The Astrology of Jessica Alba
The Astrology of Actress Jessica Alba

By Jenny Dusky
American actress whose film and television career skyrocketed in the late 1990s
sun: taqurus
moon: aquarius
asc: leo in terms with mars
Read this in-depth astrological analyzes utilizing ancient techniques and acknowledge more the astrology of actresses
chart | speculum | profections | firdaria | directions | transits | SR's | future
life of famous and wealthy actress - first tv series as lead [dark angel] - honest cia
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INTRODUCTION: I remember the first time I watched the TV series ‘Dark Angel’ [2000] from James Cameron, I saw ‘Max’ [Alba’s character] and thought to myself “this is the future me” – I projected, I felt in love with that character, I wanted to be her, she inspired my best self when I was a teenager and even in adulthood I feel the same when I re-watch all episodes in DVD. I admire Jessica Alba and her career until today, and I in my personal opinion, Dark Angel was one of the best role she ever played in. I am stunned that this series didn’t go further to many more seasons, and not conformed with the fact that are still no reboot, and if it does, I really hope it won’t be glossy or too high-tech. I even thought about writing a script for the continuation lol but never had the courage.
When and actor or actress gets to be more famous (expansion/fanaticism) in the collective mind usually happens once their role in the movie perfectly pictures a strong configuration from their natal charts, where a character is played naturally by the nativity in which spontaneously drives the role into a higher level, because their are actually playing a part – and thus imitating life/energy.
Life as “Imitator”: We are about to analyze the chart of a great actress, a competent imitator of life. I am not to address it specifically, however, one should have in mind the planets in bi-corporeal signs [Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces] once they are mutable signs of the zodiac, also a major aspect between Moon, Mercury, Uranus and Neptune, and sometimes Venus and Jupiter; the 12th house and specially if Moon is in there or rejoiced in the 3rd house of body-expression – in primary directions we usually see directions from ruler or term-ruler of 11th house of broadcasting [TV] and 12th house of cinema [projection]. The article though, will focus more on the success and fame [Saturn], popularity [Venus and Jupiter] and moments of glory and victory.
"My theory is that if you look confident you can pull off anything - even if you have no clue what you're doing."
Jessica Alba is a Taurus Sun with Stellium in it including Mercury, Venus and Mars! This actress is actually quite sensual [Taurus+Venus] and represents well the sexiness of Taurean people. Notice that the majority of her performances on TV or movies, she’s usually a strong character, where directors of those used the best of her body in order to assert sensuality, seductiveness, provocation, etc. everything that may arouse others in the most physical sense as possible. Despite all the sexiness and libidinous arousing Alba makes without any exclusive effort, the women is gifted with talent for acting and also, for business. Now, put this Stellium energy in the 9th house, you got someone really confident in what they do for living.
"No matter how different women are, we all seem to share the guilt that we're not doing enough. If anything, I would say that as long as you're doing your best, it's more than enough."
Earth signs are the signs of business, and add Saturn and Venus or even Pluto, you have quite an industrial person. Now, add Saturn-Jupiter in Libra in the 2nd house of Taurus, you have someone that wants to do the best, to excel in whatever they put their effort into. In January 2012, Jessica Alba had made the move from award-winning actress to super-successful entrepreneur – Alba co-founded The Honest Company, a consumer goods company that sells non-toxic household products, and owns between 15-20 percent of the company. Saturn is the Almudebit or victorious planet of the her radix.
"Having the right partners also means having people you like. They're all people I wouldn't mind getting stuck with at an airport for five hours."
Many beautiful celebrities have a personal planet connected to a star at the Andromeda constellation. For example Kim Kardashian has the lot of fortune conjunct the fixed star Almach, John Lennon had Jupiter/Saturn, Mick Jagger has Mars conjunct it, Henry Ford had Pluto conjunct it, etc. Kyle Jenner however has another part of the Andromeda constellation aspecting Mars and 4th house cusp, the fixed star Mirach, and Britney Spears has Jupiter opposite it. This is a very fortunate region of the skies to be under operation, a benefic constellation lets say it. Many astrologers including Ptolemy associated it to the nature of Venus, and sometimes that of Mercury-Virgo and also Jupiter-Sagittarius, which would exert honor and eminence. Almach has the power to chain things up, as as well as to free them whenever they want, as if the power of attraction is highlighted in this part of the skies, where the ‘invisible’ chain reaches kilometers of distance. Some arts the constellation is shown the hands with chains, others the/her feet.
Dark Angel is an American cyberpunk television series that premiered on the Fox network on October 3, 2000. Created by James Cameron and Charles H. Eglee, it starred Jessica Alba in her breakthrough role. Set in 2019, the series chronicles the life of Max Guevara (Alba), a genetically enhanced super-soldier who escapes from a covert military facility as a child.
Super soldier Max Guevara tries to live a normal life in post-apocalyptic Seattle while eluding capture by government agents and searching for her genetically-enhanced brothers and sisters who have dispersed after escape.
The high-budget pilot episode marked Cameron’s television debut and was heavily promoted by Fox, reaching 17.4 million viewers. The first season, which was shown on Tuesday nights in the U.S., received mainly positive reviews and won several awards, including the People’s Choice Award for Favorite New TV Drama. Alba’s portrayal of Max also received mostly positive reviews and several awards. And although both seasons are excellent, I personally prefer the second season.
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The Genethliacal Chart
Speculum - Aspects - Almudebit
Chronocractors, Primary & Secondary Directions, Transits, Eclipses, etc.
timeline of major events
- 1993- she enrolled in acting classes when she was 12, and within a year, she had an agent. Her feature film debut came in 1993 in the comedy movie, "Camp Nowhere," and she followed that success by landing several national television commercials
- 2000- Jessica was cast in the leading role on TV’s "Dark Angel" in 2000. As "Max," Alba was instrumental in making the new show one of the most talked about series for that year

the force of desire
- 2000; October 3rd - series 'Dark Angel' is premiered [season 1]
- Profected Ascendant in Pisces [natal 8th house]
- 2012; January - co-founded The Honest Company
- Profected Ascendant in Aquarius [natal 7th house]
2000: Alba’s TV breakthrough as leading role in youth, happened quite early in her life, when she was still 18 years old! and already with such developed talent in acting, it is natural for her as I can tell. A year before it is premiered, profected annual Ascendant was natal 7th house, foreseeing contracts in business. A year later, she had began being watched and commented by the world in a series of great impact and polemical to say the least. As her annual ascendant progressed throughout the year, it was soon after her birthday in 1999 that it changed to Pisces, which profected the 7th house even until 2000.
2012: Relatively 12 years later, when annual Ascendant came back to natal 7th house of contracts and business partner and co-founders, Jessica Alba co-founded ‘The Honest Company’.
FUTURE JESSICA & 2023: Relatively 12 years later, when annual Ascendant will come back to natal 7th house of contracts and business partner, I wonder what kind of contracts she will be delving into… to a movie? series on Netflix? another business partner? Jupiter the greater benefic will be in Taurus conjunct Jessica’s Stellium, while Saturn will be transiting 7th house of contracts and profected annual ascendant for such period.
major directions
For the confusion of the student of primary directions, you realize that are many directions in the same period that those of major angular or planetary motion; there are the aspectual directions and directions to cusps, which can also dictate a thing or two directly to the event but first pointed out by a major direction alone. For this reason, it is essential to distillate signs, planets and aspects to their maximum, as this technique gives objective results rather than subjective.
1993 – When natal Venus/Almach reached natal Mars by primary motion, she enrolled in acting classes and within a year, she had an agent. Her feature film debut came in 1993 in the comedy movie, “Camp Nowhere,” and she followed that success by landing several national television commercials. Venus is 10th house ruler, the house of career, while Mars is classical ruler of Alba’s 4th cusp, the house of major beginnings; thus, a major career beginning in such early age.
2000 – When the ruler of 11th house of TV broadcasting reached by primary direction the opposition of the planet that naturally governs such house and indeed is ruler of everything that broadcasts on TV?
- Mercury ruler of 11th house of TV broadcast
- Uranus rules TV shows & broadcasting through waves
Exactly, Jessica was cast in the leading role on TV’s “Dark Angel”. As “Max,” Alba was instrumental in making the new show one of the most talked about series for that year. The series perfectly synthesized her Leo rising bounded with Mars as already pictured earlier in the archive.
Now, observe that are 4 arcs above in the picture. But actually, is just the movement of 2 planets, that of Mercury and that of Uranus. I choose then only to show your how complex is primary directions. The student may wonder “what the hell would/should I choose?” – the one that gives better result, and that will depend on the astrologer’s experience on the technique. Note that the actual motion of the bodies [mundane (M) or direction in mundo] from promissor Mercury (11th house) and significator Uranus (TV) in their opposition, is the direction of true result, giving almost the exact date when the show is premiered, a month off would already be a great reason to rectify the chart plus a few minutes, but I won’t because also it is not an angular direction (although it takes place among the 4th-10th angular axis) and Uranus is retrograde in the chart, delaying such Arc. As the time went by, the dynamism of the Arc between the opposition of those 2 planets increased, so was the show which 2nd season premiered a year later on 2001.
Worth remember also the directions that took place at the same period: Venus opposite Pluto and Saturn conjunct Pluto. Period of Andromeda, power and fame.
- Victorious of Jessica's radix is Saturn
- Transiting Saturn in the 10th house of career+life direction
- Transiting Saturn trine natal benefic Jupiter and Almudebit Saturn
- Sun the glorious, the leading role, is ruler of Jessica's radix
- Transiting Sun conjunct Jupiter/Saturn conjunction
October 3rd, 2000 – Congruence: The Dark Angel is premiered and the pilot is on air. Uranus, the planet that dictates many of the TV shows during its transit in a particular Zodiacal sign, was transiting Aquarius, the sign it rules, the sign of the ‘genetic engineering’ army/organization of high scale. The planet of transiting the sign of Alba’s Moon position.
Observe that transiting Saturn, the organic ruler of 10th house, was indeed back and forth Jessica’s angular 10th house cusp – foreseeing piratically 2 years of success [thus the series ‘success’]. However, Saturn also blocks… 2 years later the series is canceled. The Sun, the leading role in us all was transiting conjunction Alba’s natal greater benefic Jupiter and Victorious Saturn, while the transiting Saturn up in the 10th was trine the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction.
In 2022 – We already discussed Jessica’s future in 2023 by annual profections, and add the Jupiter direction to the 1st house and transiting Saturn in the 7th, we expect Jessica starting or continuing a major step. By earlier in 2021, transiting Jupiter will be in Jessica’s 7th house! By Firdaria technique, Jessica will be under the period and sub-period of Almudebit or Victorious Saturn, foreseeing quality of time better than usual, natal Saturn conjuncts Jupiter, the greater benefic and promissor of the direction above, followed by the one of victorious Saturn in 2025.
In 2025 – Profected annual Ascendant for 2025 is natal 9th house, the natural house of Jupiter, and where the Taurus Stellium in Jessica’s chart is located. This specific year will be quite busy for her, which will affect not only the Sun [honor], but also Mercury [skills], Venus [talents] and Mars [winning, being the first, desires]. Venus is the planet with most essential dignities in the Stellium, but since the Sun rules the 1st house of self, the Sun then becomes paramount over the natal Stellium formation. In 2025, will be the exact year when transiting Uranus will conjunct Alba’s natal 10th house cusp, the career house. A sudden change in choices of movie’ role perhaps? Another bold change in career, or in business? A leap of faith will she take?
One should have in mind to investigate the dates in Solar returns and primary directions attached to them – another time lord system simultaneously applied, eclipses, progressions if needed, etc. but I won’t do it for now.
end of article
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Jenny Dusky

More about the Author, books and general background.
Since 2008 – Western Astrology Applied / Placidus House System / Tropical Fixed Stars
Since 2017 – Primary Directions / Chronocractors
Last Time Saturn was conjunct Pluto in the sign of Capricorn was in 1518. Watch the video to see what happened that year and how mass hysteria took place.