.

Personal Insights – a serious detox in the area of life the planet is transiting will be needed. The pope and people like that will be likely on the news for serious business, so many planets in Pisces at such Ingress tells us religion will be highlighted, blind beliefs, etc. Prison reforms; Learning how to integrate a dream into reality; a real/serious dream; the impossible happens; a major contract/signature; abolishment of an old religious law/rule; a great pact   


JD ♣